
The Alpha in the MCU

A young man named Mark finds himself at the crossroads of life and death, struck by the fateful "truck-kun" and offered a chance for reincarnation by a higher-dimensional being known as ROB. Given the opportunity to start anew, Mark, now reborn as James Logan Howlett, enters the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Armed with the combined abilities of Wolverine and an Alpha werewolf, James now as one of the most formidable beings in existence, he navigates his new life. ---- Kara, Natasha and Wanda are the only mates for Logan. I'm not planning to add more.

Kakarot1809 · Films
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22 Chs

A Night to Remember 2

As the Crescent Pack unleashed their fury on Hydra's bases across the globe, another battle was being fought in the digital realm.

Daisy Johnson, known as Quake, was at the center of this operation. For months, she had worked tirelessly, gathering every piece of data she could find on Hydra—files, recordings, research papers, anything that could expose the organization's horrific deeds. And now, it was time to release it all.

Sitting in front of a bank of computers in a secure location, Daisy's fingers flew across the keyboard. Her eyes, glowing faintly with the power she wielded, were locked onto the screen as lines of code and encrypted files flashed by. She was in her element, navigating through firewalls and security systems with ease.

"Almost there," she murmured to herself as the final file decrypted and prepared for upload. The information was damning—proof of Hydra's infiltration into governments, their experiments on innocent lives, the assassinations, the manipulation of world events. It was all there, laid bare for anyone to see.

With a final keystroke, Daisy initiated the upload. It took only seconds for the data to spread across the internet, but the impact would be felt for years. The files began appearing on news sites, social media platforms, and even personal emails. No one was spared from the truth—Hydra's existence was no longer a secret.

As the data propagated, the world reacted with a mix of shock, outrage, and fear. Governments scrambled to respond, people shocked at first later began to protest in social media, the news channels are on fire, and those who had been complicit in Hydra's operations found themselves exposed and vulnerable. The truth was out, and there was no going back.

Daisy watched as the upload completed, a sense of satisfaction washing over her. It was a small victory, but a crucial one. The world needed to know what had been lurking in the shadows, and now, they did.

With the upload complete, Daisy leaned back in her chair, exhaling a deep breath. But her job wasn't done yet. She had one more mission to complete—one more Hydra base that needed to be destroyed.

Standing up, Daisy nodded to Alice, the Zeta of her team, who had been waiting in the room with her. Alice, a powerful telekinetic mage werewolf, raised her hand and conjured a portal, a shimmering gateway that led to the heart of Hydra's final stronghold.

Along with Alice, a small group of betas, trusted warriors of the Crescent Pack, stood ready. Each of them was a skilled fighter, possessing enhanced abilities that made them more than a match for Hydra's forces.

"Let's finish this," Daisy said, her voice steely with determination.

Alice nodded in agreement, her eyes hardening with resolve. Together with the betas, they stepped through the portal. As they emerged on the other side, they found themselves in the heart of a Hydra base, its sterile walls and harsh lighting a stark contrast to the chaos they were about to unleash.

Hydra soldiers, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the intruders, quickly moved to engage. But they were no match for Daisy's powers, Alice's telekinesis, and the relentless assault of the betas.

Daisy's hands glowed with energy as she sent shockwaves through the ground, destabilizing the structure of the base. The walls cracked and crumbled, and the floor buckled under the force of her power.

Alice, with a mere flick of her wrist, sent soldiers flying across the room, slamming them into walls and each other. Weapons were torn from their hands, and any attempt at resistance was swiftly crushed.

The betas moved with deadly efficiency, their eyes glowing yellow as they tore through Hydra's ranks. Their movements were a blur, enhanced by their werewolf nature, as they cut down anyone who stood in their way. The sounds of snarls and growls filled the air as they shifted into partial wolf forms, using their claws and fangs to rip through the enemy.

Together, they moved deeper into the base, destroying everything in their path. Daisy's eyes glinted with cold fury as she brought down entire sections of the facility, her control over vibrations allowing her to target critical support structures with precision. The base was falling apart around them, and there was nothing Hydra could do to stop it.

In the command center, the base's leaders tried desperately to coordinate a defense, but it was too late. Daisy, Alice, and the betas reached the room just as the last of the soldiers fell, their bodies crumpling to the ground as the team unleashed their powers in unison.

The command center erupted into chaos as equipment exploded, consoles sparked, and the ceiling began to collapse. Alice, using her telekinesis, held the crumbling structure at bay just long enough for them to complete their mission.

"Let's make sure there's nothing left for them to crawl back to," Daisy said, her voice cold as she sent a powerful quake through the command center, causing the ground to split open.

Alice nodded and with a final gesture, she crushed the remaining equipment and brought the ceiling down on the Hydra officers still cowering inside. The betas ensured no one escaped, cutting down any remaining Hydra personnel attempting to flee.

The team stood for a moment, watching as the base was reduced to rubble.

"Another one down," Alice said, her voice calm as she let go of the telekinetic hold, allowing the remaining structure to collapse entirely.

"And more to go," Daisy replied, already thinking about their next target.

As they made their way out of the base, Daisy couldn't help but feel a grim satisfaction. They were dismantling Hydra piece by piece, and soon, the world would be free of their insidious influence.

But there was still work to be done. They had to stay vigilant, had to keep fighting, because even though Hydra was reeling from their attacks, it was still a dangerous enemy.

As they stepped through another portal back to their base of operations, Daisy, Alice, and the betas knew that tonight's victory was just one step away.


The attacks continued across the world, each Hydra base falling under the relentless assault of Logan's betas.

The Crescent Pack was more than just a group of werewolves—they were an unstoppable force, driven by the will of their Alpha to destroy the enemy that had dared to strike at them.


**With logan and Natasha**

Logan opened a portal and stepped through with Natasha, his demeanor calm and collected despite the chaos that had unfolded earlier.

Natasha's worry was palpable. "Logan, what you did—"

Before she could continue, Logan silenced her with a deep, passionate kiss. His lips met hers with a force that conveyed both his reassurance and the intensity of the moment. When they finally broke apart, Logan's gaze was steady and confident.

Then he leaned in close, his voice a low whisper. "There's one more thing you should know. Dreykov is still alive, and the Red Room is still operating. Tomorrow, your sister Yelena will come to you and explain the details. After I came back we can deal with the red room once and for all."

Natasha's eyes widened in shock, but before she could respond, Logan sealed her lips with a kiss once again. Pulling back, he smiled and told her, "Watch the news after I leave. You'll understand what I did."

With that, Logan opened a portal to his home and stepped through, but he paused just before entering. He turned to Natasha with a grin that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Oh, and send a message to Fury. Tell him I'm going on vacation and we can have a nice talk when I get back. And tell him don't be an annoying fly, because that'll get you killed."

With a final wink, Logan disappeared into the portal, closing it behind him.

Natasha, now alone, rushed to her laptop. Her fingers flew over the keys as she opened the news websites. The headlines immediately caught her attention:

**"Hydra's Dark Secrets Exposed: Top Officials Assassinated"**

The screen was filled with sensational reports detailing the staggering revelations about Hydra. The news exposed Hydra's extensive, nefarious activities with hard evidence and chilling documentation. The scope of their operations was laid bare, including the murder of several high-ranking officials.

Natasha's eyes scanned the articles, absorbing the details of the assassinations. Alexander Pierce, Gideon Malick, Viper, and numerous other significant figures had been swiftly and silently eliminated. The method of these attacks was described are almost otherworldly—some portals opened to instantly reach and eliminate their targets with precision.

Natasha's shock deepened as she realized the extent of Logan's actions and the destruction he had wrought on Hydra's leadership.

Amidst this chaos, Natasha's thoughts turned to the Red Room and Dreykov, the menacing figure she thought was long gone.

Logan's words echoed in her mind, adding another layer to the unfolding crisis. She knew that Yelena's arrival would bring more clarity and that dealing with the Red Room would be a task they would face together once Logan returned from his vacation.

With a heavy heart and a sense of urgency, Natasha composed a message for Fury, detailing Logan's message.


Inside the Helicarrier, Nick Fury and his team were deep in analysis, trying to piece together the chaos caused by the recent attacks. The sheer scale of Hydra's infiltration and the high-profile assassinations had left the team reeling.

Fury's eyes were locked on the screens, scanning through reports of compromised agents and Hydra's darkest secrets being laid bare. The enormity of the situation was becoming increasingly apparent. He was grappling with the realization that Hydra had been operating under their noses for so long.

Fury calls for Maria Hill his assistant "Agent Hill, I need to now who uploaded the info on net."

"On it, Sir," Maria then turned around to went to the nearby tech team.

Fury's comms buzzed, and he saw a message from Natasha Romanoff. As he read her message, his expression shifted from confusion to shock:

"Logan has destroyed Hydra and leaked all their secrets online. Dreykov is still alive and the Red Room is still operational. We should have a good talk about this. Logan says he is going on a vacation and agreed to meet you after that. Also, he wanted me to send you a message: 'Don't be an annoying fly, or that will get you killed.'"

Fury's face hardened as he absorbed the gravity of the information. Logan's actions had turned the world upside down. Not only had he dismantled Hydra, but he had also made their darkest secrets public.

He turned to Maria Hill, who was working diligently on coordinating the response. "Forget it, Hill. The focus now isn't on who uploaded the information. It's Logan, his actions have radically altered the landscape. We need to address the immediate fallout and prepare for the ripple effects."

Maria Hill nodded, understanding the shift in priority. "Got it sir, we'll assess the impact of the leaked information. We'll need to be prepared for both the public reaction and any potential Hydra members escape from the slaughter."

Fury turned back to the screens, his mind racing with strategies and contingencies. With Hydra's secrets exposed, the coming days promised to be anything but ordinary.

But one thing is certain he is going to get very very busy from now on.

Maria once again came to him saying " Sir, the council is online."



**Inside Logan's house**

Logan arrived back at his house, through the portal.

As he entered, he found Kara sitting comfortably on the couch, engrossed in the news. She was also on a call, managing last-minute details related to their operations. The screen displayed ongoing coverage of Hydra's collapse and the extensive data leak.

Kara ended her call and turned to Logan with a satisfied smile. "All done," she said, her tone reflecting a mix of relief and accomplishment.

Logan's grin widened. "Good. The betas can now take a month off. They've earned it. They can go wherever they want. I'll handle all the cost." He reached out and pulled Kara into a warm embrace, his earlier grin softening into a more tender smile.

Kara looked up at him with a curious expression. "What happened with Natasha?" she asked.

Logan sighed and began to explain. "Natasha knows about the Red Room and Dreykov. I told her that her sister Yelena would be coming to see her tomorrow to explain the details. I also mentioned that we'd deal with the Red Room together after our vacation. I wanted her to be prepared."

Kara nodded, absorbing the information. "I'm glad you're giving her time to process it all. And we have our own time to enjoy, too."

Logan grinned "Vacation Starts tomorrow."

They both prepared for bed, though they didn't truly need the rest.

Their bodies, enhanced by their unique abilities, didn't require sleep in the conventional sense. But it became a habit for them.

As Logan and Kara hugged eachother with almost no clothes on, Logan remembered something and laughed.

Kara confused by this asks " What's so funny?"

Logan grinned and says " Now the one eyed blad pirate Spy can't sleep for tonight. Serves him right."

Kara signs" You're a bad guy, you know that."

He then pulls her closer and they went to sleep peacefully.

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