
The Belladonna Family

Don't play with your food. An old axiom, to be sure. Something that most parents had to tell their children at least once. Whitley Schnee was no different in that way. Except for the fact that, when it'd happened to him, it had been his father, a man he despised. And rather than just 'don't play with your food', Jacques Schnee had made an example of his son that night, immediately exiling him from the dinner table without leave to finish the rest of his supper.

Whitley had never played with his food within his father's sight again… but that didn't mean he wasn't going to do it when dear old dad wasn't looking. Now, with his father gone and Whitley on top of the world… well, how the hell was he supposed to do anything BUT play with his food? It was just too damn fun, and at this point, there was no one left to tell him no.

"I must say, Mr. Schnee… your visit is entirely unexpected. As is your… relationship with our daughter."

Ghira Belladonna would be an imposing figure to anyone who wasn't Whitley Schnee, he was fairly sure. The cat faunus is huge and gruff and altogether strong in body and mind. But then, he has to be in order to be Menagerie's Chieftain. Yeah, Whitley hadn't been kidding about bringing Menagerie into the fold. Some of his 'advisors' had been worried about him going personally to make sure that happened, but Whitley had the final say in all of his own decisions. He refused to have it any other way.

As such, Whitley had had himself and Blake dropped off at Menagerie, while the rest of Team RWBY along with Team JNPR followed his orders to take the yacht over to Mistral and provide whatever support they could along the way and ultimately link up to Winter and her Atlesian detachment. Their primary goals would be protecting Haven Academy as well as its Maiden, but they were also tasked with locating one Raven Branwen… for obvious reasons.

So, here they were, him and Blake, sitting in the Belladonna House's living room across from Ghira Belladonna and Kali Belladonna. The latter of whom looks with some vaguely concealed uncertainty between her daughter and Whitley, clearly worried for Blake and not sure how to react to her showing up with him at her side.

Ghira Belladonna, meanwhile, is playing the part of the stalwart leader very well and only has eyes for Whitley, not QUITE glaring him down, but definitely staring at him with a piercing intensity that would probably intimidate a lesser man. Of course, Whitley Schnee was anything but lesser. Smiling casually, he reaches over and gives Blake's leg a squeeze in front of both of her parents.

"Oh, Blake and I are just really good friends, Chieftain Belladonna. She was all too happy to help when I asked her to introduce us."

In response to his touch, Blake can't possibly contain her reaction, at least not fully. The cat faunus is still being punished after all… though the key to her punishment's end is currently sitting across from her. With that in mind, as she blushes and squirms, drawing her parents' eyes to her, Whitley surreptitiously slips her the key to her chastity belt.

She has her orders… she knows what she needs to do. As her gaze flickers over to him, he just grins confidently, having full faith in her ability to carry out his instructions.

Pulling his hand back, he looks over at Ghira and Kali Belladonna. Blake's father looks incensed but doesn't act upon it. Blake's mother on the other hand, is blushing a little bit, clearly slightly out of sorts, but also with just a hint of intrigue in her cat eyes. Perfect, everything is going exactly according to plan.

But then, of course it is. Whitley had every reason for being supremely self-confident in this entire situation. After all, he had complete control, even now. Needless to say, while the Belladonnas had been incredibly guarded from the moment that Blake showed up with him by her side at their front door, they couldn't guard against something they weren't aware of. Whitley's semblance… it was completely unknown even now, and that made it impossible for the leaders of Menagerie to fight back against something they had no idea was coming.

He'd already glyphed both of them at this point. If Whitley wanted to, he could have Ghira bowing down before him now. He could have Kali on her hands and knees, sucking his toes. He could do whatever the fuck he wanted to them, because they were already his. But he hadn't yet, for one simple reason.

There was no one left to tell him not to play with his food.

"… What do you want, Mr. Schnee?"

Flashing Kali a charming smile before turning his eyes upon her husband, Whitley chuckles.

"Please, Chieftain Belladonna. Mr. Schnee was my father. Call me Whitley. As for what I want… I want Menagerie to be officially recognized as a Fifth Kingdom."

That bombshell sends a shock through both of the older faunus in the room. Ghira's eyes widen, while Kali's, being the more expressive of the pair, very nearly bulge out of her skull. They both stare at him in complete shock, while Whitley just sits there, smug as can be. Of course, he's only exercising the barest bit of control over Blake's parents at this point. They will not raise a hand against him in violence, they will believe that he believes what he's saying is true, and they will hear him out.

That's it. The rest… they're still their own people, for now. Though of course, there's a little something on the side for each of them concerning OTHER things. Regardless, Ghira is the first to recover from Whitley's bombshell, shaking his head and scowling a little as his surprise turns into distrust.

"And what, might I ask, would be the catch? An offer like that doesn't come with no strings attached."

He notices that Ghira isn't calling him Whitley, but also isn't using 'Mr. Schnee' anymore. An amusing middle ground for the cat faunus to take, when he clearly doesn't trust or like Whitley enough to use his first name. Grinning a little, Whitley bobs his head in agreement.

"You're not wrong, Chieftain. Here's what I can promise you. The Schnee Dust Company is more committed than ever to our workers. The changes I've made have already reverberated across Remnant, and I hope reached even your ears here in Menagerie."

Ghira twitches, but begrudgingly nods after a moment.

"That's the only reason I even let you into my house in the first place."


Kali sounds offended by her husband's callous disregard for their runaway daughter, but Ghira pays his wife no mind and besides giving her a simple glance, Whitley doesn't either. Instead he just continues smiling at the Chieftain of Menagerie.

"On top of that, in order to make amends for the poor business practices of my father, I wish to help Menagerie legitimize itself to the other Kingdoms. Namely, by funding the full construction of a CCT tower within your great community."

This is another bombshell. CCT Towers were… well, they were the most important technological innovation in the history of Remnant, or so some said. Atlas had been the first to develop the technology, however. It'd been their gift to the other three Kingdoms after the Great War had ended. Except, part of the Great War's resolution had been the abolition of slavery. The Faunus had been given equal rights and were gifted the continent of Menagerie for their own use.

It was a stark reminder of the discrimination and bigotry inherent in the Kingdoms that when Atlas developed the Cross Continental Transmit System or CCTS for short, they hadn't even tried to offer it to Menagerie. Would Menagerie have taken to it like the other Kingdoms had back in the beginning when it was still mostly revolutionary and untested technology? Probably not. Their distrust of humans ran deep, and for good reason.

But these days, CCT Towers were literally what held the living people of this world together. It made the four Kingdoms into a unified front against the Grimm and kept proper war from really breaking out again by soothing any tensions that manifested themselves. It was, ultimately, an incredible tool that Menagerie suffered from not having access to. There was a clear and undeniably difference in the prosperity of the Four Kingdoms and Menagerie, and while racists and bigots would claim that it was because the Faunus were inherently lazy people, Whitley knew better.

After all, he employed more faunus than humans even now, and while part of that was because of his father's idiotic business practices, Whitley was not so foolish that he couldn't see the strong work ethic of the faunus people. Put bluntly, the only reason Menagerie wasn't on the same level of economic prosperity as the other Four Kingdoms was the lack of a CCT Tower. Well, and the other small thing…

"Once again, that is a generous offer. And once again, I will ask you what you would want from us for it."

Ghira Belladonna is no fool. He won't keep allowing Whitley to beat around the bush. Well, he would if Whitley told him to, but Whitley was enjoying this. It was refreshing, verbally sparring with another leader. Smirking a little now, Whitley dips his head in acknowledgment of Ghira's words and then spreads his palms apart in his lap.

"I would think that obvious, but very well. In return for the construction of a CCT Tower here in Menagerie, and the SDC's backing in seeking legitimization as the Fifth Kingdom of Remnant… all I ask in return is your help in dismantling and doing away with the White Fang, once and for all."

Both Ghira and Kali stiffen at that. But then, Whitley was well aware that Ghira Belladonna had once been the White Fang's so-called 'High Leader'. And Kali had been right there with him. To say the White Fang was close to their hearts would be an understatement. But Whitley also knew that they'd chosen to leave the organization behind.

And he knew that both of them were filled with horror and sorrow at what the White Fang had become. He knew, because Blake had only joined the White Fang in the first place as an act of rebellion against her parents, and she'd left when she'd realized just how bad things had gotten, just like they did.

"The White Fang… has no place here in Menagerie, I can assure you."

Whitley just shakes his head at Ghira's piss poor attempt at obfuscating the truth.

"Please, Chieftain Belladonna, there's no need to lie to me. I understand the situation here in Menagerie perfectly. Perhaps even better than you yourself."

Even as Ghira is stiffening in outrage, Whitley is continuing on with a sharp smile and a gesture in Blake's direction.

"After all, I have more up to date information."

The understanding is not lost on Blake's parents. They aren't surprised, obviously they knew their daughter had joined the White Fang, just as they knew she'd gotten out somehow. Still, both Ghira and Kali do slump their shoulders a bit at finding out that Whitley knows everything Blake has gone through and in far greater detail then them, her own parents.

"Say what you will, Chieftain. This is the White Fang's home. Menagerie is where they were made and where they continue to thrive and prosper to this day. But while I agree with several of the White Fang's goals, I can never condone the things they have done to innocents in pursuit of those goals. With the death of my father and his thinking, the White Fang have become obsolete. It is time for them to go."

Here, Whitley is cheating just a little bit. He prods at Ghira Belladonna with his semblance, making the Menagerie Chieftain see reason. Whitley isn't someone who will accept failure. And he's especially not one to let his elders tell him no. Not when the previous generation has so clearly done such a piss poor job. His father might have been the worst offender in that regard, but he will not allow Blake's dad to stand in his way any more than he did his own.

Slowly, Ghira begins to nod. He looks extremely pained as he does so, but all the same…

"You may… have a point."

His tone is undeniably begrudging, but that's fine. In fact, that's exactly what Whitley wants. It wouldn't be fun if this were too easy, after all. Quite suddenly, Kali stands up from her husband's side.

"I-I should probably get started on dinner now! If anyone needs me, I'll be in the kitchen."

Seeing an opportunity and not wanting to pass it up, Whitley stands as well, smiling.

"Perhaps I can help you with that, Mrs. Belladonna. My mother raised me to be self-sufficient, so I'm actually quite good at cooking. I'd be very interested to learn some of your native recipes."

Here, Whitley has to cheat a little bit. After all, common sense would dictate that, if they were going to split into pairs, Blake would be the one to go with her mom while he and Ghira continued negotiations, right? But that's not what Whitley wants. And despite the affable personality he's presenting right now, Whitley Schnee ALWAYS gets what he wants.

Kali looks uncertain and Ghira looks thunderous for all of a moment before he tweaks their perceptions enough that it makes sense he would help Kali out with the meal while Ghira was reconnecting with their daughter. Beaming, Kali gives a happy nod.

"What a gentleman. Please then, follow me."

Ghira, meanwhile, crosses his arms over his chest and pins his daughter with a gaze.

"Good. Blake and I have a lot to talk about anyways."

Blake blushes and squirms in her chair at that, looking over at Whitley and then back to her dad. Whitley looks right back at his pet kitty cat. There's not an ounce of disgust or reluctance in Blake's eyes, not truly. Beneath the embarrassment and shame for running away from home is… literally only lust. She'll do what he told her. Not just because he ordered it, but because she's desperate at this point.

As he follows Kali Belladonna into the home's kitchen, a wide, wicked grin spreads across his face and his eyes descend to the unaware housewife's swaying hips and gorgeous behind. He'd be having his own fun, while Blake was… entertaining her dad.


Silence falls, once her mother and her Master leave the room. Blake can't even look Ghira in the eye, but not for the reason he thinks. Her gaze is fixed on his crotch, though he probably thinks she's just staring down at the table. Because… her father represents her chance to finally end her punishment. Blake understood now why what she tried to do was wrong.

She tried to run away again, like she'd been doing all her life. Running from her family, running from the White Fang… in the wake of Adam's attack and her realization that ultimately a lot of what had happened was her fault for not doing more, it had only made sense to run away again. But that was wrong of her, because Blake wasn't in charge of herself anymore. She was her Master's Pet, HIS property, and at the end of the day, it was only his needs, HIS desires that mattered.

It wasn't her decision anymore, whether she could run away or not. Blake understood that now, but just because she understood how she'd failed didn't mean her punishment ended. Having been trapped in this chastity belt since the Battle of Beacon, Blake was… to say she was desperate would really be an understatement.

And as Whitley had already explained to her, she was only allowed to remove the chastity belt for one reason and one reason only… to allow her father to impregnate her. Blushing at the thought, letting her eyes rake up and down Ghira's muscular, tall form, Blake definitely doesn't think the experience will be a poor one.

But first, she has to convince her father that she's worth fucking.

"… This wasn't how I expected us to meet again, I must admit. In my mind, I just wanted you to come home. Never thought it would be with HIM by your side though."

Blushing, Blake lowers her head a little further, staring at her hands for a moment and the key to the chastity belt that her Master had just slipped her.

"Whitley… Whitley has done a lot for me, daddy. He saved me, multiple times and in m-multiple ways."

Silence falls for a moment, and then Ghira growls a little.

"And what ELSE did he do to you?"

How should she go about this? Master had made it clear that he would give her an opening. It seemed almost impossible that her father and mother would… well, go for such things. But then, Blake had watched Ruby and Blake's father knock them both up. So, was this any different? No… no it was not.

"He bred me, daddy. He got me with child. I gave birth a little while ago. You're a grandfather now, you should know."

Ghira rears back at that, as if struck. But Blake is already making her move, standing up and beginning to strip down. Her father, far from getting angry and offended, instead sits there and stares as she exposes her body to him. The key comes up and she almost nonchalantly unlocks and removes her chastity belt as the final piece, though the quiet tremble in her fingers betrays just how not nonchalant she really is.


"He defiled me, daddy. He defiled your baby girl's body. Don't you… don't you wanna make it better? Don't you wanna take it back?"

Prowling over to her father, Blake can see the warring emotions on her father's face. He DID want her, it's as clear as day. In spite of the taboo, in spite of the social expectations, in spite of her mother being in the next room over, her father wanted to fuck her. That was good, because Blake wanted to fuck him right back.

"W-We shouldn't…"

Aw, her daddy wasn't convinced yet though, even despite how much he clearly wanted this. That was okay. Master had said he would need some prodding. As Ghira Belladonna, Chieftain of Menagerie, sits there frozen in indecision, Blake just smiles and climbs into his lap, naked as the day she was born but fully developed into a beautiful, busty young woman. A young mother, in fact.

"Why not, daddy? I know you want me… and I want you. Whitley knocked me up… shouldn't it be your right as my father to do the same? Shouldn't you make me give birth to a nice, healthy, full-blooded faunus baby, to balance the scales?"

She can see that her words are having an effect on her father. Reaching down between them, kneeling on either side of his lap, Blake works open his pants and draws out his cock. Ghira lets out a loud groan the moment she lays her hands on his member, tossing his head back and gripping tightly at the arms of the large chair he's sat in. Beaming, Blake strokes her father's dick up and down, imagining it inside of her.

But she can't put it in herself. Master had been very clear about that. If she wanted her father to fuck and knock her up, it had to be HIS decision. Still, Master had also been very clear about Blake being allowed to do whatever necessary aside from direct penetration to get Ghira to grab her, pin her down, and fuck a baby or two into her.

So, without further ado, Blake pushes her sopping wet slit up against her father's cock, hot-dogging his spectacular girth with her pussy lips as she mewls and moans, egging him on.

"I n-need it, daddy! I need a real faunus baby bred into me!"

That proves to be the tipping point. With a deep growl that rumbles up from within his broad, muscular chest, Ghira suddenly reaches out and grabs her by her waist, before spinning them both around and tossing her onto the armchair he was just sat on. As Blake finds herself half-folded up by the chair and half-folded up by her father's hands on her ankles, lifting her legs high into the air and spreading them wide, she can only gasp and mewl.

Reaching down between her thighs, she hurriedly spreads open her pussy for him as well… and not a moment too soon, because his cock pistons forward into her sopping wet cunt the very next moment, causing Blake to squeal and explosively orgasm on the spot. It's been so long thanks to the chastity belt. Master had been very clear that she wasn't allowed to cum until he found a suitable mate for her.

She'd never in a million years expected it to be her own father, but perhaps she should have. Ghira Belladonna was a fine male specimen, a mate that any woman, faunus or human, would be glad to have. As his cock pistons in and out of her greedy, clenching pussy, Blake squeals and shrieks and cums again and again, her eyes rolled back in her head, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Meanwhile, Ghira continues to snarl.

"You're right! You have been defiled. It's up to me to make sure the scales are balanced! Up to me to wash away that Schnee brat's sin by pumping pure faunus seed into your corrupted womb! I'll purify you, Blake! Don't worry, I'll purify you!"

Blake can only moan in response, her eyes rolling forward again just to go crossed as she shudders and spasms upon her dad's cock. He's so rough, so harsh, so violent… and she honestly loves just about every second of it.

"Take it, Blake! Take it all!"

When he unloads inside of her, Blake has lost track of both time and the number of orgasms she's had. Not that Ghira is done after just one creampie. He pulls out of her cunt only long enough to take her and flip her over onto her front. Blake is left kneeling on the armchair, hugging the back of it as Ghira forces her to arch her spine, her hips jutting out in his direction.

As he slams back into her, one hand holds onto her ass and the other grabs hold of her hair, yanking her head back so he can look down at her from above, albeit upside down.

"This is how a faunus should be fucked, Blake. This is how I bred your mother. Don't you worry… I'm going to do the same to you."

Shuddering in orgasmic ecstasy, Blake just nods as best she can in response, eager for it, desperate for it even. Of course, she knows that no matter how hard her daddy fucks her, he'll never actually be able to make her forget her Master. It just doesn't work like that. Whitley's mark is upon her, his claim on her goes soul-deep and she knows she belongs to him above all others.

Her father will just have to accept that she was pimped out to him, once this is all over. Just as he'll have to accept what Master intends to do with Blake's mom. It's probably happening now, in fact, and as Blake glances over, she confirms it. The kitchen door is open just a crack, but through that crack, Blake sees a familiar golden eye peering back at her.

Daughter makes eye contact with mother, and Blake can tell right then and there that BOTH of them are getting fucked. Throwing a lazy grin in her mother's direction, Blake wishes Kali the best of luck handling her Master's cock before settling in to thoroughly enjoy her frenzied father's fornication attempts.

With this, her punishment came to an end. And Blake promised to herself that she would do her best to avoid ever rating such a thing, ever again.


Kali Belladonna had never actually met a Schnee in the flesh, prior to today. Which made sense, given how rich they were. The Schnee Family sat in their lofty towers at the highest heights of the floating kingdom of Atlas, seemingly untouchable, completely unapproachable. Though, Kali knew the first one to be untrue. The Schnees were not untouchable. At least, the ancillary ones were not. The White Fang had proven as much, assassinating members of the Schnee Family in recent years, as well as high-ranking management within the SDC.

She didn't approve of it, of course, she didn't approve of anything that the White Fang truly did anymore. That was why, privately anyways, Kali fully supported what Whitley Schnee was offering them. When Ghira asked for her advice on the proposal later in private, she intended to tell him that he should take the deal. The White Fang were as obsolete as Whitley claimed they were.

Still, she had to admit, Whitley Schnee was not at all what she had expected from a Schnee. As she begins preparing dinner, he asks for tasks to complete and she… she gives them to him. And he actually does them. It's rather surprising, that he seems perfectly okay with helping her in the kitchen. He truly is a bright young gentleman, isn't he? Handsome too…

Of course, the first time his hand brushes against hers while they're both handling the same food, Kali chalks it up to a coincidence. When he places his hands on her hips while squeezing past behind her to get to another part of the kitchen, Kali knows he doesn't mean anything by it. She has to tamp down on the heat that's building within herself though.

It's shameful, but it is the way faunus are. They go into heat, if the animal they represent goes into heat. And Blake and Whitley's arrival… it's happening at a rather unfortunate time for Kali. Namely, she's currently in the midst of her heat. She wants desperately to be fucked, and her and Ghira have been going at it all night long for days now.

Luckily they have, because if not for Ghira taking care of her needs, Kali isn't sure she could stand here and not make a fool of herself in front of Whitley Schnee. Even with Ghira recently fucking her, just being around the young human, smelling his scent, taking in his musk… Kali wants it. She wants him.

But of course, she can't HAVE him. No matter how good his no doubt incidental and accidental touches are. No matter how horny she is. Whitley Schnee is off-limits. He HAS to be.

And then there's a sudden growl from the other room, a growl that Kali recognizes as her husband's. Worried about how Ghira might be reacting to Blake's sudden reappearance without her there to act as a buffer, the cat faunus housewife immediately drops what she's doing and moves towards the door to the living room. Only for Whitley to step in and stop her.

"You might not want to just barge out there, Mrs. Belladonna. I'm sure everything is fine… maybe just a quick peek, instead?"

Blinking at that, Kali slowly nods, finding wisdom in Whitley's words. So instead of slamming open the door to the kitchen and making her presence known, Kali… peeks out instead. What she sees shocks her to her core, making her bring a hand to her mouth to hide the surprised exclamation that involuntarily leaves her lips.

Luckily, neither Blake nor Ghira appear to hear her as, out in the living room, their naked daughter climbs onto her father's lap. Now, Kali knows what's happening is just as wrong as Ghira does, but in the midst of her heat, the MILF of a cat faunus is too aroused to interfere. When Whitley's hands fall upon her hips and his thumbs rub soothing circles into her body, she lets it happen, actually enjoying it more than a little bit, her ass even subconsciously pushing back into his crotch.

"They're just having some fun, Mrs. Belladonna. We could have some fun too…"

Whitley's voice is calm and collected as Kali listens to Blake explain to her daddy why he NEEDS to fuck her. As the housewife watches her husband give in to temptation and swiftly push Blake down into a mating press for said fucking, Whitley's hands begin to shift Kali's dress up, slowly hiking it up her legs and over her wide ass and thicc hips.

We could have some fun too…

The suggestion echoes in her thoughts, and in her current feverish heated state, Kali simply doesn't have the strength to say no. Instead, she keeps one hand on the door and the other covering her mouth as she watches Ghira fuck Blake… and in turn feels Whitley's cock sliding against her backside. He hot dogs her ass for a moment, before slipping her panties down to her thighs. Then, he brings his cockhead to her cunt.

"Let's give Blake a little brother or sister, shall we? Only seems fair that I knock up Ghira's wife, since he's knocking up the mother of MY child."

Some part of Kali is downright shocked to hear that Blake has already given birth to a baby by Whitley. That seems like information they should have led with when they first showed up at her and Ghira's door. But in the midst of her heat, Kali simply can't focus or concentrate on something like that. Ultimately, Whitley's words make sense. It's only fair, right?

He slides into her a moment later, and Kali is thankful for the hand she's using to cover her mouth, because it keeps her pleasured cries quiet as he begins to fuck her from behind. Of course, the way Ghira is fucking their daughter into the chair so hard and fast is more than loud enough to override any noises coming from the kitchen. And the way Blake is shrieking and screaming and squealing her way through orgasm after orgasm…

Her baby girl is all grown up, isn't she? A mother in her own right, at that. Kali moans, really starting to feel it as Whitley thrusts deeper and deeper into her hungry, gushing wet twat. Is he bigger than Ghira? Honestly, Kali can't say. But in another way… he's BETTER than Ghira. She'd never have expected it. Ghira is so strong, so tall and muscular and just… he's a true Alpha Male, or so Kali has always thought. He's a leader and always has been.

For this… this young man, because she can't call him a boy, for this young man to come in here and just take liberties with her. He's just as much of an Alpha Male as Ghira. No… he's MORE of an Alpha Male. Moving his hands up Kali's body, Whitley yanks open her top and begins to molest her breasts as he continues to fuck her from behind. His fingers pinch and pull at her nipples, and Kali whimpers into the hand she's still using to cover her mouth and quiet her screams as she creams herself on his cock.

"Going to make these nice and full of milk. Maybe I'll take a drink once they are every once in a while. Would you like that, Kali? Being my own personal milk maid throughout your pregnancy? I think I'd certainly like that."

Oh god, oh fuck… Kali squeals into her hand and cums again, her eyes threatening to fully roll back in her head now as she shakes and spasms upon Whitley Schnee's cock. He's just so confident, and she's always loved confident in her men. Never in a million years did she think she'd be giving it up to a human though. She'd always thought herself a one-man woman. Ghira was the love of her life… but Whitley Schnee knew how to fuck her just right. He knew things about her that she hadn't even known herself!

Out in the living room, Ghira creampies their daughter. The sight of it, as well as Whitley's playing with her tits and fucking of her MILF cunt, send the cat faunus housewife over the edge into yet ANOTHER orgasm. By the time she recovers, it's to see Blake now on all fours, pressed up against the back of the armchair, forced to kneel on it by Ghira so he can take her from behind.

That's when Blake looks over in her direction and they make eye contact. Kali immediately feels shame and embarrassment at being caught, but it's not like she can really pull away. But when Blake gives her a lazy smile and then looks away, Kali can't take it anymore. She pushes back against Whitley, intent on pushing them both back further into the kitchen as she carefully closes the door again.

Now that she knows it's happening though; she can distinctly hear Ghira roughly fucking their daughter out in the living room. There's no getting away from that, even as Whitley turns her around and lets her bend over the kitchen counter instead while he continues to fuck her. Her legs are quaking and trembling and she's up on her tip toes as she's ridden from behind, fucked into the counter near-continuously.

She can't think, she can't do much of anything… all she can do is take it, take Whitley's cock as he grunts and groans before finally filling her with a nice, thick load of his spunk. But then, Ghira wasn't done after one go… and neither is Whitley, it seems.

"You can go back to making dinner now, Kali."

He's not actually pulling out of her as he says that. He's fucking her a bit slower though, fondling her breasts with a little less intensity. So, Kali slowly nods her head and straightens up as best she can, going back to preparing the meal. Whitley doesn't help anymore, of course. He's too busy fucking her. Too busy filling her with his spunk again and again. All in order to 'balance the scales' so to speak.

If Ghira gets to knock up Blake, then Whitley gets to knock up Kali. That only seems fair to the horny, needy cat faunus MILF. And so, she spends the rest of dinner prep getting fucked. It means that it takes her about an hour longer to finish preparing dinner thanks to all the distractions, but Ghira and Blake don't seem to care. They're too busy fucking anyways.

The moment that solidifies it all is when they all sit down for dinner… and Kali sits down on Whitley's dick while Blake sits down on Ghira's. Kali's husband notices that his wife is getting fucked… and doesn't seem to mind it one bit. It's that moment that tells Kali she's doing the right thing, that this is the way it's supposed to be.

After dinner, Whitley and Ghira continue their talks about Menagerie's CCT Tower and getting rid of the White Fang, all while fucking the two Belladonna women through orgasm after orgasm and creampie after creampie. Kali and Blake end up face to face during this, bent over and holding hands as mother and daughter moan into each other's faces, staring at one another and sharing in their mutual enjoyment of the two big fat cocks they've been graced with.

Kali is, without a doubt, as happy as can be. Her daughter has found a good man who understands that sometimes a father just needs to knock up his daughter. And that same good man is going to fuck a baby into Kali if it's the last thing he does. Everything is exactly as it should be. Everything is just… perfect.


The audacity of it all allowed for the Enemy to get far further into the complex then he should have been able to get, by all rights. Or at least, that's what those who came upon the situation late assumed. Facts were what they were though. Whitley Schnee and the traitor Blake Belladonna had flat out walked straight into the White Fang's base without so much as a by your leave.

Obviously, they didn't make it much further than the first main chamber before faunus moved to confront them. Face to face with a bunch of angry faunus bristling with weaponry, Whitley Schnee had stopped in the middle of the room with a smile on his face while Blake Belladonna stood next to him, shifting from foot to foot nervously.

Needless to say, no one was willing to attack Whitley Schnee, because this was obviously an opportunity to capture and potentially ransom him for demands or something that they couldn't afford to pass up. The problem was, he was still armed, and none of them were willing to make the first move.

Smiling pleasantly as he watches all of the White Fang grunts arrayed before him, Whitley has to admit… he's drawing this out a bit longer than necessary in order to do some window shopping. Hey, it's not his fault that faunus women tend to be quite beautiful! And some of the White Fang soldiers are very gorgeous. Not to mention some of the men look like they would make for excellent breeding studs, depending on if their minds matched their physical looks.

So yes, Whitley is sizing them all up with the utmost confidence as he picks out which ones he'll be adding to his collection. Just because he was going to dismantle the White Fang, didn't mean he was going to KILL all of them, after all. Still… best to get on to the main event, so to speak.

Breaking the stand off and his silence, Whitley Schnee reaches down and removes Wilt and Blush from his belts, dropping them to the ground in front of dozens of startled White Fang Grunts. Then, he grins a carefree grin.

"I'm sure we all know I'm far, far above all of your paygrades. So please… take me to your leader."


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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