
Club Roll Call

"Faith Quint," Goliath continued.

"Here," A studious looking girl with glasses stood up.

"Aaron Tracker," Goliath continued.

"Here," A grumpy looking blond dude stood up.

"Now that everyone's here," Goliath looked at me, "We should begin. Wyatt?"

"Yes sir," I straightened.

"Do you want to show them how the simulations work right quick?" Goliath's mouth twitched as he suppressed a smile.

"Do I get to use the gun?" I stood up, and stepped forward.

"Why not?" Goliath walked up to the podium, and rustled around mostly out of sight for a moment before straightening, "I'll put it on the easiest setting."

Goliath fiddled with the controls for a little bit, and the grey floor started to change. It was the blue grassy field again, but think time instead of the Zebra creatures there were huge ferret like creatures with spikes running down their backs. Goliath walked down to the ladder that led into the field, and I met him there.

"Don't show off too much," Goliath boomed.

I just stared at him for a second before jumping in, and checking my shot number. Only three left huh? I ejected the mag completely, and slammed it back in. It showed just six shots now. Still trying to make it a challenge then?

"Ready," Goliath shouted as I walked to the middle.

"Ready," I yelled back as I stopped in the middle.

The starting horn went off, and all the little murder weasels came alive. My gun came up, and I started shooting. I missed the first two shots, and then I adjusted for their movement. Firing off the rest off my shots. Hitting, and killing four of them.

4 False Sneks killed. 20 xp awarded. 25/400 xp until level 6.

I pistol whipped one that got too close. Killing it. Then the clip was kicked out with a quick movement. I had one get a hold of my shirt as I tried to reload the gun. I flinched but forced the clip back in completely even though I had one hanging from my arm.

I grabbed it's tail, and threw the bastard off my shirt. He hit the ground rolling to his feet, and rushing me again. I shot him in the mouth as he tried to close the distance. I kicked the next one that came at me with a bit too much force. Sending it flying as it broke apart.

2 False Sneks killed. 10 xp awarded. 35/400 xp until level 6.

The last four closed the distance quickly. Attacking all at once. I shot two before they could get to me. I slammed the butte of the gun into one of the last two's head as he tried to bite my leg. The last one grabbed my leg.

I tried to kick it off, but it was pretty attached to me. I started shooting it off my leg. Aiming slightly away from myself as if it were a real gun. It melted into the ground slowly.

4 False Sneks killed. 20 xp awarded. 55/400 xp until level 6.

The horn went off again, "Simulation complete. 10 Snek successfully killed."

Then the ground wobble as it flattened back out to it's normal plain grey. I yawned as I stretched slowly.

"Nicely done," Goliath shouted as he laughed.

I went back to the ladder. Climbing up the ladder, and stepping over the edge. Every single eye in the room was on me.

"Holy shit," Veronica Nester yelled, "He'd be cool if he didn't have that blank look on his face. Are you a robot or something?"

"No," I felt my face tug down into a slight frown, "I'm not a robot. It would easier if I was."

I sat down in the front row. Leaning back into the chair as I yawned again.

"He's a level two?" Jesse Kravens piped up.

I pointed the gun at him, and mock fired with my finger off the trigger. Mimicking the kickback I imagined the gun would have.

"That's enough of that," Goliath took the fake gun from me.

I'd been focused on the faces of the other club members so I hadn't noticed him coming.

"Sorry sir," I smiled weakly, "I shouldn't joke around like that."

"No you shouldn't," Goliath rounded so he faced the other students, "This club. Do any of you know what this club is about?"

Whole lotta silence.

"Since you don't know," Goliath smiled slowly, "This class is all about applying combat skills to real life situations. This arena is the simulation floor. I want all of you to be able to beat level one setting alone within a month."

"How did that level two beat the simulation?" Carlson Fry's hand shot up.

"Wyatt here," Goliath dropped his heavy hand on my shoulder, "Is a talented marksman. A weak ability doesn't mean you're weak in combat." Goliath scanned the group as his hand came off my shoulder, "I've seen men that could take out half entire packs of beasts with level four ability rating. Now I'm not asking you to stand with the best of us. I'm training you to stay alive, and knowing how to react to beasts as well as stronger Archaic creatures is important to your survival." Goliath's hands migrated behind his back, "This club has often been called the rejects club. All the kids that don't get accepted into a club or couldn't pick one that fit their ability end up here." Goliath paused, "Now I wouldn't be much of a teacher if I didn't take the time to make sure you have at least a chance of making it through combat alive."

I scanned the group quickly. Savannah was still staring at me. I stood up slowly.

"Any questions?" Goliath barked.

The change in tone made several students flinch. Including myself since I was watching Savannah.

"Sir," I raised my hand quickly, "Can I keep practicing my shooting?"

Goliath nodded, and handed the gun back to me. Several other kids wanted to practice shooting too. Goliath walked up to the controls, and pulled out a bag of fake guns. Handing out just ten of them. Before heading back up to the controls, and activating the simulation floor.

A bunch of targets slowly came up out of the grey floor, and floated about a foot off the floor. Goliath the ten of us up along the railing, and then had the others line up down the isle.

"Once you run out of shots reload, and hand the gun off to the next kid in line," Goliath walked back up to the controls, "Ready."

Goliath started the simulation, and all the targets started moving. There were two targets for each speed. Two that were still, two that moved at walking speed, two that moved at running speed, two that moved stupid fast, and two that moved ridiculously fast.

"Go," Goliath yelled, and the shooting started, "The targets will disappear as you hit them. Reappearing once you get both of targets of the same difficulty."

Even as Goliath explained the two still targets disappeared as well as one of the slow ones. I focused on my own shooting. Firing all six shots quickly at the running speed, and stupid fast targets. I hit both running speed with the first three shots, but wasted my other three trying to hit the stupid fast ones. I ejected the clip.

Slammed it back in, and handed off the gun. Heading for the end of the line. Not many of the kids here were having much success so I stood out with my two faster target hits. The kid in front of me kept looking back at me as if she wanted to say something to me.