
Chapter 6: Suspension

The griffin couldn't react on time.It was hit with a water ball which was just a beginner level spell but it was blasted several kilometers away.Simon and the summoner knew that they were in trouble as they knew that someone strong casted the spell and that means a teacher or a school guard

Mr Osborne appeared out of nowhere but if one looked closely there was a little drop of water on the spot he appeared on which was now gone.

"Can you do everyone a favor Leo and order your beast to stand down?"Mr Osborne asked the summoner.

"It's not listening to me sir.Its in rage mode."Leo answered with hiss head lowered.

"Then I am sorry for I will have to kill it but that would probably damage your soul realm a little so I will try to subdue it"Mr Osborne said

He walked towards the griffin.The griffin used its most powerful attack which was the invisible wind blade slash.Mr osborne just stood there and he was cut into pieces.Simon and Leo thought that he had died but before their imaginations could run wild,Mr Osborne reassembled.

Now you have really pissed me off.Several beasts and weapons made out of water appeared on the training grounds and charged at the griffin the griffin had no choice but to fly up into the air as if he was attacked by so many beasts at once although they are not the real deal but had strength in numbers would give him a fatal blow.

Mr osborne didn't allow it to run away though.The water weapons attacked it mercilessly cutting down one of its wings.The griffin went crashing down.Then Mr Osborne sealed a ball of water around its head cutting off its oxygen drowning it."Let me know when you are ready to be a good boy."Me osborne smiled playfully

The griffin screeched in agony wriggling its tail.It was losing consciousness.It looked at it's master with teary eyes.Leo immediately opened a portal to the beast plane for it to go back.Mr osborne dispelled the spell.The griffin ran as fast as it could to escape to it's home.

"Now,the two of you get the others to the infirmary."said Mr osborne


Meanwhile in the auditorium all the year 3 students present were shocked.The chancellor just announced to them that their training that will occur in the next 24 hours will be over seen by a noble.The second son and second daughter of the windward family, Nathan and Lyria Windward


In the infirmary,all the people involved in the fight on the training grounds were awake

"Good that you are awake."vice chancellor Reagar said.

"Now let's talk about about the consequences of your actions on the training grounds.Simon,Leo come in."

Simon and Leo came in and they were giving deathstares towards Alex and Ambrose.

"You all given a two weeks suspension.That should give you enough time to reflect on your actions.Come back early morning the day of the beginning of the academy entrance exams.End of discussion.You are all dismissed."

The boys all walked out sadly as they won't get to undergo the special training that had been organized for the final year students.

"This is not over"Simon said while walking away

"Thank you for your help"Alex and Ambrose said simultaneously.They both stared at each other before smiling.

"Sorry about the suspension Ambrose"Alex said

"No worries.I was more of a lone cultivator from the start and that fight made me feel like I am about to break through so thank you."Ambrose replied with a smile

"Alright, let's go home and come back more powerful than before then show people we are not to be messed with Alex said" Bye.

The boys went home and each with a goal in heart.I don't want to ever feel as helpless as I did today ever again