
The Ancient Story: Saviour In A Broken Reality

Warning: A story with multiple perspectives its mean will  be another points of view from each other characters that involved. ---------- "In an ancient civilization, warriors were revered as protectors against monstrous threats that endangered humanity. However, when their leader, embodying light and wisdom, chose to live among humans, he was accepted while the others were rejected, sparking a brutal war among the warriors. In a desperate bid to end the conflict, the light's lover, known as The Forgotten, made a devastating decision to seal the warriors' powers and souls, erasing their existence from history. Fast forward 40,000 years to a future where the world is governed by X.A.G (eXtended Active Guardian), the most powerful military company ruling over the union of Hiltonia. Young Orphenus, the leader of Hiltonia, stumbles upon the existence of the Ancient Warriors, setting off a chain of events that could unravel the carefully constructed history of their world. As Orphenus delves deeper into the mystery of the warriors, he begins to uncover dark truths that threaten the very foundation of Hiltonia's society. Will the revelation of the Ancient Warriors' past bring about salvation or destruction for the future of humanity?"

Mrk23 · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

Things That We Don't Know

"Somewhere - Hiltonia" 

Sagiri had just arrived at a small house on the outskirts of Hiltonia, she knocked on the door of the small house. Not long after, the door was opened by Sagara wearing a white sleeveless shirt and shorts. 

"Ah... You're finally home... I'm worried something happened." 

"No, I just wanted to walk. That's why it took so long..." 

Sagiri entered her house, and was greeted by the fragrant aroma of food on the table.  

"Quickly change your clothes, and let's have dinner."

"Did you cook the food?" 

"Yeah... I think instead of buying food as usual, it's a shame about the money. I'd better save it for later needs." 

Sagiri entered her room and locked the door. He took out 2 boxes of food that he deliberately bought before going home and opened a portal anti-dimensional space. 

"Sanna, I brought you this, hope you like it..." 

Sanna appeared from inside the portal and took the food that Sagiri brought.  

"I have to go back outside, I'll go in there later..." 

Sagiri closed the portal and hurriedly changed into pajamas. She came out of her room and approached the dining table.  

The twins started eating the dishes there. The potluck food they occasionally make for dinner. very different from the average life of other XAG students who live luxuriously.

It is very clear that their lives are not worthy of other people's lives,

"Luckily we were on time, our training results weren't wasted Sagiri. Your speed is starting to increase drastically from before." 

"It's all thanks to you..." 

"Is your body starting to feel strange? You've used teleportation so many times lately, you must be very tired..." 

"It's okay... I just got used to it..." 

Sagara looked sad for a moment, 

"I'm sorry... I'm still forcing you through all this..."


Sagiri didn't answer anything,  

"Just a little more we can take the power of the princess... We will leave here, and formulate a plan to destroy XAG.." 

Sagara finished eating first, then he took the box in the middle of the dining table. The box contained medicine that was written 'Suppressor'. Sagiri was surprised. Sagara took out 5 pills for her to drink. 

"That's more than the maximum limit per day! You can't drink that much!" 

"But, if I don't drink... My strength will get out of control. Just for tomorrow. I have to be able to hold it in..." 

Sagara drank it all at once. The side effects of the drug were very fast. Sagara seemed immediately sleepy, and lowered her head. 

"Sagi... Sorry, I asked you to clean it up, okay?" 


Sagara immediately fell asleep at the table. Sagiri, who saw Sagara, was very sad because almost every day she saw Sagara like that. Sagiri tidied up all the food she had eaten. She approached Sagara and lifted her into her bedroom, then covered her with a blanket. 

Sagiri returned to her room and locked the door. She opened another portal to enter her anti-dimensional space.

Seeing Sanna and Kanon sitting waiting for Sagiri's arrival. 


"Takahashi Apartment"

Takaya arrived at his apartment very late. He opened the door but to his surprise he saw Rin asleep on Syira's lap. 


Syira looked at Takaya,

"It's been a while-"

"What are you doing here?"

Takaya's tone very annoyed. 

"Visiting my cousin, No… My step siblings."

"I never acknowledge everything about you."

Syira smiled,  

"Don't you see? Your sister just accepted it. So I just need the blessing of 2 more people." 

"Vanny and Rin might accept you. But I-" 

"I know... Just because I came with grandfather, you hate me so much. Even though I had good intentions. If only you ever listen."

Takaya walked towards the bench near the window. 

"I'm just kidding Syira. You are always welcome here." 

Syira laughed as if the atmosphere had suddenly changed. 

"Hahaha, Your acting sucks… (Placing a pillow under Rin's head)"

Syira then sat beside Takaya, 

"Is there any progress on 'that'?" 

"There are so many that I'm even confused about where to explain them. But what's clear is that I've found a bright spot." 

Syira poured tea in a cup for Takaya.


"Vanny was involved. Even though she only knew about it, she tried to hide it from the two of you." 

Takaya drank the tea that Syira poured, 

"I had expected it. And not long ago Vanny brought up the topic, Rin also started to know a little about it through you. That's why she definitely went today to meet you." 

"I still don't know how to access your memories. But what is clear is that this is like a curse. Only by breaking the curse will everything return." 

Takaya looked at Rin, who was fast asleep.

"Syira, I ask for your help to accompany Rin for a while. Put aside 'that' for now, it is very likely that tomorrow and so on the situation will get worse." 

Syira held her dog tag and looked at it, 

"I'm grateful that this suit arrived on time. When I heard that SIN suddenly attacked Asahi, I didn't expect that this would happen sooner than we predicted. And that really pisses me off." 

"It's been a long time since I saw you pissed off like that..." 

"Yeah It's very rare… When my precious family was in danger, I can't just sit here doing nothing."

Takaya pats Syira's head, 

"I always knew you were a lot hotter than me." 

"Yes... If you are a red fire, I am a blue fire, which is much hotter than just fire."

"But I always trust your judgments, and everything you do is based on calculations. Not a purpose that drove you."

Syira pulls another dog tag and gave it to him,

"I secretly create this with Ai… Is designed for Rin."

"Falcon. This is a special suit, Yo expecting her to fight?"

Syira stood up about to leaving the apartment, "Just in case she needs it. After all SIN is on their move, don't think you can hid her anymore longer."

"Where are you going?"

"I can't stay here. My cats are alone in my house, can't let them tearing apart my house."

Syira left him alone.

Examine the dog tag that she gave for Rin, he notice that is not an ordinary battle suit for fighters.

"Bro? Where is Syira??"

"Ah, Rin, how long you've been awake?"

"Just now actually… I received many call from Ai, when I call back she didn't answer…"

Takaya sipping his tea, "Don't worry about it."

Rin sitting beside him,

"How's Sanna?"

Takaya spit his tea,

"Are you two broke up already?"

"No, darn it, guh… Rin why you ask about Sanna?"

"I received a good picture of you two sleeping, here look.."

Takaya look at the Rin's screen and see the picture that Lania taked earlier that day,

"Mothe…. Who sent you this?"

"Lieutenant… By the way the others know about it already, Sanna even confirms it…"

"What…Why did THEY KNOW?!"

"Well, we have 'The Girls Group' where we shared a bunch of stuff… And of those is that picture…"

Takaya patted his forehead, He didn't expect that to happen, 

"Forget it… Take this. (He threw the dog tag to her) Use it if it's important. And don't use it to hurt others."

"What's this?" 

"Good luck charm from Syira and Ai. SIN has started to move. You also have to be careful... We don't know when they will attack." 

Rin looks very happy,  

"I lost Sanna..." Takaya said that very sadly. 

Rin's expression suddenly changed, shocked by what Takaya said,  

"What do you mean?" 

"The twins attacked us, we got into a fight with them, we got the upper hand because Asahi came to help... But their goal was Sanna, from the start they aimed to keep me away from Sanna, and Sagiri disappeared with her." 

Rin stood up suddenly, 

"We need to find her!!" 

"Stop. We already figure out and Sagiri in the other hand is actually doing that for a reason." 

"What reason?!" 

"To stop his sister. Sagara. They have a difference, Sagara is too ambitious to destroy XAG with his own hands, doesn't know what the cause is. It's just that Sagiri doesn't like that idea and can only obey Sagara." 

"You mean, Sagiri didn't actually want all this to happen?" 

"That's right, the mastermind behind all this is them. The kidnapping of Kanon, Sanna. But not Annabelle." 

"Wait, they weren't the ones who kidnapped Anna, so who? And why did they have to kidnap Kanon?" 

Takaya closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, 

"To see who was the strongest for Sagara to take his power. They kidnapped Kanon, to lure Saega to reach 'Inverse Mode' but because Asahi and I defeated him, Sagara changed his plan to lure me or Asahi to reach Inverse Mode." 

"No way... If you go in... You'll lose control..." 

"Like that I've been for the last time…" 

Rin sat down again and took Takaya's hand, 

"Then what will they do after this? What's the next step?" 

"Tomorrow night will be the final battle. I will take Kanon and Sanna, and defeat Sagara."


"Bro, let me come-" 

"No. If you don't know why, that will actually spur me to enter inverse mode. You will be with Syira." 

"But I don't want you to be hurt either!" 

Takaya grabbed Rin's hand and held it tightly, 

"Trust everything to me. Sooner or later I will definitely need your help, until that time comes, I ask you to take care of yourself." 

Rin becomes sad because she is not allowed to help Takaya, 

"Then let me uncover the mystery of our family! Let me work together with Vanny to solve this problem!" 


"Mother said we had to work together, then is it! I won't stay shut with all of this happened."

Takaya looked doubtful about what Rin was asking, but he knew Rin would do it anyway without Takaya knowing,  

"Brother, Please! Let me do something that can help you… You've been there for me when I needed you the most, You've always do everything on your own, and you lay your life for me…" She shed her tears,

"Rin, is not like I not want you, but this is all will endanger-"

"I know that! Even if it would take my life as a price, I'll still doing it, at least for my family!"

Takaya finally see Rin now already grow up, She's determined for the betterment for her family.

"Okay… Before I give my answer, I want to ask you something."

"Ask whatever you want."

"I know you're working together with Syira to uncover this, And you already find out all what I manage to get, and hid from you and Vanny."

"With all of that, if it turn out to be true, What are you going to do? And will you accept it?"