
The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)

Honestly, I designed Naruto's personality in opposite the Manga/Anime. Although Naruto is my favorite, I wanted to craft a character who experiences betrayal from a loved one and becomes cold hearted, this is the story of Naruto the Military Commando. In my story, his son, Aqua Hoshino, differs from the original Oshi No Ko character. I wasn't fond of how Aqua toyed with Akane and Kana's hearts, so I created him to be the son that Naruto truly deserves. I hope you enjoy my narrative.

The_Mystry · Anime et bandes dessinées
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72 Chs

The Beginning of War Pt-2

After arriving at the designated building, the team gathered around, ready to execute their plan.

Daniel: We're at the target location.

Ichigo: This time, I won't let my brothers slip away.

Daniel pointed out an approaching figure, catching everyone's attention.

Daniel: And it seems we have company.

As the stranger revealed himself, everyone except Daniel was taken by surprise.

Shorta: Hey there, folks.

Sanji greeted him with a mix of irritation and curiosity.

Sanji: Shorta, causing trouble as usual, I see. How's life treating you?

Shorta shrugged nonchalantly.

Shorta: Can't complain, Sensei. Just enjoying the finer things in life. And you, with Miyako San?

Sanji's expression turned solemn.

Sanji: Let's just say life's become a bit more restrictive.

Shorta then presented the blueprints of the building, which Ichigo examined closely.

Ichigo: Looks like there's a basement. We'll clear out the upper levels first, then move to the basement.

As they entered the building, Ichigo and Luffy took point, swiftly taking down any guards that crossed their path with their impeccable combat skills.

Ichigo: Stay close, Luffy. We need to clear each floor systematically.

Luffy nodded, his fists crackling with anticipation.

Meanwhile, Sanji and Zoro teamed up, their partnership seamless as they navigated through the corridors.

Sanji: Keep an eye out for any stragglers, Zoro. We can't afford any surprises.

Zoro grunted in agreement, his swords at the ready.

Aqua and Shorta covered each other's backs, their movements fluid as they made their way through the building.

Aqua: Watch out for traps, Shorta. They might try to slow us down.

Shorta nodded, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger.

Together, the three teams worked in harmony, clearing each floor methodically and efficiently. Their coordination was impeccable, each member complementing the other's strengths as they fought their way through the building.

After what felt like hours, they finally reached the basement, where they knew their true challenge awaited them. But with their unwavering determination and formidable teamwork, they were more than ready to face whatever lay ahead.

As they descended into the basement, they were met with a horde of zombies, their eyes glowing with an eerie light.

Daniel: Moon Breathing!

Shorta: Flame Breathing!

Zoro: Demon Breathing!

Sanji: Flame Breathing!

Ichigo: Hollow Breathing!

Luffy: Light Breathing!

Their voices echoed in the dimly lit room as they unleashed their respective breathing techniques, each one pulsating with energy as they faced the undead horde.

The zombies stumbled back, overwhelmed by the sheer force of their combined attacks. Flames licked at the air, shadows danced across the walls, and beams of light pierced through the darkness, illuminating their path.

As they fought, their movements were a blur of speed and precision. Daniel sliced through the zombies with graceful arcs of his sword, Shorta engulfed them in flames, Zoro cleaved through their ranks with his mighty swords, Sanji kicked and punched with fiery ferocity, Ichigo's strikes resonated with hollow power, and Luffy's movements were as swift as a beam of light.

Together, they carved a path through the undead, pushing forward with unwavering determination. Each breath they took fueled their strength, driving them onward as they battled against the forces of darkness.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they emerged victorious, the last of the zombies crumbling to the ground. Breathing heavily, they looked at each other, a sense of accomplishment shining in their eyes.

Daniel: That was intense, but we made it through.

Shorta: Yeah, thanks to our combined efforts.

Zoro: We make a pretty good team, don't we?

Sanji: Definitely. Let's keep moving forward.

Ichigo: Agreed. We can't let anything stand in the way of rescuing our brothers.

Luffy: Right! Let's go!

As they descended deeper into the darkness, a foreboding feeling settled over them. Suddenly, they came face to face with unexpected adversaries.

Stranger: You've come far, but your journey ends here.

Daniel and the others were taken aback by the appearance of the stranger.

Ichigo: Albert Wesker... What are you doing here?

Wesker smirked, his eyes gleaming with malice.

Wesker: Oh, just a little entertainment. I've been itching for a challenge.

Another figure stepped forward from the shadows.

Stranger: And it seems you brought some friends. Shame Naruto isn't here to join the fun.

Daniel's fists clenched in anger as he recognized the newcomer.

Daniel: Danzo... You're still causing trouble even now.

Just then, two more figures emerged from the darkness.

Zoro: King!

Sanji: Queen!

King: Luffy took down our master, Kaido. Now it's our turn to take him down.

Zoro and Sanji exchanged determined looks.

Zoro/Sanji: Not on our watch.

As King and Queen fused themselves with the Umbrella serum, their combined form towered over Zoro and Sanji, exuding an intimidating aura.

Zoro: Damn it, this isn't good.

Sanji: We need to find a way to break through their defenses!

Despite their best efforts, Zoro and Sanji found themselves on the defensive, struggling to keep up with the overwhelming strength and agility of their fused opponents.

King and Queen: You're no match for our power!

With each strike, Zoro and Sanji were pushed further back, their attacks barely making a dent in their opponents' defenses.

Zoro: We need to come up with a plan, Sanji!

Sanji: Agreed, but we can't afford to let our guard down!

As they fought on, Zoro and Sanji exchanged quick glances, silently communicating their next move. With a nod of understanding, they coordinated their attacks, aiming to exploit any weaknesses in King and Queen's fused form.

Zoro: Three Sword Style - Lion's Roar!

Sanji: Sky Walk - Flame Hurricane Kick!

Their combined assault managed to catch King and Queen off guard, momentarily staggering them and creating an opening.

Zoro: Now's our chance, Sanji!

Sanji: Right! Let's finish this!

With renewed determination, Zoro and Sanji unleashed a barrage of powerful attacks, focusing their strength on breaking through King and Queen's defenses.

Zoro: Santoryu Ogi: Three Thousand Worlds!

Sanji: Diable Jambe: Collier Strike!

Their combined efforts paid off as they delivered a devastating blow to King and Queen, causing them to stagger and weaken.

King and Queen: Impossible... How could we lose...

With a final surge of strength, Zoro and Sanji delivered the finishing blow, sending King and Queen crashing to the ground in defeat.

Zoro: That takes care of them.

Sanji: Yeah, but let's not lower our guard just yet.

Together, Zoro and Sanji stood victorious, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in their mission to save Ichigo and Luffy's brothers.

The clash between Daniel, Shorta, and Danzo was fierce and intense. Each blow was met with equal force as they fought relentlessly in the dimly lit underground basement.

Daniel: We have to take him down, Shorta!

Shorta: Right behind you, Aqua!

Their synchronized attacks pushed Danzo on the defensive, but he proved to be a formidable opponent, countering their every move with precision and skill.

Danzo: You think you can defeat me? You're nothing but mere amateurs!

Daniel gritted his teeth, pushing himself to his limits as he exchanged blows with Danzo.

Daniel: We'll see about that!

Shorta: We won't let you get away with your crimes, Danzo!

As the battle raged on, Daniel and Shorta began to gain the upper hand, overwhelming Danzo with their combined strength and determination. But just when victory seemed within their grasp, Danzo reached for a vial containing a mysterious serum.

Daniel: What's he doing?

Shorta: Be careful, Aqua!

With lightning speed, Danzo injected himself with the serum, his body convulsing as he underwent a transformation. The serum enhanced his abilities, making him even more dangerous than before.

Danzo: Now, you'll truly witness the power of a true Chaos!

As Danzo relentlessly attacked, Daniel's eyes caught sight of a nearby pool of water, illuminated by the faint glow of the circuit board nearby. With a quick nod to Shorta, they both understood each other's intentions.

Daniel: Shorta, follow my lead!

Shorta: Got it, Aqua!

With a swift and coordinated movement, Daniel and Shorta maneuvered themselves closer to the pool of water, narrowly dodging Danzo's strikes.

Danzo: You can't escape me!

But Daniel had a plan. As Danzo lunged forward for another attack, Daniel made his move, grabbing Danzo's arm and redirecting his momentum towards the pool of water.

Daniel: Now, Shorta!

Shorta wasted no time, unleashing a powerful surge of flames towards the circuit board beside the pool. The flames ignited the circuitry, causing a sudden electrical surge that surged through the water.

The water became charged with electricity, creating a dangerous trap for Danzo. As he stumbled into the electrified pool, he let out a cry of pain as the powerful currents coursed through his body.

Danzo: Arghhh! What have you done?!

Daniel and Shorta watched as Danzo writhed in agony, unable to escape the electrified pool. With their enemy incapacitated, they knew it was their chance to finally defeat him.

Daniel: It's over, Danzo. You've lost.

Shorta: Face the consequences of your Actions.

Despite his defiance, Danzo was unable to withstand the combined might of Daniel and Shorta. With a defeated expression, he reluctantly acknowledged his defeat.

Danzo: You may have won this battle, but the war is far from over.

As Daniel and Shorta restrained him, they knew that their victory today was a significant blow to Danzo's plans. But they also understood that their fight against the forces of evil was far from finished.