
That Time me and my Classmate got Reincarnated in Another World

Hikaru Tanaka, a high schooler suffering from severe mental illness and bullying decides to take his life to escape his pain, spending his last day with his half-sister, Hana Tomura. He decided to jump off the high school roof, but, to his dismay, Hana was still there trying to save him, in an unfortunate turn of events they both fall to their death, in the last moments of their lives they hear a voice that speaks of another world and reincarnation. Shortly they wake up in another world, summoned by the Wieka Kingdom to help in the holy war led by goddess Ifrit against monsters, but to everyone's surprise, Hikaru and Hana were reincarnated as monsters. The king himself exiled them from the castle but, in a turn of fate, the king revealed the truth about goddess Ifrit and her plan to enslave and destroy all monsters. The king's last wish before Ifrit brainwashed him is for them to become demon lords and defeat goddess Ifrit.

MenamAishi · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Strike Aftermath (2)

1 day remaining before Lord Ikrel's son arrives

Well, what to do until it happens?

"Sia, I wonder how you get all of the information that you give me, are there any limitations to what information you can get me?"- I am sitting on my bed, looking up at the ceiling.

!I can get most pieces of the information that you request. However, I can't access information that is culturally considered taboo in this world. However another skill can help you with this, I call her my little sister, well she is my little sister, we were born from the same Supreme skill, her name is Mammon with the title of Lord of Forbidden Knowledge, she can get all the information like myself and taboo information on top of that.!

"I understand, well, I doubt I can obtain Mammon anytime soon, you did well on every task that I gave you until now Sia"

!Thank you for saying such a nice thing about me, Hikaru!

I got up from my bed and looked around, I am alone in my room, Hana is with Fumiko in Welcia running some errands for her, don't know what to do now or how to prepare, I might need to ask Fumiko about Lord Ikrel's soon and find a way to make Fumiko hate him even more, but what if I kill him? Well, maybe that will make Fumiko sadder and I want to avoid that, I know if I kill him even though Fumiko hates him already it will cause her to be hurt even more

"How are you Hikaru?"- Fumiko entered the house, she looks happier than yesterday.

"Well, got sidetracked and stared at the walls for half an hour. I will get to cooking something for the both of you"- Getting out of bed I picked up a pan and some ingredients.

I put the water to boil, got the rice out, and split it into 3 portions and a few slabs of meat for the 3 of us.

Sweet rice and fried meat, it's an odd dish that I once ate at one of the mental facilities I was being held at after my first suicide attempt, it tasted good for me.

No time to remember what happened there, I have to keep going on here.

"What are you thinking about Hikaru?"- Hana talked to me through the telepathic network.

"Nothing. There is an important event we need to focus on, didn't Sia tell you about it yet?"

"Yes, she did tell me about it, Lord Ikrel's son is coming to Welcia in a day to visit her. He must be grieving as well. I don't know what to do honestly, how do we make Fumiko hate him even more like Sia suggested, any ideas?"

"Well, I think I got it. We can spread a fake rumor that he was somewhat involved in killing her father with his father and that he planned this from the start."- This is the best plan, but what evidence should we use against him in the first place? No, we need something that can prove without any shadow of a doubt that he had a hand in it and is looking to steal Fumiko's place to be a Lord.

"Yes, be careful Hikaru, I know you got this. But be careful, he might be unto us. His son is as old as Fumiko and has greater intellect than her, or even us, we can't underestimate him. He might even spill the beans to Fumiko if he knows about this."

"What makes you think he might be unto us, I didn't see him when we have gone to Ikrel so it shouldn't pose a problem"

"Well, I was told by Fumiko that he possesses an ability that allows him to find the truth to whatever question he may ask, but the only condition is to look around for the answer himself, the true answer will be revealed once he gazed at it"

"Well, seems kinda useless for a skill, but if it is like that if it works like that I can see your point, but I don't think we have to worry about anything right now, they have drunk poison and weren't killed directly, I made the stab wounds using my Shadow Tendrils and Lord Ikrel's hands and I poisoned the drink using an ability, the way you put it looks like it can detect only the direct action of a person but not the action of the skill itself. Let's ask Sia just to be sure"

"Sure, Sia, what can you tell us about this ability?"

!Hikaru is mostly right about this ability, it's a Legendary tier ability called Investigate Truth. There is a loophole in using this skill, if Lord Ikrel soon knows the name of the skill that you used to poison the drink of his father then it will show him as true.!

"So, it will work only if he knows the skill name. I see. Is there anything that we can do to counter that skill of his?"

!Yes, you can Lucifer to deceive his ability, once you have the skill activated all the results from his skill will be manipulated in your favor no matter what will happen. Primordial skills can rarely be countered by a Legendary skill which is the case with this one. But I do suggest caution because he might try to do some shady things with the 2 of you or Fumiko to convince her to forfeit her lordship and give everything to him. Watch out for Fumiko and take care of her!

The telepathic communication ended. Me and Hana nodded to each other. As I promised I will take the hard choices into my own hands, I know Hana is not the type of person to kill and hates the idea, I hate it as well, but this is what we must do to survive. If Sia wasn't numbing our emotions we will be emotional wreck.

The funny thing that I discovered with the Telepathy skill is that with the appropriate skills, someone can control aspects of another person, and we might also be able to use that on Lord Ikrel's son.

"Hikaru, Hana. The 2 of you seemed to space out for a long while. What happened?"- Fumiko is near me on the bed.

"Yes, guess we fell asleep with our eyes opened. Sorry for that Fumiko. What do you want to do next?"- Hana grabbed Fumiko and went with her outside.

"We will be back Hikaru!"