
The Ancient Books: Call of the Guardians

Histories of the past are quiet a mystery and so is the present and the coming future. Careful of what you read and become. Knowledge is powerful. In the beginning of wisdom, fear is present and so is bravery. To whom shall destiny be given and be chosen as protectors of peace?

SevenHaven · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


Lilac's POV

Who could imagine that you have a brother that had a mysterious side of persona? I know that he is suffering through things from then up until right now. But as a big sister, I should always be there for him. But at this moment I was distracted for some reason, that I forgot to notice his pain from a distance. Like the way how hard it was for me to find him when we were at the cafeteria.

To sense him, I made him a bracelet made of gems and connected the energy with the ones I had. If we were twins it would be easier to feel him, but no. I have to make things for us to get connected. Just as mom instructed me to do so before she disappeared. Though he knows nothing about it yet. All he knows right now is that we are just like the normal ones around us having the power awakening and nothing more than that.

Cellphones? The idea of cell phones can be great to be connected with him, but we don't have enough money yet right now. So probably I will stick with the gems thing to get us connected. Kim obtained her phone through Aunt Kelly while I obtained mine through my birthday, and to my brother, he didn't get the chance to receive it because of the tragedy that happened in our family.

Jejo is a very special brother, Mom and Dad know that, and my granny as well. But we intended to hide the truth until he was ready to know. Before mom died and the disappearance of our dad, I was told a secret that only bloodlines know.

My power resonated with the water element. I was awakened when I was 14 years old, it was early than you could imagine for a female to become awakened. The supposed age of awakening of females is at the age of 16 or 18 or even at the late-blooming of 25. But I guess it was different for me.

Before awakening, you go through different stages of pain and a bucket of dreams and signs. Also, the calling of your guardian towards you through anything, be it dreams or through experiences. But I still have to find mine, I haven't met my guardian yet. I don't know why but it didn't make an appearance unto me yet. Maybe it's because I was not fully awakened yet. My mother said that somehow my awakening was incomplete. How can it be incomplete though?

During this afternoon break, the three of us agreed to explore the library that Kim found in the school. Things were going pretty well in the class hours and I was ready about it until I received a call from the school's clinic. As the teacher relayed the message to me and I was told that my brother fainted. My heart sank as I heard the news and I was immediately excused from my class.

I hurriedly went outside my classroom and rushed to where the school clinic is, but where? The only thing that I could think of while rushing is how careless I was at this moment to not notice the situation my brother has right now. Since when did this happen without my knowledge? I hope he is alright. I texted Kim about it and in a moment I received her reply.


Me: Kim it's an emergency, Jejo fainted.

Kim: I know, he's at the school clinic.

Me: They called you?

Kim: Yep, is it happening again?

Me: Probably, I'm going there right now

Kim: So am I, meet you there.


After that, I put away my cellphone in my pocket and continued to go down the stairs. I asked a janitor and asked where the school clinic is. Little did I know that orientations are also an important matter to get familiar with the school too. But it's too late right now, I need to get there as soon as I can. The reason we missed the school orientation that day is that we went to the mall and other places in this city instead and we were late waking up since we slept late the night before because of watching a movie.

I reached for a gemstone from the bracelet I wore. This is the gemstone that I used to connect with my brother. The color of the stone is crystal white with a hint of green. I focused on it trying to feel the presence of my brother. He should be wearing the same gemstone that I gave him as a gift. But in the midst of my concentration, I couldn't feel his presence of being from the gemstone that I wore with my bracelet. It made me worried more. I should have known since at the canteen it was hard for me to find him.

As I arrived at the school clinic, I saw Kim running towards me, and off we went inside.


Lilac and Kim arrived at the clinic worried. They both saw Jejo on the clinic's bed but already sitting. They also notice two persons beside him and it seems they recognized one of them but not the other. As they went in Lilac then gave a hug right away and Kim just stands beside them with her hands in her pocket. The nurse clinic noticed them coming in but didn't say anything. Even Ebony and Jasper noticed soon enough but didn't utter a word but made gestures of respect.

"Really sis, right in front of---" said Jejo in an embarrassed manner.

"What? Is it wrong to hug my brother?"

"And well, I believe you are the ones that brought him here?" asked Kim to Ebony and Jasper.

"Uh, yes" Jasper answered.

"Thank you so much for that," said Lilac while offering a handshake to Jasper. "You are familiar to me, you're that boy from the canteen with my brother, yes?"

"Yes" answered Jasper accepting the handshake.

"Gasper, right?"

"He's Jasper, sis," said Jejo.

"Oh, right, and you are, darling?" said she while offering another handshake to the beautiful lady she noticed, Ebony.

"I'm Ebony"

After the handshake, they smiled. Lilac then looked at her brother teasing him and Jejo just exaggerated his eyes like "what?".

"Well, the name's Lilac and this is Kim, our cousin"

"Hey," said Kim while she reached and exchanged handshakes with both Ebony and Jasper.

"So, don't you guys mind telling me what just happened back there in your class? Let's just talk outside" said Lilac towards Ebony and Jasper.

"You guys could just talk right here, you know," said Jejo.

"No," said Lilac flatly. "Can you stay here with him Kim, yeah?"

"Yeah" answered Kim.

Then outside the room clinic, they went. Both Ebony and Jasper were confused at the moment but they were not against the request of Jejo's sister. They also had questions surrounding Jejo's identity when that moment happened in their class and got Sir George involved too. So they have a conversation that only the three of them would have.

When Ebony and Jasper told Lilac, she told them to not tell anybody about it.

"Who else knows about this?" asked Lilac to both of them.

"Sir George?" said Ebony.

"Wait, there's something you are not telling us," said Jasper.

"Like what? We've just met, how can I say things that I know to you guys and what something is that I'm not telling you?" said Lilac.

"Look, we both know that we've just met, but you have to trust us," said Jasper.

"Sorry to ask you this but what makes you qualified?" asked Lilac.

"Wait Jasper, is this really okay for her to know?" asked Ebony.

"You saw what just happened there and we thought we are the only ones who know that, and here elder Lilac asking us, well, we already did explain things to her" argued Jasper.

"Well, you got a point"

"What is it now guys? and don't call me 'elder'. Spill the tea" said Lilac in a curious manner, something is really up. She guessed these two know about the bloodlines, if they are spies then it's not good.

'They can't be spies, right?' she thought and said "Tell me, do you know about something?"

Jasper and Ebony looked at her with a mysterious look.

"We know about the bloodlines," said Ebony calmly. Lilac's eyes widened and readied herself for possible violence.

"How did you know about it? Are you guys spies?" asked Lilac with a bit strong tone from her voice.

"No, we're not spies," added Jasper. "Please calm down"

"I know you wouldn't want to believe this but, here is the proof," said Ebony while showing her the mark that only the royal bloodlines can receive. Hers is located on her wrists which were covered with her long sleeves. Jasper showed his which is located on the side of his waist. Lilac looked at the marks and confirmed they were the bloodline's mark. She wanted further confirmation if the marks were legit. So she cast a spell on the marks to reveal its true nature, but the marks only glowed revealing it's not some tattoo but the mark of royal bloodlines.

"I can't believe it, I never thought to meet you guys," said Lilac in awe and all three of them smiled.

I'm so sorry for the wait. Thank for your effort of reading! <3 I hope you still continue to support me!

SevenHavencreators' thoughts