
The Archduke's Songbird

Lady Jessamyn brought home a ten-year-old orphan when she was eight. He was handsome ^_~. She provided him with a place to stay and warm meals. As they grew up, she desired to marry him, despite their differing statuses. As war raged, he signed up for the military, promising to ask for her hand when he was worthy. Two years later, he became more than what he promised he would be. He became the Archduke of Ayberia. But he broke her heart by marrying her friend. Years rolled away; life happened. She married a man who loved her and fell madly in love with him. She didn't think of him again. But fate was cruel; she was widowed at the age of twenty-one. She lost everything. Seven years later, she met a mysterious wolf while she was out at work in the Archduke's fief. She had a fall. The next morning, she found herself on the Archduke's bed. Did fate bring them together again? Or something nefarious is at play?  Is this a chance for a second love? Will she find out why he abandoned her in the past? Is it possible to rekindle their old love, or is it too late? ----- Join me in this journey. Your comments and votes are appreciated. Gift me to motivate me. Updates will be daily.

Golda · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
361 Chs

Broken Hope


Lady Cordelia was startled to hear the arrow go off. "Whoops! The crossbow went off accidentally," Jessamyn smiled awkwardly and stood up.

At that moment, the serene silence of the forest was broken by the distant sound of hooves pounding against the earth. The rhythm of a galloping horse grew louder, a powerful heartbeat that echoed through the trees.

Jessamyn and Cordelia turned their heads toward the source of the noise, their breath hitching in unison. The tension in the air thickened as if the entire forest held its breath along with them.

Then, a voice pierced through the night, resonating with an intensity that sent shivers down Jessamyn's spine. It was deep and abysmal, filled with worry and urgency. "Cordelia!"

The name hung in the air, carrying a weight of desperation and fear that tugged at Jessamyn's heart. She could hear the anguish in that single word, the kind of fear that could only come from someone who cared deeply.