

I stepped off the elevator first. Savannah was on my heels as we headed to the dorm. Ethan opened the door, and rushed out long before we could get to the room. I didn't have enough tolerance for his overbearing behavior at the moment, and the hall was empty so I used wind burst to shove him back into the room before he could get to me. I strode in the room first, and headed for my room.

Stepping over Ethan who was sprawled out on the floor from the sudden gust that had knocked him back in the room. I threw the stupid stolen shirt off, and set the boots neatly by the door. They weren't the schools regular uniform anyways so I'd be tossing them out soon anyways. I switched forms while still wearing the pants. Shredding them in the process.

My room was a lot smaller than I remembered. There would be no more stretching my wings in my room anymore.

"Well this sucks," I picked up the shredded clothes, and the worthless shirt stopping to look at the boots, "I don't have new shoes yet so they can't complain if I keep those."

I nudged the door open, and peeked out at Savannah who was looking over to Ethan. Ethan who was completely focused on my door. The door slammed back in my face as panic flooded into Ethan's mind. I shoved the door much more forcefully. Snarling at Ethan mostly as the door came open.

Ethan flinched back, and looked at Savannah who was now completely focused on my pearly whites. Ethan was waiting for some sort of reaction from Savannah now in a state of shock as nothing to concerning happened.

"Relax," I snorted as I bobbed my head slightly, "She knows. She's bonded now too."

l cocked my head to the side slightly as I looked down on them both. I let that sink in for a little while as Ethan settled himself. Savannah had already pretty much guessed that Ethan, and I were bonded so it was less of a surprise for her than it was Ethan. Ethan kept looking me over slowly. Getting bigger hadn't been the only thing I'd done while I was away.

Now that I thought about it. This was the first time Ethan had seen me in my real body since my evolution. He was quickly shifting from curious to nervous as he shifted his eyes back, and forth from Savannah to me. Over, and over again. My tail slowly started going back, and fourth.

I underestimated its length though since I was still half in my room it lashed my bed into the wall with a loud bang after the second swipe. My head snapped around to look at the bed that was now slammed into the wall. Now I had a few new holes in the wall. My tail wanted to start lashing again. I drew it up along my side slowly, and gripped it in my hand as I laid down so it wouldn't be able to lash around again.

"So you changed color," Ethan spoke up hesitantly.

"I evolved into a storm dragon," I snorted out some sparks, "Changing color just came with the evolution."

"You're not doing this with magic?" Ethan was too tense to look surprised.

"Nope," I looked down at my free hand, "This is my normal color now. I kind of like the change. Better than being light colored. At least now I can hide at night without changing my color to help me hide."

My wings twitched as I thought about going outside. I shook my head slowly. I couldn't go outside like this especially not as my real self. Not with this stupid watch tracking me. I'd be punished severely for breaking curfew, and sneaking off school grounds at night.

Which was basically the only time I'd be able to get my considerable bulk past everyone without being spotted.

"You're feeling trapped?" Savannah had her eyes closed, and seemed to be focusing, "Being cooped up like this whenever you be yourself must really suck."

She smiled sympathetically at me. My tail thumped as it tried to lash with me still holding onto it tightly.

"And you want to help me get out more," I snorted out a few more sparks, "I hate to tell you this but we rarely get what we want."

"We won't have a choice pretty soon," Savannah pointed at me, "If you keep growing this fast you'll be too big for the room. You're lucky you haven't had any rebound from staying transformed all the time."

"I can't help being trapped in here all the time," I snorted, "There's a rebound for staying transformed too long?"

"You get stuck in your real body for a while," Savannah leaned up against the wall behind her, "The transformation just breaks all of a sudden. How do you think other Archaics got caught? There are tools you can use to negate the rebound, but I don't know much about them since I'm a fire mage, and I don't transform."

My tail slammed into the wall with a good amount of force when my grip loosened, and it lashed to the other side of my body.

"Can you find out more?" I clicked my talons on the floor, "Your dad is one of the four greats. He has to have more information on the rebounds effects. I can't get caught. There's no way in hell they won't think I'm an enemy if I get hit with a rebound in the middle of the school. I should be fine for now since I spent most of my time on that planet like this, but that won't protect me long."

I clicked my talon on the face of the school watch. If only I could get this off without alerting the school. Then I could stretch my wings properly. I didn't necessarily need to leave the school to stretch my wings.

"Can we get on the roof?" I felt my wings twitch as an idea formed in my mind.

"I don't know," Savannah answered.