
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Films
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185 Chs


"You are mine and no else"Naomi said with a crazy expression on her face.

The arm that floated around her made her look terrifying, she rushed toward Aaron saying "you are mine and mine alone"

Her eyes look insane and Aaron look genuinely scare for his life, he was only human while she was basically a superhuman.

They engaged in a fight and the more Aaron punch her, the more turn on she seem to be getting.

She seem to enjoy every second of it.

"We will be so happy together"She said with a creepy smile on her face, Aaron shudder upon noticing that, she was starting to creep him out.

"I love you"She said looking at him to which Aaron reply "and I don't love you"

"I will make sure you will"She said with a smile before rushing at him and attacking once again.

She was fully insane and fully believe in her love on Aaron.

"If I can't have you, then no one can"She said with a crazy expression on her face.

Wings sprouted out of her back and her expression looked way more demonic.

"What about no, I don't want that"Aaron said before seeing a punch coming toward his face, he blocked the punch before he change his fist into an open palm where he proceeded to block her pressure point in her chest.

"Ahhh~mmm~"Naomi said as the blow hit her, Aaron paused for a second did she just moan out loud as he hit her.

What kind of woman was she, he dropped by a punch met for him, and dodged the flying arms coming toward him.

He gritted his teeth a bit in pain and started to fight her in hand-to-hand combat, she may be physically stronger than him but in terms of hand-to-hand combat.

He is by far an unmatched beast, as he continue to fight her, her wing soon vanish, the fought borough them to a forest and with the moon setting down behind her.

It was indeed a either a scary or very sexy sight, she bit her lower lips so hard that it drew blood.

She looked at him and said

"You are mine"

"I knew your people women were very scary and possessive over what they see as their but dam I didn't expect that," Aaron said backing away from her.

She rushes at him before punching him in the gut, his puke out some blood that fell on her face but she just smiled before licking some of the blood of her face.

Her face turned a shade of red and Aaron could do nothing but to just smile wearily, he was about to received a one-sided beat down and he doesn't think he will stay conscious for too long.

"If I can't have you then no one can," Naomi said with a crazy expression on her face.

Aaron was going to receive a brutal beatdown but he immediately thought of something.

As soon as she came into range of him, he blocked bee hit before moving up close to her, his face close to her and his breathing was felt on her body.

As Naomi visibly shuddered in what appeared to be pleasure, Aaron sighed to himself mentally. He found himself contemplating an unexpected move, one born out of desperation.

The very thing that had entangled him in this situation—the kiss that seemed to have an inexplicable effect on Naomi—was now his ticket out. With a mix of disbelief and resolve, Aaron leaned in and kissed her. For a few electrifying seconds, he held her attention.

Just as Naomi seemed lost in the unexpected gesture, Aaron's teleporter fully charged. He vanished, leaving behind a parting remark, "Guess you won't get me after all."

As Aaron's body disappeared, Naomi watched with a blush on her face, her demeanor shifting into that of a delighted high school girl who had just received a kiss from her crush. Jumping with joy, she muttered to herself, "I will make him mine."

Meanwhile, Aaron materialized on his couch, a searing pain in his chest. The escape hadn't come without a cost; Naomi's obsession had left him bleeding, a hole in his chest. He was barely clinging to life, realizing he needed to patch himself up before the situation escalated further, especially with the looming threat of Grimm.

Gasping for breath, Aaron clutched his bleeding chest on the couch. The teleportation escape had spared him from Naomi's possessive clutches, but it came at a dire cost. The makeshift hole in his chest needed urgent attention.

As he fumbled for a first aid kit, Aaron couldn't shake the disconcerting image of Naomi's blissful reaction. "Kissing her to escape, what a brilliant plan," he muttered sarcastically, wincing as he applied a hastily bandaged patch to his wound.

The irony of using the very mechanism that got him into this predicament wasn't lost on him. Grimacing in pain, Aaron contemplated the tangled mess he had become entwined in and the lingering threat that now loomed over him.

Rui materialized before Aaron, concern etched on her ethereal features. "Did it have to come to this? Why did you have to get hurt so badly?" she asked, the worry evident in her mental tone.

Aaron managed a pained smile and replied, "Please heal your big brother. He really needs it." The request carried a mix of gratitude and acknowledgment of the sacrifices made to escape Naomi's possessive grasp. Rui, without hesitation, began the healing process, her energy enveloping Aaron as he leaned back, grateful for the spectral aid that might just save him from the consequences of his daring escape.