
The Ancient Books: Call of the Guardians

Histories of the past are quiet a mystery and so is the present and the coming future. Careful of what you read and become. Knowledge is powerful. In the beginning of wisdom, fear is present and so is bravery. To whom shall destiny be given and be chosen as protectors of peace?

SevenHaven · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Ringing sounds and Cold pierces

Lunch break falls and the students now went back to their classrooms. It was a quiet place to pass by the hallways of the school buildings and left other places a mystery. Not even a shadow roamed but only an echo of silence.

The silence was enough for a worker of the school to be scared walking alone in these vast hallways and other empty rooms when the students and teachers are busy within their own designated classrooms.

Most workers fear the libraries and even the staff agreed to who is assigned there. A few restrooms that are not often used by the students or teachers are also scary for them because of less contact with people. As experienced by a few workers, they say they tend to hear whispers of voices that are truly unknown.

There are 4 parts of libraries on the campus, one on the north wing, one on the south wing, one on the east wing, and the last one on the west wing. Each library room has its own books that a student needs for their studies.

Meanwhile, a ringing sound pierced Jejo's eardrums and left him spacing out like being caught in a time pause. He was the only one who can hear it. He didn't notice that Jasper was calling to him at that moment of being distracted.

"--Hey, bruh! Hey, snap it" called Jasper as his voice echoed to Jejo from slow muffled voice to normal. He tapped his shoulder to stop him from being distracted from whatever it is that made him space out and it kinda worked as he is now noticing him.

"S-sorry... What is it?"

"What's wrong, bruh? You've been spacing out"

"I-it's nothing, it just happens to me at times"

"Are you sure? Or probably thinkin' about someone?" Jasper chuckled.

"N-no, that's absurd man, I'm alright" he scoffed.

"Okay, alright"

Ebony who was at the back seat near them just looked at them while they have a small commotion. Jasper sends a quick wink at her and it made her eyes roll out and brushed her hair at the front with her hand. She was irritated by his smirk and winks at her.

"Look away, dang it" she hissed but only enough for Jasper and Jejo to hear. Jasper just then chuckled more before looking away and Jejo just eyed her with a few breaths and looked away.

They are inside another classroom with a different lesson and their seats change from time to time. There was no permanent seat, so they can freely choose whatever seat they want and be comfortable.

Jejo pokes his ears and soothes them as the ringing sound still goes on within his eardrums. It hurt like being stung by something or pierced by something very sharp. He hissed under his breath and tried to stay calm.


Jejo's POV

I thought these ringing sounds are over but I guess it followed me still here in this place. This ringing in my ear started when I was 13 years old. But it never felt like this much stronger pain than I expected before. And I thought it finally stopped because I don't have any ringings last couple of months.

I don't know what is wrong with my ear. We've been to different doctors just to check up on my ear, but they couldn't find any damage. My ears were normal. And now I have to deal with this again plus the infliction was doubled. And every time this happens, I could really have a bad feeling and always have to ignore it. Well, it makes sense to have a bad feeling, my ear is in pain of course! And I can't even figure out when I space out from it.

I shake my ears off and tried to ignore it. I took a water bottle from my bag and drank it. I was really thirsty and somewhat felt cold. I can't explain how I even feel right now. I hugged myself a bit and I felt like I couldn't hide this awful feeling anymore. I remember this feeling, this unpleasant feeling is eating me again.

"Hey, Jasper, what's happening to him?" asked a familiar voice. It was Ebony, poking Jasper from behind while looking at me. She wore a worried face as I looked at her then at Jasper who now wore it too.

"Jejo? You alright dude? You look so pale right now" said he and put his hand on my shoulder. "Wait a minute are you cold?"

"I-it's okay, don't mind me.." I said while making small shivers.

Ebony reached for my forehead and felt the cold and heat mixing on her hands. "No, he's not okay Jasper, is he having a fever or something?"

The teacher in front is starting to notice us and asked us what is going on. But before I could even say a word, the ringing in my ear beat hard. I felt like something heavy came over me.

"Oh my Goodness!" said Ebony from a distance as I fell from where I was seated. I heard Jasper calling me as well and other muffled voices. I tried to open my eyes as I could to stay awake. All I can feel now is the cold and pain that felt like an eternity. And then everything went black.


Jasper's POV

The teacher is starting to notice us and also everyone else in the room. I don't know what's happening to Jejo right now but I think it's pretty serious, so we should let our teacher know. I was about to talk when I noticed Jejo's shoulders slipping from my hand.

"Oh my Goodness!" I heard Ebony scream and made my head turn quickly and found Jejo fall from his seat.

"Jejo!" I said as I hurriedly went for him and so did Ebony and everyone in the classroom seemed to gather in-crowd. The teacher also was worried about his sudden fall and went for him.

"What is happening to him?" the teacher asked while bending down to reach for him.

"I don't know, he was spacing out and distracted earlier" I explained.

"He is so cold!" Ebony said as he holds his arm feeling his skin by her hands. "Is he breathing?"

The teacher immediately reached for his nostrils and felt a release of air. "He is breathing" he then checked for his pulse rate quickly.

"He is good, but he is so cold, like ice..." the teacher was then surprised to witness the floor slowly being coated with thin ice around Jejo. "Wait a minute, this is--"

And as he examined further it surprised him even more.

As I saw it too I was also surprised. We also saw a faint and small flickering mark on his neck near his jawline. Ebony as well left her gasping as she witnessed it too and then we look at each other then back to Jejo.

"Call for the school medics," said the teacher.

"Call for help! The school medics right away!" I said to one of my classmates who now rushed to look for help and medics.

"This student is near to its coming..." he muttered as he tries to cast a fire spell and hurl them around Jejo's body to keep him warm.

"Jejo's he's--" said Ebony to me in a whisper-like voice but I interrupted her.

"We still don't know yet," I said.

"Do you perhaps know what is happening to him? Have you ever been awakened?" the teacher asked, he was eyeing the two of us near, and then we both nodded.

"He is different, if you know what I mean, keep this a secret until further notice from us school teachers, we will discuss this kind of matter among us. Am I, understood?"

"Yes, Sir George," said Ebony and me in almost unison manner as we agreed. The teacher I guess knows about us, it was a piece of information that is only for those who are intended and allowed to know. The only ones who are chosen for these kinds of selections of people.

"Wait how do you guys, know?"

Just before we could answer him the help arrived.


Jejo's POV (subconscious mind)

I opened my eyes and found myself floating in midst of nowhere. Everything was white and very cold. I looked around but my eyes couldn't see any floor or any shape except small flakes of ice and snow everywhere and below me, thundering cracks of blue electricity. I tried to look at it but fear engulfed me as I wanted to run away from it.

Suddenly a dark cloud appeared out of nowhere and became bigger as it sucks the air around me. It was from a distance right in front of me. It was scarier than the other thing below me as it tries to suck me in too. I shrieked in fear but I couldn't find anything to hold! At this moment I was in a panic!

Suddenly, a thing came flying over fast that felt like thrown to me unto my hands. I grab hold of it and to my surprise, it stopped me from being sucked from that scary sucking dark cloud which now turned like a big black hole.

I looked up to this thing that I grabbed hold of. It was a book and was floating steadily in the air. The book looked so old as it has a few small tears on its sides and its cover. But the book presented itself as a whole enough to hold onto. It seems very familiar to me as I scanned its features with my eyes. As the strong wind blows in this vast white emptiness, I opened this little book and light flashed before my eyes.


Jejo opened his eyes and found himself lying on a bed. He felt a slight headache as he tried to sit from his laying figure.

"Ohh..sshi-- " he hissed as he soothed his head with his right hand.

"He's awake!" said Ebony, sitting near his bed and opening the curtains revealing his bed. Jasper was there too, they were waiting for him to wake up.

Jejo noticed the two and realized that this incident happened to him again like when he was in high school. But he felt something has changed over time, it was different than before.

"Hey man," said Jasper. "How are you feeling?"

Ebony just stared at him waiting for his answer. He didn't expect to see Ebony together with Jasper by his side.

"I'm good now. Did I faint? Or anything serious?"

"Dude you collapsed from your seat"

"What else could we do, be happy about it? No" said Ebony while crossing her arms.

"Sorry for the trouble..."

"Jeez man, should we call your sister and cousin for this? I think we should"

"No don't bother, I don't want them to worry"

"Sorry, but we already did and they are coming soon," said the nurse who just arrived from reaching his sibling and cousin. "It's in our rules to tell your family, of course, especially since your condition was a serious one Mr. Symphstone" she continued as she went to him to check his condition.

"Thank you so much ma'am" thanked Ebony.

"Uhuh, well it's my job so... Okay, everything's good now. Wait for a while, they'll be here soon. Good thing you've got friends with you." said the nurse as she looked at Ebony and Jasper before getting back to her desk and getting seated on her chair. "And especially Sir George, he was there for you too. You should thank him and your friends"

"Where's Sir George?"

"You may thank him later, he is been up to something right now"

"Oh, okay..." said Jejo then he turned to Jasper and Ebony.

"Thanks, guys," said he while drawing a kind smile to them.

"Don't mention it, bruh" said Jasper.

"I didn't expect you to be here, E-ebony right?" said Jejo.

"Yes, just a concerned being," said Ebony as she stretched her hand towards Jejo for a friendly shake hand "uh nice to meet you I guess"

"N-Nice to meet you too... Jejo" Jejo said as he accepted Ebony's handshake and it left a slight pink on his cheeks.

"Yeah, I know"

Jasper just smiled at the two and clears his throat. Ebony then looked at her with an irritated look and crossed her arms back. Even though she is on bad terms with him she still accepted his request to be beside him with Jejo.

Thank you for reading, if you like my story so far, please follow and support me. Thank you!

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