
The Archangel of Fallen : Divinity Slayer

I, am the Heavenly Being who once occupied the highest rank among all beings in the universe. I am the only one who deserves to be honored by heaven and earth, Hell and Heaven, because I am the Archangel who rules over all domination. However, everything changed when I committed an unforgivable sin. And that sins too, has made me loses everything that I am proud of. They would call me a Cursed Being more evil than a Satan, they consider me to be an impure Being and they also consider me to be a being who destroys all hopes of Humans, Angels and all other living Beings. But what they didn't know, they had absolutely no apparent reason to think of me that way, because they knew absolutely nothing about me and how I could fall from all my Grace and Glory. However, even though they all think of me as such, I am still an Angel who will remain faithful to my Creator. I will fly back to Heaven, to cleanse every evil they have bestowed upon me. Because I, am the Archangel who can never fall! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch the Story of a Fallen Archangel, to return to Heaven and cleanse all his unforgivable sins in the latest Fanfic Story: ×The Archangel of Fallen: Divinity Slayer× © Highschool DxD • Ichie Ishibumi ©

Maulana_Skyiz · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 15 : Descending from Heaven... Stepped on Earth... Punishment to Purify Sins!

Chapter 15.

Descending from Heaven... Stepped on Earth... Punishment to Purify Sins!


It had been a week since the incident where Ryuma disappeared without a trace, and during that week also Rias along with her servants were relentlessly trying to find his whereabouts that had disappeared like being swallowed by this earth, they had searched all over Kuoh Academy every day, and they also always visited his house after the Academy ended, but still, everything came to the same fruition.

But despite that, Rias and her peerages never once gave up, they continued to search for the whereabouts of the black-haired young man even though the results they would get would be the same as the previous one. They can't let Ryuma just disappear from them, he has helped Issei to get his friend back and he has also helped Kiba and Koneko when they are in times of need.

If Ryuma can join her peerages, Rias's Piece's strength will grow stronger, not only will she get the holder of the Red Dragon Emperor, she will also get a Fallen Angel with his extremely mysterious power, a power that is very different from the strength of the entire Fallen Angel. Not only that, there are still many mysteries surrounding him, maybe, she can get some very important information from him, which can certainly help her in the future.

Currently, Rias was seen sitting on her seat while staring out the window which revealed a view of the Academy area that seemed to be getting quieter as time went by, indeed, it was already afternoon, where the Academy students were welcome to go home. But not for Rias and her Pieces, for their last activity, they were tasked with finding Ryuma's whereabouts, whether it was in his house or even around the Academy, obviously, they had to find him.

"No matter how far you go, I will find you soon... Don't expect me to let you go after what you've done to me..." And my servants..." Rias said softly while showing a beautiful smile on her beautiful face, although she currently couldn't find his whereabouts, but she was sure, that she would find him one day, it would definitely happen... Because... Ryuma already made her feel... That he would be a very precious person to her...


Night is approaching again, signaling that the tiring day is finally over, allowing every creature in this world to rest for a while, before they will finally return to work hard for tomorrow.

Meanwhile, in the depths of a forest, suddenly, a golden beam of light appeared that shone very brightly, even almost matching the bright sunlight during the day, but it's just that, no one was able to see an extraordinary phenomenon, because the phenomenon occurred in the depths of the forest that has not even been touched by a single human in this world. Along with the appearance of the bright light, from above the sky, there appeared a lot of golden and black feathers that seemed to be falling down.

Not only that, from behind the bright light, a silhouette appeared that formed a human being who looked like he was standing while stretching his hands up, the form of the figure was still not clearly visible, because it was covered by the glare of the golden light which seemed to look like light descending from the glory of Heaven.

After a while, the golden light, which shone very brightly, dimmed even more when the mysterious figure that appeared from behind the light, had now finally touched the hard ground surface.


The wind blows very strongly, making a lot of leaves fall from the tree trunk where it placed before, the atmosphere around the place where the figure descends from above the sky feels so very tense but on the other hand somehow feels so very calming, the arrival of this figure, which will obviously be a big news that will spread to all corners of this world so very quickly, making everyone or Beings who hear it will feel very uneasy.

The bright golden light that had previously descended from above the sky was eventually extinguished, allowing darkness to once again rule the silent and lonely night, the disappearance of the light also eventually made the mysterious figure revealed, which, turned out to be a black-haired young man who was seen kneeling on the ground while putting his hands together right in front of his chest. Around him, there seemed to be a lot of pitch-black feathers that looked scattered in a very large number, not only black feathers, in fact, there were many golden-colored feathers that still emitted a faint golden light, the radiance of light released by these feathers at first glance looked the same as the light that descended from Heaven that appeared simultaneously with the arrival of the mysterious young man's figure.

Golden tears flowed out of the two eyes of the mysterious young man, not only once did he feel this kind of sadness, a sadness that he never expected to happen... It has now happened to him for the second time. He felt very sad, because for the second time, he fell back from glory, even though he had just finished his punishment which was so very heavy for him to bear, now he had to bear his sentence again, although this punishment was not as severe as the punishment he had lived before, but still, his opportunity to release longing with all the beauty and glory of Heaven was now closed to him, And I don't know when the opportunity will open up again for him.

However, he also could not do anything more to be able to maintain his chance of being able to return to Heaven, even though the mistake was not him who did it, but still, the person had sinned in his name. Although that figure had brought him back down, he did not feel any anger or resentment towards that figure, in fact, he felt happy and grateful to that figure, because it was that figure, who always told him to persevere and fight to be reunited with his creator.

It is true that his opportunity to correct the great mistake he had done in the past has now disappeared, but he is sure that the opportunity will come back to him, the Father's affection for him is beyond doubt, he is sure, one day, his Father's affection will eventually come to him to give him good news, until then the day comes, He will patiently wait, and again try to restore all the things he has taken from the people of this world... Perhaps with that, he could abort his sins a little bit which more and more made his holy soul more and more shackled by a deep sense of regret and despair.


Meanwhile, on the other hand, Rias Gremory was seen sitting on her seat while checking all the papers that were right in front of her, there were so many problems that had recently occurred, which made her feel that something big was happening without her knowledge.

Recently, there have been a lot of problems caused by the fallen angels around her family's Territory, she has no idea what they really want, she only knows one thing, that whatever they do, will have a real impact on the condition of her family's Territory which is so precious to her.

She has gone through the days without an event that will cause him trouble, although the threat made by the Fallen Angels cannot be underestimated, but so far, they still have not taken any action that can arguably affect her family's Territory drastically, after the incident where Asia was held captive for later taking her Sacred Gear, the threat from the Fallen Angels began to weaken. Speaking of Fallen Angels, Rias will immediately think of a Fallen Angel who was once her partner, a figure who has helped her Pieces not to suffer serious injuries when the rescue was underway, the figure she has been looking for, namely Yatomichi Ryuma.

No matter how hard she tried to find the whereabouts of him, everything would only be in vain, she had searched all corners of the city of Kuoh, but the whereabouts of him until now could not be found. Even she felt almost giving up on continuing to search for the whereabouts of him, but after she recalled what he had done to her and her pieces, coupled with her feelings that said that she really wanted to meet him, in fact it was able to be an encouragement for her not to give up on searching.

"I wondered... Where exactly are you? You disappeared like someone who had lost everything in this world, will you not come back? You ignored me and all of my servants you just bonded, is this... Is the thing you really wanted... Ryuma?" Rias asked with her voice that sounded so very low, staring out the window with her teary eyes, she had tried very hard to find Ryuma's whereabouts, but everything was still in vain, she was even thought, that did he disappear of his own free will?

But then, a phenomenon that she had not seen for the rest of her life, suddenly appeared for the first time in her life right now, that is, from a distance, she could see a golden light descending from the sky towards a place she could not think of where it was. The light was very faint, a sign that the place where the light was about to descend had a long distance from the place where she was at this time, not only the appearance of the strange light was able to make her wonder and confusion, she was also shocked by the feeling that immediately made her feel very disturbed, as if something was giving her a threat that would end in disaster for her.

For a few seconds, Rias could only remain silent while staring at the strange light with various feelings and questions filling her entire body and mind, coupled with feelings that made her feel very uncomfortable, making her feel that this was one of the harbingers of a major event that was about to happen. She had no idea what major events would happen, all she knew was that she had to find information about the appearance of the light, although it would be very risky for her to dig up information about the light directly, but her feelings and heart told her that she would get a surprise that she could no longer get in this world apart from this strange and amazing phenomenon.

Armed with her determination and encouragement from her heart, Rias decided to go to the place where the light came down to find all the information about it and also, to see what surprises had moved her to go there. What she does not know, this action that she will do, will be an act that will make her whole life change, not only for her, but also with her servants and all that is in this world, an impulse that makes her do this act is part of her destiny that will be filled with various kinds of miracles and also the unexpected, A new destiny for this world is about to begin, and at that moment, everything in this world will no longer be able to restore the destiny of this world back to what it was before.



From above the sky filled with moonlight and also stars twinkling between the dark night sky, there appears a human body flying using something that will not be found in humans throughout the face of this earth, namely a pair of wings. Arguably, this figure is not an ordinary human, because human will not be able to perform such a miracle, unless if that human has a miraculous destiny that no other human being will get, or it could be, there is another being who is able to perform a miracle on that human.

From above the sky, the figure can see the view of the forest that looks so very dark, because the moonlight cannot touch the surface of the ground because it is blocked by the lush trees that inhabit the forest, but even so, he can actually see clearly what is really going on between the darkness of the forest, because he has an advantage that will not be obtained by anyone else or other creatures besides himself. As a newcomer, he decided to just take a look at what things are in this world, although he has actually visited this world, but it happened thousands of years ago, there must be many new things that he could not discover when he first visited here.

By utilizing a pair of pitch-black wings, he can freely move places while paying attention to interesting things that he might find, which in fact, all he can see is the expanse of wilderness right below, he still hasn't found anything that catches his attention. But he is also fully aware that he is descending where there should be no interesting things to be, which is precisely what he is grateful for, because if he comes to a place where interesting things are, it will only expose him to problems that he absolutely does not want to happen too quickly to him.

Enjoying the wind that blows a little hard, he continues to observe the scenery right below him, not forgetting also, he occasionally looks his head up, to see the beauty of the night sky which turns out to be no less beautiful than the view of the sky in the place where beauty, happiness and pleasure are. It turns out that the difference between this world and the world he came from is not too far away, no wonder there are so many Devil and fallen Angels who live in this place, even though this place is not a place they have the right to live in, because this world, is a place for humans to live and rule.

God has created human to inhabit this world and rule over what is in it, just as the first human in this world did, all people in this world are obliged to manage what is in this world according to their will, however, they must also keep the commandments that the creator has set for them, Although they are given absolute dominion over this world, they must also not forget who really rules over this whole world, as well as all who fill it.

Remembering how the first human was created by God in such a very high position, makes him feel that in fact, human have a position far above all creatures in this world, even their position is far above those in the sky. But it is only for those who believe in their God, those who continue to believe in the existence of their God with all their weaknesses and sins, they are the ones who have such a very high position, even able to surpass the position of the inhabitants of Heaven. On the other hand, those who deny the existence of their God and do not believe in His existence at all have a very low position, far exceeding that of Devil, and Hell may even have a higher position than them. As they have been given power, they should not forget that all the power they have gained belongs to the creator who has been entrusted to them, those who can make the best use of that power, so they are the ones who have been guaranteed a high position in the heavens.

Putting aside the problem, he decided to immediately stay away from this place, because he felt an aura emanating from other beings that would cause trouble if he was seen by them, the aura he could feel was the aura he could meet very easily when he was still a General of Heaven when the great war was still going on, aura attached to the Beings inhabiting hell and the underworld, who else if not Devil.

Minimizing the occurrence of something undesirable that could also cause him to be punished by even more severe punishment, he decided to stay away, even though he did not know where he was going, obviously, he just needed to stay away, as for where he would be, he can think about it later. As someone who had participated in the great war, he knew that he was an enemy that Devil hated so much, he was not an Angel anymore, but he was now a Fallen Angel. It is inconceivable that if he met them here, he would regret it, not because of them, but because of the impact he would have on this world, it was enough to see those who suffered, it was enough to see so many lives that lost their hope.

This time, he will try to prevent the past from happening again, he will not be able to let it happen, because he has promised himself to maintain his Lord's struggle to maintain the peace of this world. Although he is not a holy Angel but that obligation is still ingrained in his soul, he will forever strive to maintain his duty... Although all his titles and honors have been snatched away by them... Even though he is a Fallen Angel, he is still the same as before... That is... THE BEING WHO WILL CARRY OUT THE ORDERS OF HIS CREATOR, EXPECTS HIS LOVE AND ALSO THE BEING WHO WILL ONLY SUBMIT TO HIM... ALTHOUGH ALL THAT HAS BEEN TAKEN AWAY FROM HIM...
