

The battle has erupted and all forms of cordiality and pretence had been shed before it even began. How could the Imperial Dragon Corps still not act when it is clear the BlueFlame palace was not going to give in to the emperor's demand?

This was what the Emperor might have intended to happen, that was why he sent the whole Imperial Dragon Corp contingent to invite The Blue Flame Empress over. It was a bit of a shock when he was summoned to lead his men to invite the second consort.

Since when had it become necessary for a whole thousand-man contingent to go over to invite an Imperial Consort to the Golden Palace? His majesty even sent that annoying Eunich Yan who provoked their opponent to attack.

Now any chance of negotiating had fallen through and the only way out is to fight until the opposition falls. How many men would fall with the opponent remains to be determined.

As the general was thinking and lamenting in his heart about this outcome, the first clash had already been made and both sides were suffering casualties by the block of an eye. As the commander of the Imperial Corps, he knew this was just the beginning as the real fighting force of both sides are yet to enter the battle.

There were battle cries, cries and wails of anguish by the injured and the clash of weapons. Sword intent and sword qi were running rampant without any restraint as both sides seek to break through their opponents.

Loud detonations rocked the Golden Imperial City this early dawn and the tremor could be felt by many li outside the Imperial capital. It was a fierce battle from the start very start.

This is a testament to the anger and resentment the BlueFlame Mornach army held against the Imperial Dragon Corps soldiers. All their pent-up anger erupted and gave them motivation and strength beyond what they could usually muster on a normal day.

Due to the Blue Flame Mornach army not holding anything back and them fighting to the death; the Imperial Dragons Corp's first stallion of a thousand men was immediately swept through after an hour.

The Blue Flame Monarch army barely lost a quarter of their one-thousand-man battalion after their battle and was still brimming with fighting spirit. They shouted their Battle cry once more.

"The Blueflame empire shall reign forever!!, The Blueflame empire shall reign forever!!!!, The Blueflame empire shall reign forever!!!!," their shout caused a slight tremor throughout the Black Dragon Imperial City.

The Imperial Dragon Corps sent forth another two thousand-man battalions in Respond to their war chants. To show their advantage in numbers, to weaken the enemy's morale and also to quickly dispatch off the enemy battalion to wash away the shame of their first defeat

General in charge of the Imperial Dragon Corps called the rest of his men to assemble and be ready to move out to battle. He intends to send out his entire army in the next clash to prevent the opponent from re-motivating themselves from what he expects to be a crushing defeat from his two thousand-man battalions soon.

Alas, he couldn't have been more wrong, as the crushing defeat never took place. Rather the Blue Flame Monarch armies were like a wounded save demon beast and the two thousand men began falling one after the other.

There were moaning and groaning on the disorderly battlefield. Amputated arms, legs, bodies hacked into half, heads without bodies and bodies without heads had begun to accumulate after six hours of battling.

Those watching the battle in the clouds were shocked, how can a thousand-man battalion contend against three thousand men a man and still maintain an open hand?

Even though they wouldn't be allowed to approach the Golden Imperial City? Powerful cultivators could still ride the clouds or their treasure swords and use their heavenly gazes to observe the battle from miles away.

The Blue Flame Empress and the rest of her two thousand-man armies sat on her throne surrounded by her men as the battle unfolded. She was very aware that the battle had barely begun.

The other side still had seven thousand men and other Imperial Corps could be summoned should the need arise. She had already dented her two thousand-man Imperial guards to escort the servant and children out of the Blueflame palace earlier.

This was the remaining of the Blue Flame Royal family, she couldn't allow the family to be destroyed. So they had long prepared in the long years they spent in the Imperial city to dig secret tunnels miles underground

This tunnel lead the entrants to one of the many forbidden realms that they could escape into. This secret realm was the Blue Flame Empire's Royal clan's ancestral ground.

Not many knew of its existence, on the high-ranking members of the Imperial family knew of this. The main purpose was to give those people a chance to reach the secret realm safely.

This was the motivation behind the Blue Flame Mornach army's battle prowess, they were fighting for their family. Their wives and children for them to reach safety must fight and create this charade.

She sat quietly and observed the battle, she was clothed in white and blue battle armour. And the Blue Flame burnt on an altar behind her giving her an otherworldly and Godlike appearance.

Everyone on those walls was prepared to fight till their last breath to protect their families. That was motivation beyond the comprehension of the Imperial Dragon army who had no family to think of.

The members of the Imperial Dragon Corps were selected from childhood and groomed into soldiers that must possess neither property nor a family. This is to make them emotionless killing machines for the emperor.

The battle on the ground continued with both sides suffering huge losses. The Blue Flame Monarch army had less than three hundred men left on the battlefield. But the Imperial Dragon Corpd two thousand man army badass the five hundred soldiers left at this point.

The Imperial Dragon Corp general was dismayed and outraged with the outcome. This is their home turf and they had more men but continued to lose consecutively.

He ordered for the war machines to be brought forward. Each of these war machines was created to shoot in rapid succession five feet long arrows of a hundred rounds per shot.

As the war Chinese were been lined up, the Imperial Dragon Corps broke into a battle chant that caused the whole Imperial City to quake. "Dragons, undefeated !!, dragons, we shall never fall!!!, yes yes, yes".

The countenance of the Blue Flame Empress changed slightly. These machines must not be allowed to be released. It's true that most of the soldiers were peak spirit realm cultivators and could hold their own.

But these war machines known as the Dragon Fangs had arrows made from ancient divine metals melted by the fires of a true dragon's breath. It used to be the Blue Flame Empires ace card back then.

After their defeat, the Black Dragon Emperor seized them and brought them to his capital to use as their own. They have been using it since then to defeat the countries under the former Blue Flame empire.

Ironically today, they want to use it against its original owners. But the Blue Flame army did not stop their slaughter of the Imperial Dragon Corps. That was how prepared there were to die.

The remaining Imperial Dragon Corp soldiers on the battle field were summoned back by the sound of a war horn. They disengage from the battle and turned to run back towards their side.

In their escape, the Blue Flame Monarc soldiers run after them and cut them down fiercely and before the machines could be aligned within firing range, none of the Imperial Dragon Corp soldiers remained on the battlefield. They all had been cut down.

This infuriated the Imperial Dragon Corp General and he gave the order for the Dragon Fangs to be released upon the enemy. What a shameful showing from the soldiers of the Imperial Dragon Corp army!

What should have been an easy task had become a humiliating encounter. Ten thousand men were brought over by him to intimidate their opponent into surrendering. But it rather infuriated them into going all out causing him to lose face.

He was a mighty Genrsl of the Almighty Imperial Dragon Corps, a regiment that only answers to the Son of Heaven himself. They were feared broad and wide across the empire and beyond.

Yet here he was been taken on a ride by an army he had defeated before. Dogs without a home and a woman!!. He was so furious that black lines could be seen on his face.

As the last soldier fell, the Blue Flame Monarchs who had about a hundred and fifty men stopped and flew on their treasured swords back towards their castle to join the rest of the Blue Flame Contingents.

They had regrouped to jointly fend off the incoming dragon Fangs. Being a weapon crafted by their nation how could they not know of its power They knew they couldn't withstand it.

The dragon fang was released from the war machine as they shot through the afternoon sky towards the Blue Flame Palace. There were about twenty war machines with a hundred dragon fang arrows each.

Their share numbers as they streaked through the sky towards the Blue Flame palace which looked minuscule in comparison to the large shower of two thousand five feet arrows that were about to rain down on them.

All the spectators of the battle hidden within the clouds had given up on the Blue Flame palace. The arrows had blocked out the early evening sun as they stressed through the sky.

Can the Blue Flame palace withstand this onslaught or is this the end of their heroic resistance?

Kashsenams thoughts

Hi family how are you all today? Am glad to be on this journey with you.

Please I hope you are enjoying this so far.

I am going to start a forum on Dao, so I would communicate the details with you once it's done so we can chat there.


More votes and power stones, please.