
That time when I kicked out my weak healer from the party.

Hero Jason's party falls apart when he kicks out his weak healer from the party and now he's all alone in his journey to complete the dungeon. a/n: English is not my first language so please forgive me for any errors.

Jace_Creed · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

The Founder's Mountain

The Founder's Mountain was a snow mountain, and one of the most prominent places of this Kingdom, since this was the place where the great hero Remus, along with his allies, had their last stand against the demon king.

During their battle, the great mage Marianne, used a strong ice magic that till this day and age, the snow falls there.

As for why this place was called the Founder's Mountain, it's because this was the place from where the Remus located the land where our Kingdom of Hale is situated.

"That's so cool!! I also wanna be a hero when I grow up!!"

I said as my mother gently stroked my head and she said with a chuckle.

"don't worry about that I'm sure you will, little Jay."




(At the Founder's Mountain)

"This place is so cold that it's freezing me to my bones...but if it's true that Celine is here, all of this trouble will worth it."

I said as I kept moving, although my goal is hard, once I recruit Celine to my party, I'm sure everyone will automatically join after her.

"Still....what would she be doing at a place like this?"

I was wondering about her reason for coming to this place, when I noticed some tracks on snow.


They definitely belong to a human, so that would mean.

" Either I'm on the right track or there was someone else who came here to find her.... I hope it's not the latter."

After searching for three hour, I couldn't find her, all I could find was some more footprints but...

'From the looks of these tracks, she was either chasing something or was being chased by someone or something ....but knowing how skilled she is, I doubt she would be in any danger.'

As I was thinking to myself, I heard something moving near me, whatever this monster is, it's footsteps were heavy.

I stanced myself as the sound of footsteps got louder and closer but then everything went quiet....


No sound at all...

"Is...it gone?"

As I was thinking about what that thing could have been, I suddenly felt a cold iron on my nape.

"What the hell are you doing at this place?"

The person who spoke had a familiar voice.

"I could ask the same thing to you."

I said as turned to look at this person and continued.

" Celine."

It was her, the first person who left my party right after I kicked out that weakling.

"Why you-"

Before she could speak, I immediately fell onto my knees and said.

"I'm sorry Celine please join me again I promise that we can share our loot 70/30, of course the larger portion is yours."

As she saw me begging in front of her, she didn't say anything, does she want me to increase her share.

"O..okay...how about 80/20....no then...uh..90/10....still no, okay than 95/5, that's the best offer I can give you please Celine!!!.."

But she still didn't utter a single word... after sometime I realised it's not that she's not satisfied with the share in loot, it's that she's silently judging me...her eyes looking at me as if I'm garbage.

After sometime, she took a sigh, then looked at me, still frowning.

"Screw off Jason, I have no intention of joining you."

B... but why, why would she refuse such a generous offer...

After giving me her answer, she started to walk away.


I shouted to stop her.

Just as I was about to ask her why, a loud roar interrupted me..those heavy footsteps are now coming towards us.

"You idiot, you just gave our location to that thing!!!"

Celine screamed at me, with me wondering what is she talking about and what's that thing coming towards us but soon all of my questions were answered..


In front of us was a towering, human like creature, it's fur-covered skin adapted to icy environments. Its sharp claws, coupled with a hulking stature, make it a formidable presence in snowy landscapes.

It's glowing blue eyes pierce through the cold, and its breath creates cloud.

"A mountain snow-troll."

Celine said in a low voice, as soon as I heard her, I looked at Celine, our argument momentarily forgotten. Survival became our common goal.

I tightened my grip on the sword I just unsheathed, feeling the chill of the snow mountain. As Celine readied her own blade beside me.

"Ready when you are."

As soon as Celine said.

I lunged forward, slashing at the snow-troll's leg. The monster roared in pain, but quickly retaliated with a sweeping swing of its massive claws. Jason dodged the attack, narrowly avoiding getting caught in the troll's grasp.

Celine came from the side, creating a diversion. I took the opportunity and attacked the troll's other leg, causing it to stumble.

"Alright, we got it down!!"

I said thinking we got him when Celine shouted from behind.

"Watch out!!"

As soon a I heard this, I noticed the snow-troll, enraged, swung its huge arms wildly.

I jumped sideways evading the blow, meanwhile Celine,used her mastery of the sword, dodging all it's attacks, landed precise strikes on the creature's vulnerable spots.

"Woah we're quite a great team, aren't we?"

I said but Celine simply ignored my words and continued the fight.

As the battle continued, the troll's movements grew slow. Celine taking advantage of this, delivered a powerful blow to the creature's icy heart. I followed-up that attack with a final blow.

Breathing heavily in the freezing air, both me and Celine stood over the dead troll's body, our swords sheathed.

"Huff...huff...We did it.."





(After sometime)

After defeating the monster, I was still trying to convince Celine to join me but she kept on refusing.

"Alright, just give me one reason why you don't want to become my partner?"

Celine scowled at me, annoyed as if I struck a nerve.

"Why should I join you? Don't you get it!! It's because of your nature, you're selfish, you're rude, you act as though you care for your team members but when a member shows even a slight weakness, you kick them out...just like you did with Leon."

She screamed at me, painting me as a bad guy.

"B-but everything I did, I did for the party members-"

I tried to speak for my defense, but she intervened.

"It's not the party members you care about, but the party's name. Did you ever check up on the other members after any battle, did you knew how many times Borris got injured after all of our battles, did you know how many times Ru almost got exhausted due to excessive use of mana because you asked him, you want me to continue?"

As she continued, I felt a sense of shame...did I truly never noticed all of that.

"I don't care about you or your party, Jason...even the reason why I came to this place was because I heard from someone that Leon was last spotted here.... unfortunately instead of running into him, I ran into you."

Both of us got silent for a minute, and then Celine turned her back on me and started walking away.

"I hope we don't cross paths again, or else, next time my blade will do the talking."

After saying all of that Celine, my final hope to recreate my party, disappeared into the snow.

-to be continued. Oo