
The Alpha Wants Me?

[Mature content and trigger warning] Jeremy stepped closer while Eloisee stepped back. His lips tickled up into a smirk, his fangs out for the world. “ You thought because he was here to take you, you'd be safe from me? How naive my little pet, you can never escape me, even if you go to the edge of the world ill still be here.” Eloisee’s eyes widened. The choice of words Jeremy used were the same ones he used before, she started to scream in her heart. Not in that room, anywhere but that room. “ Jeremy stop, n-not here.” She let her thoughts slip out her mouth while tears fell freely down her face. Eloisee's back hit the wall and a veined arm slammed on the wall beside her head. She looked at the red eyes trembling. “ Oh so now you can talk back, such a spine you developed.” Jeremy spat, his face distorted from spite. ********************************************************************** Pain is all Eloisee Eileen knew, abused and mistreated by her stepsibling and stepmother, she has aspirations to run away and become an omega without a pack, just as her dreams are coming true and she is close to escaping the pain, she gets the shock of her life. She is being sold off to the Bloodhowl pack Alpha Riviera Luminary, to be his treasured wife in exchange for the Silvermount pack getting an alliance and resources. Being the alpha’s wife, Eloisee has to navigate the treacherous path of being a wife in a new pack while fighting demons from her past and present trying to drag her to the depths of hell with them, while finding it in her to love her husband and mate.

Nika_Etominika34 · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: The Princess In White And The Prince In Black

Crystal blue eyes flashed through the pine trees surrounded by thick mist. The eyes ducked again and appeared on the other side of the cluster of trees. Paws scrunched the small twigs and leaves underneath. 


Snow white fur manifested through the trees, illuminated by the moonlight above


 A white wolf with blue eyes appeared from the trees and settled onto the high rock before a spring of crystal clear water.


The wolf walked forward, and its fur retreated into its skin as it did. It transitioned from walking on all fours until it was walking on two legs. Eloisee breathed as she sat on the rock.


She loved the feeling of the air rushing in her fur, it made her forget her problems and made her one with nature.


Her unblemished alabaster skin radiated with the moon giving her a soft glow, her golden eyes observed the water as she wrapped her arms around her legs after she brought them to her chest.


" You will be okay, don't let it get to you."

Eloisee lowered her eyelids, her long lashes flattering with the gesture. " I know but…" The wind blew in her direction making her brown locks fly. She hunched closer, shivering from the cold.


Her torn low-collar shirt and faded blue jeans barely did anything to stop the frosting wind.


Her wolf looked at the water through her eyes, she could feel what Eloisee was feeling but she had to keep hope, that the moon goddess would pave a path for them. " You must get back before they find out that you left. "


Eloisee nodded and jumped off the rock, her bare feet touched the cold, wet ground and she shivered. 


Turning back into her wolf she rushed back to the pack grounds.


The sun was peaking over the trees when Eloisee got back to the alpha's house, she shifted back into her human form and crept into the small window leading into her cramped room.


She lay on the bed and closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the peace while she mentally did a countdown of when she was going to be needed.


" Eloisee get out here." A bang followed the loud voice.


Eloisee got up from the bed and walked to the door that barely held on to its hinges and opened it. She looked at the imposing blond-haired woman standing there. " Yes, my lady?"


Her stepmother, Leonora glared at her, and disgust flashed in her eyes. " Your presence is needed by the alpha. Get ready and come with me."


Eloisee looked at the woman again and bowed her head, " Yes ma'am I'm already in my clothing we can go." She replied her voice lacking any enthusiasm.


Her stepmother turned around and left, Eloisee followed behind her, her eyes looking at her feet. She pressed her lips together as a sinking feeling in her gut.


Whatever he was going to tell her was not going to be pleasant.


Leonora stopped before the double doors leading to the Alpha's office, " Go in."


Eloisee saw the red heels stop and she bumped into Leonora's back, the collision sent her back a bit and she muttered sorry under her breath.


She raised her head, her golden eyes focused on the doors. Her heart pounded, her lips and throat dried up and subconsciously Eloisee took two steps back.


The doors before her, held a monster from her past, watching them, she saw her childhood flash before her eyes, all the horrid things she had been subjected to.


She shrunk into her clothing and shook her head, the courage she had built on the way crumbled like a stack of dominos and a mess was what remained.


Leonora opened the door and peaked her head inside the office. " I have her.'


" Bring her in.' Cold vocals replied from inside.


Leonora nodded and pulled her head back, she looked at the shivering mess that is Eloisee and clicked her tongue, her eyebrow furrowing in annoyance.


She grabbed Eloisee's hand and pushed her into the office closing the door behind her.


Eloisee covered her ears as the door slammed, she slowly removed her hands and looked around the dark office, the closed binds didn't give her much to see with.


Her eyes moved to the left then right and when they settled to her front. Her skin crawled as she jumped back with wide, fear-filled eyes.


In front of her, just a few inches away were a pair of red eyes, their glow illuminated the office and petrified Eloisee where she stood. " If it isn't my little pet, I had to force you here," Jeremy said as he blew cold air in Eloisee's direction.


He laughed seeing the petrified state Eloisee was in and leaned back, His dark messy hair moving with his head gestures. Jeremy rounded the table and sat on the other side in his chair. " As much as I want to play with you till my heart is content I called you here for a reason."


" T-that is?" Eloisee's voice croaked as she refused to look at the blue eyes staring at her.


Jeremy's smirk broadened seeing her shivering, it was a reminder he didn't need his alpha influence to have her like that. " As you know with the increasing pack. Our lands and resources are running out, That's why earlier this week I got to talk with the alpha from the south, Riviera about a truce in exchange for one of us marrying him… And that person is you."


Eloisee froze, she stared at Jeremy and tears trickled down her face. Her life was over, first, she was someone's toy now she was sold off like an expandable piece of luggage.


Maybe she was.


She sunk to her knees, her sobs littering the office.


Jeremy got up from his chair and walked to Eloisee. " Aw, I'm touched that you would cry at the thought of being separated from me." He knelt before Eloisee and held her by the chin.


Eloisee inched back from his touch, she looked up at the red eyes staring at her through blurry, tears-covered vision.


Jeremy tightened his grip on her chin and watched as she whimpered in pain, her pain was food for his soul, he wanted to do more but for the sake of making her presentable to her husband-to-be, he held back for the umpteenth time. " I am positive that you are wondering why you, well, it's simple. My mother is too old to be married, marrying an alpha even without being marked by him, the least they expect is an heir…"


He placed a kiss forcefully on her lips, Eloisee twisted her head to avoid the kiss but Jeremy's grip on her face made it difficult to move an inch.


Jeremy leaned back and licked his lips, cleaning them from the blood smeared over his upper lip. " What was I saying… Yes, my mother is too old but you, are perfect. You have the blood of an alpha running through your veins, is ripe enough to sire an heir. And that's why I chose you, as much as I disliked letting you go it couldn't be helped."


Jeremy got to his feet and returned to his desk. He sat down and let out a sign from his lips as he glared at Eloisee. " Leave and make yourself presentable, he will be here by the afternoon."


Eloisee got to her feet and hurried out of the office, she left the house and headed into the forest.


Reaching the spot far away from the pack, she bent forward, her hands holding the damp soil in her palms, she relaxed her back and pushed her legs back. Her anatomy morphed into that of a wolf and fur appeared as her human features vanished.


Eloisee let out a howl, her crystal blue eyes gleaming. She felt the wind in her fur. It made her forget what she had experienced earlier, the thought of marriage and the new Alpha forgotten.


She looked at the dirt path and ran forward, the trees faded as she watched the road, the wind intensity heightened by her speed.


A dark blur caught her from her blindsight. Eloisee came to a skidding halt, her behind legs stopped an inch from the mouth of the lake. She looked at the blur and saw a black mane wolf staring at her.


It was double her size, had double her paw span and a bushy tail, its sharp silver eyes stared at her.


She growled and leaned down preparing for an attack, her heart was racing as she scrutinized the wolf.


The black wolf howled and darted away leaving Eloisee in the clearing, leaving her stupified.