
The Archangel of Fallen : Divinity Slayer

I, am the Heavenly Being who once occupied the highest rank among all beings in the universe. I am the only one who deserves to be honored by heaven and earth, Hell and Heaven, because I am the Archangel who rules over all domination. However, everything changed when I committed an unforgivable sin. And that sins too, has made me loses everything that I am proud of. They would call me a Cursed Being more evil than a Satan, they consider me to be an impure Being and they also consider me to be a being who destroys all hopes of Humans, Angels and all other living Beings. But what they didn't know, they had absolutely no apparent reason to think of me that way, because they knew absolutely nothing about me and how I could fall from all my Grace and Glory. However, even though they all think of me as such, I am still an Angel who will remain faithful to my Creator. I will fly back to Heaven, to cleanse every evil they have bestowed upon me. Because I, am the Archangel who can never fall! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch the Story of a Fallen Archangel, to return to Heaven and cleanse all his unforgivable sins in the latest Fanfic Story: ×The Archangel of Fallen: Divinity Slayer× © Highschool DxD • Ichie Ishibumi ©

Maulana_Skyiz · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Chapter 14 : A Sinner... Never Changes... Falling From Grace... Again...

Chapter 14.

A Sinner... Never Changes... Falling From Grace... Again...


After a big incident that happened a few days ago, precisely when Issei, Kiba, Asia and Ryuma intended to save a friend who was very precious to Issei, it has come to fruition, in which, the life of Issei's friend figure was saved, although, actually, the girl's life should not be saved anymore. Actually, the girl had died at the hands of a Fallen Angel named Raynare, who had managed to take over the girl's Sacred Gear, a Sacred Gear with extraordinary healing powers, which could heal all wounds so quickly, Twilight Healing.

However, Rias made an exception for that, the death of the girl was judged to be very futile, moreover, the girl was the owner of the healing Sacred Gear which would certainly be very useful for her as well as her Peerage therefore, the red-haired girl decided to give Issei's friend a second chance. With that, she has obtained one more piece for her, namely Bishop, who has a supporting role for her other pieces.

Indeed, Rias had good luck that day, because she managed to recruit a very useful Sacred Gear owner, but, on the other hand, she lost someone who had helped her and her Peerages to successfully save the girl's life. The figure was a Fallen Angel, whom she had recently come to know for his kind and wise nature, far different from the Fallen Angels she had met before, but now, the figure had gone away from her.

Rias didn't know how the figure could disappear without a trace so quickly, she received a confession from Kiba, Koneko and Issei, that, before, precisely when the three of them were about to come to save the owner of Twilight Healing, Ryuma went along with the three of them. They saw with their own eyes, how Ryuma decided to go along, using his mysterious powers, and even, the three of them had time to see, that the black-haired young man was fighting one-on-one with Freed, a cruel Exorcist.

It didn't even stop there, Ryuma had time to show his existence when the three of them arrived at the altar where the owner of the Twilight Healing would be executed, even once again, Ryuma helped the three of them to defeat hundreds of Exorcists who tried to keep the ritual going on smoothly and without interruption. They all saw how Ryuma knocked out all of his opponents one by one, every punch he throws, will immediately make an Exorcist fall, his movements are so very beautiful and smooth.

However, an incident that the three of them actually didn't understand, just when Ryuma kicked an Exorcist to bounce a few meters away, was a start where the black-haired young man showed a strange reaction. They could see, Ryuma who seemed so shocked and couldn't believe what he had just done, his body seemed to tremble so violently, both eyes bulging, that he fell to his knees to the floor.

Blood can also be seen flowing out of his mouth, a sign that the black-haired young man is not okay, Koneko, Kiba and Issei who saw him, of course became very confused and worried, they suspected that maybe Ryuma was exposed to a cunning trick from Raynare or her followers, however, a word from Ryuma immediately made them all speechless.

The three of them couldn't recall at all what Ryuma was trying to tell them, the only thing they could remember, was when the black-haired young man's body began to emit a thick mist of pitch-black fog. The thick black mist shrouded Ryuma's body, and moved around him, until in the end, the thick fog shattered in all directions at high speed.

Right at that very second, the three of them felt very dizzy, they couldn't do anything at all at that moment, their strength felt that they had been drained almost completely, even though they hadn't done anything at all, for some reason, it felt like their strength was sucked by something. Vaguely, they could also hear what sounded like objects falling down, followed by faint screams from people who sounded so close to them, which they concluded were hundreds of Exorcists trying to block their path.

The shocking incident happened for a while, before finally, the thick black fog slowly began to dissipate and revealed a scene that was so very unexpected by even the three of them. In front of the three now, was a scene where hundreds of Exorcists who had previously been ready to fight with them, had now fallen down in a condition that looked fine. It's just that, they all seem to be unconscious, without the slightest wound formed on the bodies of each of them.

Of course, seeing that all the Exorcists had fallen at the same time, making Kiba, Koneko and Issei feel very surprised, just imagine, hundreds of fully armed Exorcists could be dropped at the same time without making the slightest injury to all of their bodies, is something that is said to be very impossible. Moreover, none of the three were able to do such a thing, for Ryuma, even though his power was still very mysterious, it was still impossible for him to do such a thing, considering that he was a Fallen Angel with only two wings.

However, their surprise didn't stop there, when they looked around, the three of them couldn't find Ryuma's whereabouts at all, what they could see was a woman with long jet black hair who seemed to be standing not far away. The woman looked so deeply shocked at what had just happened, her face seemed to imply a huge sense of shock, her eyes bulging and her mouth wide open. As a Fallen Angel, she had seen a lot of things beyond human reason, however, what she had just seen was something she had never seen in the rest of her life.

Even so, it was very surprising, but the woman tried to put these extraordinary things aside for a moment, because now, she had something far more important than having to think about the extravagable events that had just happened, and she also realized that she had to quickly finish her business, otherwise her chance to become supreme would disappear forever. Even though all of her followers had been defeated, she still had a chance to win, because beside her now, was an extraordinary healing Sacred Gear owner who was waiting for her to start her plan.

Her only hope of becoming the strongest is from the Sacred Gear that resides in the blonde girl, if she manages to obtain it, then everyone will submit respectfully to her. People who look down on her, will no longer be able to look down on her again anymore, they will all kneel respectfully to her, and will regard her as honorable. But in order to carry out what she planned, she realized that she had to first remove a barrier that intended to interfere with her plan, a barrier was three lowly Devil figures, even though they were three in number, the three of them would never be able to defeat her, because basically, she would soon get what she wanted, even if it meant that the whole world would oppose her.


Meanwhile, on the other hand, precisely in a place whose existence is very mysterious to all creatures in this world, there are four human silhouette figures that are seen floating above a row of white clouds that look like cotton floating in the air. If you look at it, the four of them seem to be standing on the clouds, but actually, the four of them are flying above the clouds using the wings owned by them all.

Having tried to get out of a Dimension that they should never visit, has brought the four of them here, to the end of the world, where it becomes a barrier between mortal beings and beings who cannot disappear, the first place that every creature must pass to get to the place where holy beings live, namely the entrance to Heaven. All that can be seen, is a row of white clouds that can be seen as far as the eyes can see, accompanied by a stretch of bluish-white sky decorated with many colorful lights twinkling with each other.

The four of them aim to go to Heaven, to correct the mistakes that have occurred in the past, that is, the mistakes that the inhabitants of Heaven have done to a person who also comes from the place where they all come from. Since his sentence was over, Azrallik had no choice to go with his three brothers and sister, to ascend back to Heaven, and return to what he was meant to be. Although he felt that he was not entitled because he had committed a great sin, on the other hand, he felt that this was his chance to be able to correct his mistakes and return to being the person he had hoped for thousands of years.

During his journey, Azrallik never ceased to pray to God that he would accept him back as one of his most faithful followers, even if his Father would not accept him again, at least he could still meet him, with that alone, at least to cure his great longing. Tears flowed out of his eyes that were still closed, when he felt a feeling that had long disappeared from him, now he felt again, namely, the breeze of Heaven that felt so very calming.

It had been a long time since he felt such a gentle gust of wind, making him feel even more impatient to see who was waiting for him in Heaven later, for him, there was nothing more beautiful than seeing his Father smiling at him with all of His affection. Until in the end, the four of them arrived at the place where the Gate of Heaven was located, only here, Azazel was able to deliver the three of them, because a creature like himself, could never set foot again in the depths of Heaven that full of unparalleled pleasure.

The guardians of Heaven who saw the arrival of their Great leader, immediately bowed their bodies to pay tribute to the figure who had fought for them to get to this, if it were not for Michael, none of them could enjoy the beauty of Heaven and there would be no hope for them to live on this world again. As God's successor, Michael had a very noble task that no other creature but himself could bear, he controlled an Absolute system created by God that served as the culmination on which all the prayers and hopes of living beings depended.

There, at the door of Heaven, Azrallik finally opened his eyes again, revealing his eyes that looked so very beautiful, both his iris were blue with golden patterns, his two pupils were shaped like a pure white star, anyone who saw him, would certainly feel very amazed. The guards of the gates of Heaven were immediately amazed by the beauty of the two eyes of the black-haired young man, all of them had never seen such beautiful eyes, because indeed, none of them should have ever seen them, because the pair of eyes belonged to only one creature figure that had long disappeared from this world.

"Azrallik, everything will be rebuilt here... It all starts here... And everything will come back from here... We, as residents of Heaven, welcome your arrival..." Michael said with great honor, as the supreme leader of Heaven, he paid tribute to Azrallik, because at this moment, it was the first time for him to be able to set foot in Heaven Again...

At the end of Michael's words, the entire army of Heaven's Gate Guardian immediately knelt before Azrallik, after seeing their leader who was paying tribute to the black-haired young man, they also followed Michael's actions without making a single question, because they felt that the figure of the young man was something they could not imagine. Meanwhile, Azrallik immediately told them all to get back up, according to him, this kind of respect seemed unworthy of him, because he felt that he should be the one who paid tribute to them, as a form of apology and regret for a sin he had committed against all of them.

"No... You... Residents of Heaven... Hold up every head of all of you, only our Father has the right to be honored by all of you... I am the one who should pay respect." Azrallik said firmly, telling all the Angels who were saluting him, to hold their heads up again, because all the honors that exist in this world, are only entitled to God alone, no creature other than himself has the right to get respect from all of them.

Unexpectedly, now changing Azrallik who suddenly prostrated before the army of Angels before him, as a form of regret for what he had done in the past, he decided to kowtow to his own kind whom he had offended, even though he felt that this kind of prostration was nothing compared to the sorrow and suffering they had experienced because of it. In his prostration, he cried incessantly and regretted what he had done, while continuing to hope that his Father would come to comfort him from all the sorrows and regrets that had long haunted him.

"Alright... Alright... Stand Azrallik, you will return to the place where you came from... Go back to where you belong... You will be part of us, continuing the Father's struggle to maintain the order and balance of this world again..." Gabriel said so softly, she felt very sad about what had befallen Azrallik, but now, all that suffering is coming to an end, here and at this very moment, Azrallik will again be part of the inhabitants of Heaven, returning to what he was meant to be.

Azrallik slowly raised his head again, looking at the Angels who were standing before him with the faces of them expressing compassion for him, the fact that his Father still did not come to greet him, being a reinforcement that all the words that Azazel, Michael and Gabriel has already said about his Father, were indeed true. If God has fallen in His struggle to save all the lives of sentient beings, then he, as a faithful follower, is obliged to maintain his struggle to protect the lives of sentient beings in this world, no matter how much has happened to him, he must maintain and continue every struggle of his Creator.

But unfortunately, it seems, Azrallik still had another problem that prevented him from starting all over time, just when he was about to step foot into Heaven, an event they had never imagined happening. Which, when Azrallik's body was about to transcend the limits of where the pure could enter and the sinful could not, he who was an Angel who had sinned, could not enter Heaven, as there was a barrier that would not allow him to enter.

Suddenly, Michael, Gabriel, Azazel and all the Angels who saw him, felt very confused and astonished about what really happened to the him, if he was a sinful being, then he should never have been able to get here, but also, if he was a holy being, why couldn't he pass through the Gate of Heaven? The exception for Azazel, although he is currently a Fallen Angel, but the remnants of his struggle for the glory of God have given him a blessing, that is, he can ascend to the sky, but can only reach the gate of Heaven.

Just when everything was bewildered, suddenly, an enormous eagle appeared from behind the Gates of Heaven carrying a letter clutched by its legs. As if delivering a message, Michael then received and took the letter brought by the eagle, which in the end, immediately left him speechless.

"Azrallik... You have sinned in the world again? How can it be?" Michael asked in disbelief, after reading the contents of the letter, he was told that Azrallik had committed another great sin in the human world, namely, the sin of killing a human.

Meanwhile, neither Gabriel nor Azazel could believe what Michael had said, sinning again in the human world? They both couldn't believe it, considering that Azrallik hadn't been out of his prison for thousands of years, but now, a message in the name of Azrallik having committed a sin had been delivered to them all, was really very strange and shocking.

Meanwhile, Azrallik was speechless, he was at first very confused about a news that Michael had told him, he for thousands of years, never once got out of his prison, not even moving a little bit he never did. However, until the end, he remembered again that he had given an opportunity to a creature who tried to help him, maybe, that figure had accidentally sinned in his name.

"It's true, Michael, I have made another mistake in the human world." Azrallik replied sadly, although he was not actually the culprit of the mistake he had made again, but he also could not help but blame himself, because he himself allowed that creature to roam in the human world using his name.

Michael gasped, he didn't expect at all that Azrallik had made another mistake, let alone the mistake of killing a human, the Angels had been given very strict rules, to the point that none of them were allowed to descend into the human world and interfere in their affairs. Normally, an Angel who had sinned to kill a human being, would be punished by being deprived of his status, and making the Angel a Fallen Angel who had lost all his glory from the Creator's side, but, at this moment, he felt that Azrallik, once again, did not intend to actually do so.

As a leader of Heaven, he was given the glory of seeing every sin committed by a living being so accurately, he saw that in fact, the soul of Azrallik was so pure, it was impossible for him to commit such a sin. However, the law is still the law, inevitably, he must punish him again, he must not make an exception for him just because he has a strong bond with him.

"For making a mistake, you won't be able to ascend to Heaven! Azrallik, with this, you will be condemned again, to come down to earth and mingle with them as purification for the sins you have committed!" Michael decreed strictly, punishing Azrallik again to come down to earth and mingle with mankind, Devil and the Fallen Angels as punishment to purify his sins.

Without protesting the punishment he received, Azrallik accepted Michael's punishment freely, because he realized that he was also participating in sins that he did not actually commit. If he had not given the creature permission to go to the human world by his name, he would not have received this punishment, but everything has happened and what has happened is undisputed. Right after that, he re-appeared his two pitch-black wings, however, there was something strange this time. Which, one of the two wings, precisely on the right wing, the wing suddenly turns golden and emits a golden light that shines quite brightly.

Instead of pitch-black feathers falling from the wings, what fell was small golden grains of light that looked very beautiful, as if they looked like the prayers and hopes of the Angels addressed to mankind who always believed in the existence of God among the many beings who spread misery for them. The appearance of this extraordinary phenomenon, immediately made Michael, Gabriel and Azazel amazed and happy, because, Azrallik had proven his innocence, but, even so, he still had sins that he had to correct, evidence from his left wing which was still pitch black. With this, an Archangel who is so feared by every creature who intends to oppose God's will, has finally returned, with the return of the Great figure, will be a sign that there is still a figure who will protect those who are weak and always believe in God even though that belief is very fragile... He will again carry out and defend his Father's struggle to defend every good in this world... Because he is....



The great angel... Who will always live every commandment of his Creator with his obedience and his faithfulness which he always keeps between the despair and sorrow that has been trying so long to bring him down...
