"Alright, Mr. Schnee. Let's move on to our final question, shall we? If you could say one thing to the fine people of both Vale and Atlas in these troubling times, what would it be?"
Whitley lets a small smile form on his face as he takes a moment to answer the question. Some might have thought that him taking that moment was because he needed to formulate his response, get his thoughts in order. It would be a fair assumption, and it was exactly what he was counting on. In truth, Whitley didn't need the second to know how he was going to answer. He'd had all of his answers to these questions prepared ahead of this interview.
Across from him sits Lisa Lavender, one of the top news reporters for the Vale News Network. The woman, for all that she's a civilian, is a sharply dressed beauty. From her lavender hair to her amber eyes, to the way her pantsuit hugs at her curves, despite a clear effort to appear more masculine and thus garner more respect from those who watch her show.
Lisa Lavender has become the face of Vale News ever since the attack. Things could have been worse. They could have been downright deadly for the Kingdom of Vale. The stark truth of things is clear to anyone who's paying attention. It wasn't just Atlas Forces that saved Vale from both the Grimm and the White Fang, it was SDC Forces. It was Whitley specifically who had acted to save the Kingdom of Vale, Atlas' closest allies.
And he'd made sure people knew that too. He'd made sure everyone acknowledged his heroics, albeit he did so in more clandestine and subtle ways. As far as the general population of both Kingdoms was concerned, Whitley Schnee was like a hero of old. He was a man's man, doing what needed to be done but shying away from taking too much credit.
He was able to get away with this, because even as Whitley demurred and acted the part of a humble hero, his followers, his toys, his tools… were all singing his praises for him. From Glynda Goodwitch's interviews with the very same woman sitting across from him now, to Winter Schnee's official reports to the Atlesian Military, Whitley was the man who'd come out of this with the most. He'd come out smelling like roses, with not one but TWO Kingdoms beholden to him.
Of course, given his upbringing, Whitley wasn't stupid by any stretch of the imagination. He knew how to manipulate the court of public opinion, yes, but he also knew just how swiftly the court of public opinion could turn against him. He refused to let his hard work go to waste though. So, after months of shying away from the public eye as much as someone like him could, after months of acting the part of the humble hero, Whitley had made a big show of agreeing to this interview with Lisa Lavender.
Of course, for security purposes and because the Vale News Network was still rebuilding after the White Fang attack, Lisa Lavender had come to him, to his yacht. They were currently sat in a quaint sitting room together, with him having been answering her questions for… glancing at a clock, Whitley would say about an hour now.
All pretaped of course, he hadn't agreed to anything live. Still, the momentary pause before he answered her question would keep them from having to splice one in. It would make him appear more human, and it would go great lengths to convincing more people that he didn't know the questions she was going to ask ahead of time.
"… If I could say one thing to the people of Vale and Atlas in these trying times… I would say this; We're stronger together. To the people of Atlas, Vale is our Sister Kingdom. The White Fang would love for us to cower in fear while they ran roughshod over our allies. The Grimm clearly desire all of our deaths. But I can only hope Atlas will continue to stand with me as we protect our sisters and brothers in Vale from harm. To the people of Vale, we in Atlas have not forgotten you, nor will we ever. The Kingdoms must stand together… or fall alone."
There's a beat as he finishes his 'impromptu' monologue, and then he gives a short nod and the blinking lights on the cameras cut out. Lisa Lavender beams from where she's seated.
"Well, I suppose that's a wrap! And I must say Mr. Schnee, for as difficult as it was to get this interview, I really do appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet with me. It's been a pleasure."
As she stands up, presumably to be escorted off the yacht so her people can begin the editing of the interview for dissemination among the two populaces, Whitley just smiles and nods. And then he snaps his fingers, activating the glyph he put on Lisa Lavender when he was first escorting her on board. The gorgeous reporter's eyes go a bit blank for a moment, before she looks at him with a lot less faux sincerity, and a lot more love and devotion.
No one around them is surprised. All of the crew that Whitley had graciously allowed her to bring onboard his yacht had been thoroughly and personally vetted by him beforehand. Which meant they were all his playthings already as well. Lisa was the only one he'd allowed to keep her free will during their interview, not wanting anyone to catch a hint or whiff of favoritism, or anything like that.
"If you really appreciate me, Ms. Lavender… prove it."
His challenging, provocative statement is meant with a lurid grin by the woman who'd just been interviewing him. This woman, despite not being a huntress, was still at the top of her own personal world. She had a strength of will and a pride that was mostly unmatched. She was one of the most popular faces in Vale, after all. When she spoke, people listened, because where else were they going to get their news?
None of that matters now though, as she bobs her head up and down in agreement with his words, reaching down and shucking off her jacket with its padded shoulders, before moving her fingers up to begin undoing the buttons on her violet blouse. Taking off her blouse reveals that her bra is the same color of lavender as her hair. She really does have a color coding thing going on, but then to be fair, so does practically everyone, don't they?
Whitley admires the view, as Lisa continues on with stripping down, her hands going to her suit pants next, unbuttoning and then unzipping them. She turns away from him and makes quite the show of slowly but surely pulling her pants down over her shapely ass, which is of course clad with a lavender pair of panties that match both her bra and her hair.
Down her pale legs her pants go, until ultimately she stands before him half-naked, wearing nothing but her undergarments at this point. Like this, it's quite obvious that Lisa is all woman. She might have tried to hide her femininity behind that masculine pantsuit and her short bob of a haircut, but now that the pantsuit is done away with, Whitley is able to admire all of her curves, from her large breasts clearly being squeezed quite painfully within her bra, to her shapely fat ass, hugged by her panties.
She licks her lips as she fidgets in front of him, giving a little self-conscious twirl and then hugging herself with one arm as she awaits his verdict. No trace of her confidence or pride remains at the moment, but then, when you build your ego on the back of being equal to men, suddenly becoming subservient to a man, namely him, will cause a bit of a shock to the system, Whitley imagines.
It's not precisely what he wants though, so he snaps his fingers again, giving Lisa Lavender a wide smile.
"You're the face of Vale News, Ms. Lavender. The voice of a Kingdom. Act like it."
Lisa's self-consciousness falls away like a shedded skin, her back straightening as her shoulders square off, her arm falling away from how she'd been hugging herself. She goes from biting her lip to grinning seductively in a heartbeat, and slowly but surely she saunters over to where he's sat waiting for her, acting the part of a predator on the prowl.
"You're right, Master. Thank you for the reminder~"
Sultry and sexy and altogether lustful as all hell, Lisa drops to her knees in front of him, her hands going to his knees and yanking his legs apart rather forcefully, before she begins working open his pants. She doesn't ask for permission before doing so, doesn't wait for him to give her any further orders. Which is good. Whitley doesn't need a robot; he needs an ally. Albeit an ally still subservient to him, of course, but there's still a big difference.
Lisa will need to stay mostly the same, if she's to do the job he needs her to do. She's going to be an asset to him, here in Vale. After the attack, she's gone from the biggest name in Vale News, to really the only name worth remembering. She's at the top of the pyramid now… gazing up at him from below, gazing up at the face of her God.
His cock slips out of the confines of his pants and Lisa wastes no time putting her mouth on it once she's got it out and into her hands. Moaning wantonly, the sultry, needy News Reporter is all too happy to bob up and down on his cock. Her enthusiasm is a bit contagious; he has to admit. The way she's going to town on his dick, all while staring up at him with those twinkling amber eyes of hers… Whitley chuckles and places a hand atop Lisa's head, curling his fingers through her lavender locks.
"You naughty little minx…"
Lisa seems to take that as a compliment, because she gets more and more mischievous, her tongue swiping across the tip of his member, swirling around his cock as she swallows more and more of it. She's got an impressive technique, to be sure… for all that she's clearly not used to taking a cock as big as his into her mouth. When he starts hitting the back of her throat, she's momentarily stymied… but ultimately doesn't let up even then, obsessed with proving her loyalty, her devotion, choking herself on his cock even as she worships it with her mouth and tongue.
"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"
Whitley, for his part, is content to let Lisa do as she will with his member. He knows he has nothing to fear from her. She cannot harm him, not anymore. Not by action nor by word. She's his, through and through, just like the rest of his property.
With that in mind, even as Lisa starts to go faster and faster down his cock, Whitley decides it's past time he saw her tits. They're bouncing and jiggling even now, contained as they are in her too-small bra. Reaching over her, in turn pressing her head down into his crotch as he does so, Whitley unclasps her bra from above and upside down, no easy feat given the positioning.
But he does it all the same, and said bra falls away as he tugs it off of her, leaving Lisa in nothing but her panties, and her breasts, full and bouncy that they are, finally free. It's quite clear now, that she wore a bra too small for her chest in order to try and compress her tits down and hide them in the loose fitted clothing provided by her suit jacket and her violet blouse. He can see the angry marks even now where the ill-fitted bra was confining her breasts to the point of likely pain.
He presses his fingers into those spots and rubs and massages her tits soothingly, even as Lisa picks up the pace in thanks, bobbing up and down on his cock and deep-throating his thick meaty girth all the faster.
"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"
He feels himself getting close, and Whitley smiles in response, well-pleased with his latest acquisition. Lisa really would make a fine asset… in so many different ways.
"Here it comes, pet. Take it. Take it all, my horny little slut."
And take it she does. She doesn't quite manage to swallow all of it, but she swallows enough. The rest trickles out of the sides of her mouth as her cheeks chipmunk outwards a little comically from her attempt to keep it all contained. She makes a big show of gulping down the rest of his cum and then cleaning up the trails of his seed that escaped, but frankly, Whitley is still far too aroused to wait for Round Two.
Rising quite abruptly, he pulls Lisa up to her feet as well, by his grip on her nipples no less. Tugging them both, he yanks her off her knees, causing the big-chested reporter to moan rather lewdly. Then, he spins her around and bends her over right then and there, deciding he needed to take her, needed to be inside of her.
Her panties don't even come off, they simply get pushed to the side as Whitley thrusts into Lisa Lavender's sopping wet, warm core from behind. In response, she cries out and plants her hands on the coffee table in front of her for support, bent over with her legs spread wide and her body completely accessible to him. As Whitley holds her by her hips and begins to truly and properly plow her, he's got a big wide grin on his face. Another conquest, another victory. It fills him with a sense of pure and utter satisfaction to drive his member deep into Lisa Lavender's welcoming cunt again and again.
It's into this scene that three more of his toys walk. As he's pulling Lisa's arms back behind her and fucking into her harder and faster than ever before, the two of them are joined by Glynda and the Malachite Twins. None of which are pregnant any longer.
It's been several months since the attack on Vale at this point. Every woman that Whitley has impregnated has given birth and subsequently recovered by now. Which means that they're all ready for their next pregnancy, as far as he's concerned. Regardless, even as he watches Glynda, Miltia, and Melanie all strip down to nothing right before him, Whitley remains focused on the task at hand. He's going to breed Lisa Lavender, here and now. And sure, that might make it hard for her to hide in a few more months, but the people will understand. They'll even think better of her for it, so long as it's swung the right way. And if there's one thing Lisa knows how to do, it's spin a story.
As the Malachite Twins begin to makeout and Glynda touches herself, Whitley speeds up the pace before finally blowing his load deep inside of Lisa. He fills her with his cum, and then lets her face plant on the coffee table in front of her. Slumping down to her knees, panting heavily with every breath as she just lays there, Whitley leaves her to recover and moves onto the next woman awaiting his attentions.
He takes Glynda with her back up against the wall and one of her dexterous legs high in the air and draped over his shoulder. This right here is a bit of a goodbye orgy, since he'll be moving on soon and he'll be leaving all of these girls behind. But it's going to be fine, because they'll have plenty of his men to take care of them if they're feeling lonely. From Taiyang to Junior to the members of Team CRDL, there are going to be plenty of his people left in Vale to satisfy their needs.
It won't be the same though of course, and Whitley knows that full well. So, as he fucks Glynda up against the wall, he kisses her, giving her his all and plowing her silly. It's what she wants, he knows as much, but more importantly it's what she needs. A reaffirming of her love for him and his affection for her. An acknowledgment that her loyalty to him is soul deep, and completely surpasses any loyalty she felt to anyone before him.
Ozpin is dead, but apparently he's coming back. Apparently, he always comes back. Whitley doesn't know how the hell that works but having the Chessmaster off the board for now is good enough for him. With Ozpin removed from play, all of Whitley's plans can go ahead without issue. And whenever the irritating man does show up again, well, Whitley will make sure to bring him on board. Ozpin has been calling the shots for long enough, in Whitley's opinion. Time to let a fresher mind take a crack at things, he'd say.
Glynda cums rapidly and continuously around his pistoning cock, until he finally fills her with his seed. Her eyes roll back in her head at the sudden creampie, and she slumps down the wall once he pulls out of her and stops supporting her. At which point, Whitley turns to the Malachite Twins. They've already prepared themselves for him, the darlings. One of them, Melanie or Miltia, is on her back, while the other is atop her.
Whitley can't be bothered with figuring out which is which. He simply sidles up into place behind them and begins fucking the top Twin right then and there, enjoying her moans while the sister on the bottom takes advantage and begins to suck and slurp at her sibling's tits. Then, after a few moments of this, he pulls out and thrusts into the bottom Twin instead, fucking her for a little while as well.
He fucks each of them just long enough for the other to recover and begin toying and teasing with their twin. Then, he swaps it up again, keeping the both of them constantly on their toes. When the time finally comes for Whitley's third orgasm, he swaps between them as his release is happening, stuffing them both with about half of his cum load apiece.
That's far from the end of the goodbye orgy, of course. The five of them, him, his three older pets and his newest pet in Lisa Lavender, go at it for several hours longer before they part ways. In the end, it's quite the goodbye, and Whitley is feeling rather satiated as he makes his final return to Patch before he intends to move out.
"Master~ Everyone is inside, waiting for you!"
Whitley doesn't doubt it. He is, after all, the most important thing in all his lives. Grinning smugly, Whitley follows Amber into the Xiao-Long residence. Unlike that massive celebratory orgy that took place shortly after the successful defense of Vale against the White Fang and the Grimm, there's not nearly as many people hanging around at this point. Most have moved on by now, having had their babies and returning to making sure Whitley's plans continued abreast in not just Vale and Atlas, but all four Kingdoms.
After all, if he was going to be the man to unite them all, then he had to get started somehow, somewhere. He wasn't just going to settle for Vale and Atlas, not when Mistral and Vacuo had plenty of loyal subjects just waiting to realize he deserved their awe and reverence.
Regardless, stepping into the quaint Patch home, Whitley takes in the sight before him, even as Amber leans into his side, his pet Fall Maiden moaning and writhing up against him quite needily. There was Nora off to the side with Lie Ren. The Valkyrie had given birth over a month ago, but there had been minor complications with her pregnancy. It was only last week that she'd been cleared to start going for her next child.
Which meant that the past week had been filled with Nora jumping Ren at every turn. Still, the young man was well-used to his partner's exuberance from what Whitley could tell. And even though Nora was mostly taking charge, it was obvious from the upward motion of Ren's hips as he thrust up into her from below, as well as his hands on Nora's waist, that he was just as much as an active participant in their baby-making as she was.
"Yes, Rennie! Yes, yes, yes! More! Give me more! Knock me up, Rennie! Go, go, go!"
Chuckling at the sight of Nora cheering on her partner while bouncing up and down on his dick like an over-enthusiastic rabbit, Whitley just shakes his head before sliding his gaze onwards. Ah, Pyrrha and Weiss were still at it, it seemed. The two of them had had Whitley's babies, and by his decree, both of their next children were to come from Jaune Arc.
They were still competing over who got to be creampied by the young blond next it looked like, while Jaune sat back watching them fight over his cock with their tits and mouth like he was thoroughly out of his depth. Which, he probably was to be fair. Whitley wasn't at all threatened by Jaune, frankly. He wasn't threatened by any of the men he'd added to his forces and decided to allow to act as breeding studs for his long term plans.
But Jaune in particular… if it wasn't for his semblance and the feelings Pyrrha had had for the boy before Whitley got his hands on him, Whitley probably wouldn't have given Jaune the time of day. The boy didn't have much of a spine, that was for sure. But maybe, just maybe one could be grown within him. With time and effort, though not from Whitley, maybe Jaune Arc could become an actual man.
If nothing else, his semblance was amazing, and Whitley wanted more of it. So, he'd have Jaune knock up some of his strongest girls and see if the kids that were born from those unions were worth a damn. It might take a while for such plans to bear fruit, but that was okay. Whitley had all the time in the world, and no intentions of going anywhere before even his longest term plans were completed.
As Amber takes his dick out of his pants and begins to stroke it suggestively, the horny needy little thing of a Fall Maiden making her desire for his cock quite clear, Whitley's eyes fall upon poor, despondent Blake, sitting over in a corner.
Even after all these months, Blake Belladonna was still being punished. She knew she deserved it, to be fair, but that didn't make it any easier. At the end of the day though, after she'd given birth, she'd been fitted with a chastity belt, one that the cat faunus was wearing even now. It would be some time before he allowed her to take it off, but…
"Blake. Come here."
His pet kitty perks up at his attention and hastily moves over to him, looking at him with big, soulful eyes. Before Whitley can even do anything, Amber slaps his cock down onto Blake's upturned face, the Fall Maiden smiling a sadistic smile on his behalf. Whitley stays silent, letting his pet Maiden direct his pet kitty in sucking his cock. He would allow Blake this much, allow her to prepare him for fucking Amber, but he would not remove the chastity belt at this time.
No, he had a special occasion in mind that he was saving her for.
Still, for the time being she made an excellent fluffer. His cock is rock hard and spit-polished in no time, and once Amber sees this, she pulls the cat faunus back off of his member and slides her way into position between them. Backing up her own athletic booty in his direction for him to sink his cock into, she guides Blake's face back in at the same time to lick at both Whitley's shaft and Amber's clit.
Just as Whitley's cock is sinking deep into Amber's depths and his pet Fall Maiden is groaning happily and wantonly in sweet relief at being stuffed full of his member, a sharp familiar cry from across the room directs Whitley's attention to the last three individuals he had yet to acknowledge.
"Yes, daddy, yes! Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Knock up your little girl! Don't hold back either, I like it rough! Your baby doll is a fucking pig slut who loves paaaain!!!"
Across the way, Yang and Taiyang are fucking in a similar position to how Whitley is now taking Amber. But where Amber is currently the one doing most of the bouncing of her hips back into Whitley's cock, while he's just enjoying her clenching, sopping wet cunny… Taiyang is rather relentless for an old geezer, treating Yang like she's begging to be treated… like his bitch.
With one of her arms pulled back behind her and his other hand fisted in her hair, Taiyang is grunting as he thrusts away at his blonde bombshell of a daughter's no doubt tight, gripping cunt. It's obvious from the way Yang's face is contorted in ecstasy, as well as the words coming out of her mouth, that she's absolutely loving the rough treatment. As her fat tits bounce and jiggle all over the place and her abdomen flexes and tenses up with every thrust from her own father, she moans throatily, her tongue wagging out of her mouth, her eyes nearly rolled back in her skull.
Taiyang, for his part, simply chuckles at her begging words, grunting away but not without offering a rejoinder to his slut of a daughter.
"Like mother like daughter, I suppose. Raven was a bit of a pain bitch too, far all that she would never admit it like you can, Yang. Hah, but really, you aren't my little girl anymore, are you? Baby doll… you're all grown up, and it shows!"
He grunts and thrusts forward again, filling Yang with his cock for the umpteenth time and making her squeal in yet another explosive orgasm.
"Y-Yeah! I'm all grown up! I'm a mom now! K-Knock me up again, dad! Fucking BREAK Me with your cock!"
Of course, it's not just Yang and Taiyang. Yang was the one currently being fucked by her father, but Whitley had decided all those months ago that BOTH of Taiyang's girls would have a child by their dear old dad next after giving birth to his babies. As such, Ruby is right there as well, the younger woman blushing up a storm but nevertheless panting wildly as well as she frigs at her clit, impatiently waiting her turn.
Completely naked, Ruby looks quite the lewd sight, her pale figure covered in a sheen of sweat, her breasts much smaller than Yang's nevertheless jiggling a little with the sheer force that she's playing with herself. Her fingers drive in and out of her cunt in tempo with her dad's fucking of her sister, while her thumb works hard at her clit, stimulating it in a way Ruby wouldn't have known to do a year ago, back before she'd met Whitley and fallen under his semblance's control.
Feeling his cock jump inside of Amber at the entire scenario, Whitley keeps watching, tuning out most else. Reaching out, he grabs Amber by her shoulders and begins to fuck the Fall Maiden harder, drawing loud lewd moans from her lips, but most of his attention is still on the two daughters and their father.
"I'm getting close, Yang! I'm going to fucking cum inside of you! Your mother would beg me to fill her, and then pretend to get all angry when I did it, when I creampied her slutty little cunt. But you're a good girl, aren't you Yang? You're daddy's good girl!"
"Yes! Do it, daddy! I promise, I won't complain! I want it! I want it, I want it, I want it!!!"
With a loud grunt and one final sharp thrust, Taiyang tenses up. Yang freezes on his cock, her features frozen in a truly fucked silly expression. Her violet eyes are barely visible, rolled back far in her head, and her tongue is sticking straight out of her mouth, making it obvious that she's feeling every ounce of her father's seed spilling out into her unprotected, utterly helpless womb.
Halfway through, Yang begins to move again, bucking her hips back into her dad's cumming cock, shaking and shrieking and spasming her way through a truly apocalyptical orgasm as it wracks her body quite violently. But then, Yang loves it violent. She loves it painful. Whitley isn't worried about her, even as her eyelids shut and she slumps forward with her father's completion.
Taiyang lets go of her arm and hair, and Yang ends up sprawled out face down on the floor where they'd been fucking, face down with her arms and legs akimbo about her. His seed slowly seeps out from betwixt her thighs, even as Taiyang himself stands up and sits back heavily in the armchair just behind him, letting out a low sigh.
Then, his eyes zero in on his second daughter. Whitley watches as Ruby and Taiyang meet gazes, he watches as Ruby freezes up and trembles a little under her father's eyes. Taiyang, if not for the fact that he was completely under Whitley's control, might just threaten the younger man a bit. Unlike Jaune, Taiyang is no weakling wimp lacking in personality or conviction.
This is a man who retired as a hunter. One might look down upon him for that, but if they did, they were stupid. Whitley would reiterate: This was a man who LIVED long enough to retire as a hunter. Not only did that speak of the kind of utter badass Taiyang was, there was his team to consider as well. Taiyang had not just succeeded in bedding and breeding one of his female teammates, but both of them. He'd had two gorgeous, strong, powerful daughters by his two teammates. And then he'd survived to raise them both into the beautiful young women they were today.
If that didn't scream total badass both in the bedroom and out of it, Whitley couldn't tell you what did. But he was also Whitley's badass now. Taiyang was as much a tool in Whitley's arsenal as anyone else that the young man had used his glyphs on. And if Taiyang could produce such precious gems as Ruby and Yang with Summer and Raven respectively, Whitley wanted to see if having him reproduce with his daughters would recreate the effect.
Of course, Ruby is a lot shyer about things then Yang was. It was one thing to fuck her dad, apparently, but now that she was no longer pregnant and was ready to be bred again, it almost seemed like she was suddenly facing a case of nerves. Taiyang wasn't having any of it though.
"Come here, Ruby."
The older hunter's commanding tone causes Ruby to jolt from her own place on the floor. Trembling and shivering, the naked young woman gets up and walks over to Taiyang, only to crawl up onto his lap when he pats his inner thigh pointedly.
"I'm going to breed you now, Ruby. Do you understand?"
"Y-Yes daddy."
"I'm going to knock you up for Mister Schnee. Understood?"
"Y-Yes sir… a-anything for Master."
Now, under normal circumstances, hearing his own daughter call a man 'Master' would be reason for Taiyang to become quite incensed. But then, under normal circumstances, the retired hunter wouldn't be fucking his own daughters on Whitley's behalf in the first place. So, it's no surprise when Taiyang just smiles and nods as he lifts Ruby up and then places his daughter atop his cock. She's no virgin, so there's really nothing stopping her from dropping right down onto his dick, which is exactly what happens.
Ruby lets out a cute little squeak, and Taiyang allows her a chance to recover, but let's be fair, she'd already been handling dick for almost a year now. And she'd been watching as their father fucked her big sister into oblivion for the past thirty minutes. In spite of her nervousness, Ruby nevertheless grabs her father by the shoulders and begins to ride his cock, moaning as she goes, bouncing up and down on his dick.
"God, you're a needy slut, aren't you Ruby?"
"Y-Yes, daddy…"
"Just like your mother. Raven was a bitch who loved pain but wouldn't admit it. Summer didn't mind pain but wasn't as much of a masochistic pig as Raven. She just liked getting fucked. She told me once that she couldn't imagine going a single day without my dick."
Ruby's blush is traveling down her neck and all the way to her chest at this point, but even as embarrassed as she is to be hearing such things from her father, Whitley can see from where he's fucking Amber that she's riding Taiyang faster and faster as her daddy tells her all about his times with her mom.
"She was a good woman, Ruby. I think… I think she'd be proud of you and Yang. What you've become. What we're doing. She'd be happy that we're happy."
If she were still alive, she'd be happily joining them too if Whitley had his say in it, and he usually did these days. He certainly intended to get Raven Branwen on board at some point. From what he'd learned from Taiyang about his former lover, Raven was a bandit, the leader of an entire bandit gang in fact. They believed in a Might makes Right philosophy that had apparently led to her abandoning her family, her lover and her daughter, in order to go lead them.
Well, Whitley was nothing if not a romantic. He would be sure to reunite Raven and Taiyang at some point, as well as Raven and Yang for good measure. He would be planning the same for Summer, if she were still alive. Alas, even he didn't have the ability to bring back the dead unfortunately.
For now, it seemed like father and daughter were doing alright anyways. As Ruby bounces up and down on Taiyang's cock while Yang lays splayed out off to the side, the retired hunter leans in, capturing his youngest daughter's nipples in his mouth one after the other, wrapping his arms around Ruby's pale, petite form and holding her close as he sucks and slurps and nibbles at her teats.
In response, Ruby wraps her arms around her dad's head, lacing her fingers through his wild blond hair as she squeaks and squeals, as she moans and groans. It's certainly a beautiful sight, watching the two of them together like that. Watching Taiyang inseminate the second of his two children, all for Whitley's plans. Grinning wickedly, the ambitious young Schnee continues to thrust into Amber from behind, growing ever closer to filling her with his spunk.
At the same time, it's obvious that Taiyang is already getting close again, over with Ruby. The way he's groaning as she bounces up and down on his cock makes it clear that his daughter's tight little cunny is slowly milking him of his release, one squeeze at a time. In the end, it's not exact, but Whitley is pretty sure that he and the older man end up cumming nearly at the same time.
Their respective partners both cry out, orgasming explosively. Ruby all over her dad's dick, and Amber all over Whitley's member, as well as Blake's face. The cat faunus, all but forgotten as her tongue worked at Amber's clit and Whitley's shaft, ends up getting quite the face full of pussy juices splattered across her features as Whitley finishes inside of Amber, filling up the Fall Maiden's womb with another copious load of his cum.
Meanwhile, across the room, Taiyang is doing the same with his daughter, inseminating Ruby on the spot, impregnating her just as he did Yang. In nine months' time, the two young women will be giving birth to their daddy's babies, like the good girls they are. All according to Whitley's plan.
With a sigh, Whitley pulls out of Amber with a slick popping sound, leaving the dusky-skinned Fall Maiden to use Blake for support in order to avoid collapsing forward. He smiles as his pet Maiden stumbles away, still holding his pet kitty by her hair, and he takes in the scene one last time. It might be a while, after all, before he sees most of these people again.
He's already said his goodbyes to pretty much everyone else. The world of Remnant is too big for him to take everyone with him everywhere he goes. In the end, Whitley has to delegate, he has to focus on splitting everything up into consumable chunks. He's not in charge yet. He's not King or Emperor yet. But someday… someday, he intends to be.
After the Grimm have been defeated. After the Kingdoms have finally been unified. And yes, that includes Menagerie as well. He's not a racist like his father was. The faunus are humans too, in Whitley's opinion. They're just humans with animal traits. That makes them no more and no less than the 'normal' sort of human.
But the White Fang could not be allowed to continue running rampant. If the attack on Vale was anything to go off of, the White Fang weren't going to stop. Not without being forced to. Which meant Menagerie had to be brought into the fold, as did Mistral and Vacuo. Atlas and Vale were already coming along nicely, and soon enough, Whitley would have them both in his iron grasp.
But Atlas and Vale were just the start. Whitley didn't intend to stop until he'd conquered the world. No, more than that… conquest was simply the only way to achieve his goals. It was a means to an end, nothing more. Whitley would conquer the world, yes… but only to save it. That was his true goal, in the end.
Whitley Schnee was going to save the world. One glyph at a time.
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