
The Age of Anarchy

The lives of humans take a drastic turn with the appearance of celestials, dragons, ghouls and extraterrestrials. How would Mankind cope with these new changes and how do they adapt to these challenges? Adrian, a college student gets drawn into the world of such beings. He has to deal with them and protect those that matter to him in this new world of his.

Samuel_Akpan_7366 · Romance
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67 Chs

The Proposal

Adrian barely woke up the next morning, his body ached from exhaustion. He practiced his new move a few times over after Mr Leo left him last night, and even made a few improvements to it.

"Get up you sack of potatoes." Alexis spanked Adrian on the head.

"If you don't get dressed you would be late for Weapon Assimilation class and you know that one eyed goose dislikes you." Alexis added while putting on his uniform.

"Let the lady be, he doesn't have a weapon anyway." Ryan spoke up.

Adrian groggily got of his bed and went into the bathroom to take q shower. He rushed out after a few minutes with traces of unwashed soap on his head and a wet towel around his waist.

"We'll be leaving now princess."Ryan said.

"Just a minute." Adrian replied as he scrambled round the room looking for his shoes.


"We would be discussing about the intricacies of weapon contracts, and the various types of weapon ranks we have. The-he..."

The lecture came to an abrupt halt when three students walked into the class.

"Good morning sir." Adrian and Alexis greeted the one eyed man.

"Why are you thirty minutes late to my class?" The one eyed man asked.

"Our little princess over here couldn't find his shoes." Ryan said, making everyone giggle.

"You think this is a time to crack jokes,

I wonder what the head of the Royal House of Posiedon would say when he finds out his son frolics with this lowly peasant."The lecturer said.

"Well this lowly peasant is my friend and anyone who troubles him, troubles me."Ryan said out loud.

"Do not drag yourself and the name of your House in the mud by associating with this disappointment. We are not commoners and we should not behave as such." Storm said as he stepped out of the crowd to face Ryan.

"I see your looking for a fight lightning boy and I'll gladly accept. I even heard you were rated number one in our class and I don't wish to be second to the likes of you. I hereby challenge you for the number one spot here and now." Ryan grinned with an evil smile on his face.

"I accept your challenge, and I'll use it's as an opportunity to knock some sense into you." Storm replied, looking Ryan in the eye.

"Why don't you boys take the fight to the training center, I doubt the armory can handle a full fledged battle between the likes of you. But that would happen after my class is over. Now, get back to your seats." The lecturer said.

Like wild fire, the news of the scheduled fight between Ryan and Storm caught everyone's attention, even students of rival first year classes who were not permitted to view an opposing class's training or fighting session wished to watch the battle.

The duel was to be held by 4:00pm as agreed by both parties. Every student and even lectures could not wait for the scheduled time, their blood boiling with excitement.

While everyone seemed to be excited about the fight. Mr Leo was before the school council which consisted of the principal, vice principal(Major General Anna), the head of the disciplinary committee (Mr Grater), the head of Medics department, all three homeroom teachers of the first year classes, and other high ranking personnels.

"This is a very serious case Mr Leonard." The principal Mr Winston said.

"I think he has lost his competence. A few days ago, two of my men intercepted a tyrannical student who attacked another student from a rival class. Had we not been there, his student could have killed someone. I personally believe Mr Leo is no longer capable of handling his class." Mr Grater said grinning at Leo and Anna.

"It's not true." Mr Leo quickly said.

"Mr principal, Mr Grater speaks the truth." The homeroom teacher of Class 1-C said.

"His student attacked and almost killed one of my students. I believe it was a plot to kill one of my class representatives before the preliminary exams so as to increase his chances of victory." He added.

"Is that so Mr Leo?" The dark skinned principal asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Please sir, this information is false. My students would never do such a thing." Mr Leo defended.

"It seems we have deviated from the original purpose of this meeting." Anna spoke up.

"Silence! This also a pressing issue and as such, it would be discussed and debated here and now." Mr Winston sternly said.

"What are the names of the assailant and his victim?" The principal asked.

"Adrian Kane and Ted Leslie." Mr Grater the head of the disciplinary committee shamelessly said.

"You mean to tell me that a next to nothing almost killed a member of one the legislative houses of Artemis. This must be the joke of the century." Mr Winston chuckled.

"Let's say I believe your story, can you explain to me how an F rank student beat up and almost killed a C rank student, does that even make sense?" He asked.

Mr Grater and his co schemer had no tangible explanation and as a result, the case was closed. At the mention of the names of the students involved, the principal knew it was just one of Mr Grater's scheme to eliminate those whom he considered a threat to his selfish ambitions.

"We shall now discuss the main issue at hand." Winston said.

"Mr Leo, you should know that there are students from prestigious families in your class and we can't risk fighting against any of those families due to your carefree methods of teaching. What if one of those high ranking students end up like Nicholas, what do we do? It is your duty to protect these children and if you can't do that, I'm afraid we would have to let you go For the sake of the school's reputation."

Mr Leo had his bowed and said nothing in reply, he knew this would be his fate and he had already accepted it. A few teachers were unhappy with the development but others like Mr Grater could not contain their excitement.

'One down, a few more to go before I crumble you Anna. You took that position which belongs to me and you will pay dearly for it.' Mr Grater thought to himself.

"If I may." Miss Anna spoke up.

"Yes, what do you have to say Anna?"Mr Winston asked.

"Mr Leo is a very hard-working staff and his methods of teaching has produced some of the greatest students from this school. For example the famous Ragnar Storm, Ian Juggernaut, and Avila Jabulani are all products of Mr Leo. I don't think it will be wise to just fire someone who made this school as prestigious as it is today. We can't just throw his contributions away because of one bad mistake. As we speak Mr Leo has taken it upon himself to find a way to help Nicholas regain his nervous system. Please sir, I beg you to reconsider." Anna plead.

"What is there to reconsider. He is no longer competent and as such he should be fired." Mr Grater countered.

"General Anna has a point. Mr Leo has done alot for this school and as such, I'll give him a chance to redeem himself. If you and your class can win both the preliminary and the Imperial tournament, you would retain your job but if you don't, I'll make your life miserable till the day you die." Mr Winston said with a leaking killing intent.

"Understood sir, thank you for this opportunity." Mr Leo saluted.

"I think we are done here, You may all leave." Mr Winston said.

Outside the council room Anna approached Leo who seemed lost to be in thought.

"What was that Leo? You know our school have never gotten to the semi finals, not to talk of winning the imperial tournament. So why would you agree to such a proposal? You should have just walked away, it would have been better. I wouldn't be able to protect you from him if you fail to win the tournament. He is a 3 star general (Lieutenant General) for god's sake he would kill you if you fail." Anna roared.

"Don't worry Anna, I am confident in my students. We would win."Mr Leo lied to calm Anna down.

"I've got to go now, you must have gotten wind of the scheduled fight between Ryan and Storm. I need to be there to make sure no one gets damaged beyond repair." Mr Leo turned and walked away.

"Oh, thank you for having my back Anna, you are a friend in deed." Mr Leo added before disappearing on the spot.