
The Abyss!

Sye is reincarnated by a universal being who is bored and wants to watch for entertainment. Follow Sye along his journey! Has a system but on first and second chapter it explains its uses so its not very overpowered.

Cameron_Hutchinson · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs


In a forest on whale island.

As Sye opens his eyes he notices his change in surroundings, he sees bright sun light invading his eyes.

He tries to stand up with much difficulty in his new 7 years old body. As he finally stands and takes in the forest of lush green leafs and flowers, he couldn't help but admire the view.

"When seeing it on screen it doesn't portray how beautiful anime worlds actually are, and the air is so much cleaner than on my past earth", Sye was already loving his new journey when it only just began.

"Ok, so I'm on Whale island in 1994 and I'm 7, so there's still 5 years until the Hunter exam with Gon and Killua, but although I'm on Whale island I will wait and train and live in the forest while training but I should be able to buy clothes if I fish and hunt and sell them in the village and after 5 years when I go on the boat for the exam is when I will start to talk with Gon and help him out since although watching was fun being involved will be much better!", and so Sye made up his plan to train for these 5 years and before he could forget he called up the system.

'System, you there'

[I am here host what would you like for me to do for you]

'System can you please show and explain your functions to me?'

[Certainly host, first is Status which shows your name, age, birthday, stats, energy, soul, abilities, and bloodlines. Secondly is Inventory which host should know of but if not it is a separate space with no time flow that can hold non living things that would have no time affected on to them meaning would never expire. Thirdly is Word which shows your world ranking in the world you are currently in and all the worlds you have previously been to. Fourthly is Travel where you can travel to different anime worlds only after reaching the peak of that world, meaning number 1 on world ranking. Finally is shop but shop can only be used once everytime you arrive at a new anime world and you can choose something related to that anime world from the shop, also your final wish will also be on the shop to which you can use at anytime you decide to. Is that satisfactory for you host?]

'That's amazing, thank you ermm, do you have a name system', asked Sye feeling abit excited and embarrassed for not asking for the name earlier.

[I have no name, host can chose one if you so desire]

'Wait are you a female or male?'

[I can be either female or male for host, but I do prefer female]

'Erm, how about Ava how does that sound to you?' Sye asked worriedly, hoping she likes the name.

[Perfect, host please call me Ava from here on, thank you]

'That's ok Ava, and please just call me Sye, no need to call me host', Sye was happy that she was happy with his decision so now he can officially start his journey after greeting his system or Ava as she goes by now.

'Ava, status please'


Name: Sye

Age: 7

Mental age: 20

Birthday: January 3rd


•Str- 20


•Agl- 20

Energy: None

Soul: Captain

Abilities: None

Bloodlines: None]

'Hey Ava, why does it say my birthday is January the 3rd and also what do my stats compare to a normal 7 year old in this world', Sye was confused as his birthday wasn't January the 3rd in his previous life.

[Your birthday is January the 3rd because today is January the 3rd and obviously this is your rebirth, your new start so that is why it is at your birthday, and the average adult stats that isn't a hunter in this world is around 15 but yours is higher because your body was created by the higher being however Gon and Killua have higher stats especially Killua because he was trained from a child but you can easily catch up, plus you also have your free shop point for this world]

'Ah yes that makes sense and my stats which refer to my body will become much higher in the future, so Ava please pull up the shop for this world and show me the most recommended i should get',Sye was super excited to see what he can get from this world but he already had something in mind.

[As you request, Shop-

•Netero body talent

•Peak nen talent

•Zoldyck assassin abilities

•All three nen types

I recommend these for this world]

"Ah, these are all tough choices however I will take away Netero body talent and Zoldyck assassin abilities because they will be useless in the future worlds, hm that leaves having all three nen types or peak talent for nen.", Sye couldn't decide at all as both of these options are very good but he came to a decision.

'Ava give me peak talent in nen, this is the best decision because although having all three nen types would he good I don't know if I could create a hatsu for all three plus I might have no talent in nen to begin with and then I wouldn't even be able to practice at all', Sye was happy with his choice because although he used a wish for fusing the different energy types that doesn't mean he can use every energy from anime without talent.

[Peak nen talent has been chosen, you now have the best nen talent but will still need to meditate to unlock nen and increase your nen amount, also figure out your nen type and create an ability]

'Thanks Ava',

"Hm, I don't feel any different, but I guess I wouldn't without actually unlocking my nen. I guess I should start trying to but before that I should probably find the port town so if I do hunt I know where I can sell my game and luckily the universal being gave me clothes I wouldn't want to walk around naked, Ava can you tell me which direction I should walk from here to arrive at the town", Sye was looking around clueless of where he was but he knew it was his fault for only saying Whale island and not specifying where abouts.

[Of course Sye, just head East from your position, which would be behind the way your facing]

"Ah, thanks Ava, so behind me.", As Sye was walking he was excited but nervous as well for multiple reasons.

'Hunting will be hard, because firstly I've never fought, hunted or killed anything and I know further along in the future I will be forced to kill because although anime looks friendly killing still happens, this is all real now but I won't be able to jump right in and kill, I will have to start off with the animals I hunt to get used to the sight and smell of blood and I will only kill a human if necessary unless it's someone like Hisoka, I'll kill him, I'm sorry I don't wanna be stalked and lusted over by that pedophile even though his character is pretty cool he will definitely want to kill me if he gets angry like the spiders so I know eventually I will have to kill maybe even in this world and I know I will be sick afterwards but this is my new life so I'll suck it up after I've done it and move on', Sye was doing his best to prepare himself for all the death because now this is his new reality too and there's nothing he can do but fight through it and adapt.

But without even realising because of all that thinking Sye already started walking out of the usual greenery and was walking along a path and infront of him was a normal looking port town.

"Finally I'm here, well the walk was only around 15 minutes, I guess the higher being did put me closer that I expected him too".

Sye walks into the town which was still pretty lively, as much as it can be since it doesn't have many people living here, but the market place looked like it was bustling with people so Sye walked through there to see many people selling fish or other types of food and clothes, but then he noticed lots of people staring at him and he wondered why so many people were looking at him.

[Sye it's because this town is small and only has two children which live here that the anime shows which is Gon and Noko, plus because your body was designed from a higher being and your only 7 they will think you look cute especially the older women]

'Hey! Don't call me cute, no guy likes to be called cute plus I'm still mentally 20 and ok I understand so I'm gonna need a back story, I'll just say I was on a boat and it crashed, sunk and I drifted to this island, I guess that's good enough', Sye was still annoyed at these people looking at him until someone approached him.

"Hey there kid, I haven't seen you on this island before, are you lost",???


-Authors notes

{1565 not including authors notes}

Relased another chapter for fun, I will probably release some more and depending on them depends on if I do this seriously, I'm just doing it for fun and trying something new so I don't care if you don't like it, sorry :p

Who do you think was talking to Sye at the end?