
The Adapter's System

In the year 2053, earth was struck with a mana surge from a failed scientific project, causing great magical calamities and mutations. The supernatural became the natural, magic became the norm. Advanced Civilisation had become extinct. While suffering through the invasion of races and the aggression of monsters originated from the mutation of animals. With this society who has progressed into the supernatural, how would a Young talentless man, with no power or magic, be able to survive? What if, one day, he had a fortunate encounter with a system, a system which could not only adapt but evolve. Would he remain weak and powerless? Or would he adapt and become something… Bigger? Power stone objectives till the end of march: 200 Power stones / 2 extra chapters 400 Power stones / 3 Extra chapters 600 Power stones / 4 Extra chapters Collection Goals: 500 Collections : 1 Extra chapter 1000 Collections: 2 Extra chapters 2000 Collections: 3 Extra Chapters

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71 Chs

Dealing With The Aftermath.

Asper didn't kill any of them as much as he wanted to because he himself knew how many problems that would cause, and they all probably got brain damage anyways his revenge thirst was quenched. At least most of it.

The one who stood in front of him was the only one who had actually shot two bullets in him, forget about the others who failed. This one had not only shot once, but was proud to shoot another, in a skinny thin clothed under aged guy who hadn't done anything.

Asper felt disgusted as he looked at her.

There was silence, absolute silence. All the eight customers in the room were speechless.

"W-WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? CALL FOR BACKUP!" Shouted one of the customers.

A fully grown man, gringe colored short hair with a rather fit body. He had his gun pulled out pointed at Asper.. That single shout was all it took to snap the receptionists out of the trance and caused them to get down to speed-dialing for emergency.

The other customers started to panic.

"Hey, isn't this supposed to be one of the best gunsmiths?"

"Why is the security so weak? Wasn't there a B-Rank hunter regular who guarded this place?"

"What you should all be asking is how this kid, managed to take out five security guards on his own. It would be wise if you stood still, kid!" Shouted the gringe haired man as he pointed the pistol at Asper.

Asper saw this, frowned for a moment before eventually letting out a sigh.

"I thought you were smart since you told them to call for back-up, but are you really pointing a pistol at me after seeing me take out five guards?" Asper asked

"It was from close range and taser bullets, can you out speed a real bullet?" He asked

"Why don't we find out?" Asper asked as he glared at the man with cold eyes.

He made sure he still had a few bullets left, if the guy really did shoot a real bullet at him, he'd kill him with no hesitation. Asper wasn't good nor bad, he was neutral. However he believed in equality, whether it's girl, boy, child, grandparents, parents, anything.

Anything bad done to someone, should be expected to be returned. Whether it's trying to kill them and getting killed yourself, or hitting them and getting hit yourself. That was how Asper lived his life.

"Everyone calm down! There's been some sort of mistake!" Shouted the receptionist.

A smile was formed on Asper's face as he saw this.

'Trying to protect your reputation after seeing my strength, huh… If word got out that they couldn't even handle a kid, their ranking as the top gunsmith would probably drop even if their defense squad wasn't active.'

"What mistake?" Asked the ginger haired guy as he kept his sight locked on Asper

"Go on, tell them. Tell them how one of your staff members assaulted me for no reason. Self-defense is a thing, you know.'

Even if in Asper's case it was self-defense, there was no way to prove it. In fact, he was definitely getting hunted down after if he didn't. Now was his best shot. What he needed was for her to bite it.

"What is he talking about?" Asked another customer, a female who stood close to the ginger-haired guy

"… All I can say is that a mistake happened, everyone lower your weapons." Said the receptionist nervously. She then looked straight at Asper and said. "I'd rather resolve this without any dispute or problems, if you leave now, I promise you we won't pursue this matter any further." She added.

'Wow, another bitch.'

"So, you assault me, and ask me to leave, without so much of an apology or compensation? That's deep." Said Asper

"What's he talking about?" Asked the ginger-haired guy as he glared at the receptionist.


She stayed quiet.

'I don't have time to be wasting here.' Asper thought to himself as he saw this

"Alright, alright, I'll leave. However if you pursue this matter and I found out I'm being framed for a wrong-doing. I'll tell my master." Said Asper with a smile

It was a bluff, he had no master. But judging from the skills he displayed, it definitely sounded believable. After all, it was unbelievable to do what he did without a teacher of some sorts. Above all, Asper's master definitely had to be a high rank for him to be this strong as a student.

Asper then moved towards the exit without saying another word. The receptionist remained quiet.

"Wait!" Shouted the ginger-haired man as he called out to Asper

Asper stopped and glanced back only to have surprise fill his eyes, he didn't expect such a sight. The ginger-haired man had lowered his gun and bowed.

"I'm very sorry! I misunderstood and even pointed my gun at you. From what I can see, you were the one who was done wrong. There is no need to get your master involved, I promise to deal with this as an apology, I only hope that you will forgive me." He said

There didn't seem to be any lies in his words, Asper could tell. Although he couldn't one hundred percent believe it either. Either way, accepting his forgiveness would in this case, be the best option. Who can say no to help, after all?

"It's fine, I'm also sorry for having made a scene. I hope that you do deal with this, I won't pursue this matter if no one pursues it." Said Asper before leaving.


Heavy pants came from Asper as he leaned over to the wall on the alleyway. His heart was beating unbelievably fast, he felt a little nauseous but he felt great over all. He was in top-shape.

<Electricity Adaptation has ended>

The overwhelming feeling of speed he had disappeared, as he could feel the effects of the Adaptation leave him. It was a strange feeling and he was dejected that it had ended but he didn't have time to worry about it.

Asper then looked at the pistol on his cuffed up right hand, before slashing off the cuffs with his energy blade.

'I wonder if this counts as stealing… Either way, if they don't pursue it, it's fine…'

"I wonder what model this is…?" Muttered Asper as he inspected it.

Seemed like a simple pistol with an energy core. There wasn't much to be said about it.

Asper looked at it for a while before eventually hanging his head and letting out another sigh.

"What a shitty day…" He muttered as he looked up at the gun. "And for my first time handling a gun, I landed the shots pretty well… Did I perhaps adapt to something to help me? I wish there was a screen which could show me all the important information…" He added.

The moment he said so, it happened.