
Chapter 7: Ready if you are

It was the weekend a night before the week of the Academy entrance examination.Alex was thinking of doing something crazy.He stood up and shadow travelled out of the house."Instead of just thinking about it,do it" Alex said


Mystic city, windward residence.

"Lord Windward, everything is ready for the Academy entrance examination"a man in a butler suit said.

"Thank you Max,a man who seemed to be in his fifties but still looked like someone in his thirties said.Bring me my grandchildren."

"Young master Roderick has resumed to his academy yesterday."said butler Max.

"That brat still think that he can do whatever he wants.Did his mother not say that he wants him to stay for his sister's entrance examination?"Lord Windward asked.

"That is right my Lord"answered Max.

"She will be sad again."Remind me to have a chat with the brat when next I visit the royal capital.Now go fetch me the remaining two."said Lord Windward

Max left to bring the children.Actually he was the age mates with Edward Windward the current windward lord.He still bore no evil intentions towards that man cause nobody knew how much that man had worked for this city, house and family more than he did.He admired him for that.But his son Ron was not like his father but at least he loves his family.That is the only reason he was willing to take up his father's position.His first grand child, Roderick Windward had zero interest in the family responsibilities and says that he just wants to be an adventurer.Of course a noble saying that causes problems especially when the noble in question stands to inherit the position of lord.

Max sighed.He was determined that no matter what he will do his best for this family and city till he draws his last breath.


Alex finally reached his destination.The black market is a place where everything illegal is sold but they are usually high quality things,things you couldn't find on the day to day activities.It is pretty much obvious in mystic city that they're around but the current lord of mystic city thought that they were a necessary balance to the city and there were rumors that the black market belongs to the dark guild.The terrorist organization of wisteria so nobody really wanted to poke the hornet's nest

Alex wanted to watch a match in the fighting arena but he was too excited cause a famous underworld shadow mage was fighting the Light god in the arena today that he didn't notice that someone was standing in front of him that he bumped into the person.

"I am sorry"Alex quickly apologized.

"If you think that sorry would do then you got another thing coming your way"said a blonde man.

"Sir Frederick, please be on your way and let us deal with this a guy behind him said."

Thankfully Alex wore a mask as a disguise in case of scenarios like this."I already apologized to you sir but if that isn't enough then I am afraid that there's nothing I can do about it."Alex said scornfully

"Very well,kill this brat scorpion"said Frederick.

"We will bring you back his dead body"said the guy with the alias scorpion.

Alex wasn't worried about escaping from this guy after all he was a shadow mage but he was worried cause the guy kept calling the blonde man sir and he kept saying we which means that he wasn't alone and the name frederick sounded familiar.

The blonde man walked away."Are you ready to die kid?"scorpion asked.

"Ready?,who the fuck is ready to die?"Alex replied angrily.

"But everyone has to die someday"answered scorpion with a smirk

"Well I am ready if you are shit face"Alex shot back.

Immediately he said that two other figures surrounded him.

"You are gonna be sorry about that kid.Kill him" said scorpion.