

"You weren't mad at me for going after Luke?" I ducked my head down as I ran my talons down the spikes on my neck, "I mean I really went after him."

"Luke deserved it," Ethan brushed it off, "He's an asshole. He probably attacked you first. I'd just never seen you going after someone like that."

"I had no idea what I was doing until I'd already hit him," I stretched my wings slowly as I brought my head back up, "I did the rest on purpose."

"Seriously," Ethan ran his fingers along the front of my wings, "You're growing so fast. They need to be bigger before you can fly though."

"What are we going to do when they are finally big enough?" I folded them back in slowly as looked at Ethan, "It's not like I can just fly around the base."

"I don't know," Ethan sat back thinking, "I mean you don't seem to really need it right now. Winged creatures seem to need to be out, and about on a regular basis. All the tamer books say that winged creatures prefer to have an open spacious area so they can spread their wings, and stretch them properly."

"You really want to be a tamer don't you," I stared at him, "I'm not a beast you can tame."

"Sorry," Ethan dropped his eyes with a guilty smile on his face, "Most intelligent Archaic's have more of a human shape usually. You're the first completely beast shaped Archaic I've ever heard of."

My wings twitched as my tail slashed back and forth slowly. I had to think about it to get my tail to stop. I yawned as I looked back to the door of my room.

"Go ahead," Ethan smiled, "I have some more research to do."

"Don't stay up all night," I went into my room, "We have clubs tomorrow."

I closed the door, and jumped onto my bed. I curled up slowly, and fell asleep. Sleep was peaceful. The beeping of my watch woke me again. Goliath would be waiting for me.

I would meet the rest of the club member today. Everyone that hadn't already been assigned a club would be there today. A class of rejects. I wondered if I'd meet someone I knew. I kind of hoped I wouldn't.

Luke, Conrad, Ethan, and that water guy were the only people I could name off the top of my head. Ethan said he found a good club. Maybe I could help him a little with my hypnotism skill. I didn't want him to rely on it, but he struggled more with people when I wasn't around. It might help give him a leg up in the club.

I walked into the club room, and jumped on the desk. I had enough time to try hypnotizing him before my club. I heard Ethan moving around behind his door. I jumped back down heading into my room quickly. Switching forms, and getting dressing quickly. I walked back out, and looked at Ethan as he yawned.

"I'll try hypnotizing you before clubs this morning," I frowned, "But only for club days. When I'm not with you."

"Really!" Ethan brightened as he got visibly excited.

"Only before clubs," I frowned at him, "I can't have you relying on it. If I get better I might be able to hypnotize you longer."

"Still," Ethan smiled, "If it works. You can stuff down my fears when we're in danger."

We walked together to Ethan's club first. I looked him in the eyes intensely, and I could feel my hypnotism ability taking affect right away. Ethan relaxed as he calmed. He tensed back up the moment I broke eye contact.

Hypnotism level up. Hypnotism level 2. Hypnotism now lasts 5 minutes after eye contact is broken.

"That's the best I can do for now," I headed to my club now.

I walked into the club room slowly. There was about twenty other students here. All angrily sitting around as if it were the end of the world. I was the only one that looked happy about being here. I smiled, and waved at Goliath.

Goliath smiled at me, and nodded as he started checking in each of the students.

"Colin Dantis," Goliath called out.

"Here," a tall skinny pale skinned kid raised his hand.

"Harley Dennis," Goliath continued.

"Here," A small shy girl called out.

"Savannah Earl," Goliath continued.

"Here," A tall red headed girl stood up, and looked right at me.

Something in her eye made me want to squirm.

"Carlson Fry," Goliath continued.

"Here," a loud voice called out.

"Christine Hurtz," Goliath continued.

"Here," a cute baby faced girl raised her hand.

"Ivan Giver," Goliath continued.

"Here," a short chubby squint eyed kid called out.

"Amelia Jorden," Goliath called out.

"Here," a dark skinned beauty stood up.

This is going to take forever I groaned internally. I couldn't just fall asleep like usual though. These were my club members, and if my impression of Goliath was correct this club would be very hands on. Learning their names was the least I could do if I was going to be fighting with them every weekend.

"Jesse Kravens," Goliath continued.

He looked about as bored as I was.

"Here," A skinny short snake faced kid stood up.

Internal groan.

"Lisa Mathews," Goliath continued.

"Here," a tall blond called out.

"Mira Mathews," Goliath raised a brow.

"Here," a girl that looked exactly like Lisa raised her hand.

Maybe they were twins. I wasn't curious enough to ask.

"Jason Moody," Goliath continued.

"Here," A short kid with glasses called out.

"Illium Moore," Goliath continued.

"Here," a pale skinny kid with dark freckles raised his hand.

"Veronica Nester," Goliath called out.

"I'm here," A flaming confident red head raised her hand a bit too energetically.

"Wyatt Nix," Goliath looked at me smirking slightly, "As far as I know you're the only one that wants to be here."

"Yeah," I genuinely smiled at him, "Well the curriculum seemed interesting."

Goliath nodded before looking back down at his clipboard.

"Heather Orian," Goliath continued.

"Here," a dark haired girl with a gloomy look half raised her hand before grumbling under her breath.

"Jack Park," Goliath was still had some of his focus on Heather.

"Here," A buff dude stood up.

Like really buff. He even had stubble. How the hell was he sixteen?

It has come to my attention that some of my readers find Ethan, and Wyatt's current relationship odd. Ethan does act somewhat odd towards Wyatt. Ethan has wanted to be a beast tamer his entire life since he's quite literally people phobic. So when he found out that Wyatt was a hatchling dragon he was both surprised, and excited. He sees Wyatt more like his first puppy/kitten. Wyatt on the other hand has just been thrown into the body of a hatchling dragon, and doesn't know how to react to the sudden change in mindset. He tries to think like the sixteen year old boy he was but gets sidetracked easily by temper tantrums like toddler, and to a certain degree the more animal part of his mind likes the attention Ethan gives him. This changes as Wyatt ranks up so he will not continue to be as clingy as he is currently. I wouldn't be telling the story properly if I didn't include the awkwardness that makes Ethan, and Wyatt trust each other. This trust leads to both being stronger later on in the story so please bare with me here.

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