
That Time me and my Classmate got Reincarnated in Another World

Hikaru Tanaka, a high schooler suffering from severe mental illness and bullying decides to take his life to escape his pain, spending his last day with his half-sister, Hana Tomura. He decided to jump off the high school roof, but, to his dismay, Hana was still there trying to save him, in an unfortunate turn of events they both fall to their death, in the last moments of their lives they hear a voice that speaks of another world and reincarnation. Shortly they wake up in another world, summoned by the Wieka Kingdom to help in the holy war led by goddess Ifrit against monsters, but to everyone's surprise, Hikaru and Hana were reincarnated as monsters. The king himself exiled them from the castle but, in a turn of fate, the king revealed the truth about goddess Ifrit and her plan to enslave and destroy all monsters. The king's last wish before Ifrit brainwashed him is for them to become demon lords and defeat goddess Ifrit.

MenamAishi · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Encounter(2) in Welcia

2 days after the encounter with our classmates: It had been 2 days since the encounter with them, we are now at our house preparing and talking about a way to level up, since monsters at the level they are in the forest we barely get any exp for killing them.

As of now, we are in our house discussing what we can do to level up, the wolves that we fought 2 days ago gave us some decent exp but not enough for a level-up.

"Hana, what do you think we should do to raise our levels? We need to do that fast because we might be discovered by the king and hunted"- We are using thought communication every time we talk now. We can't afford to be heard or discovered.

"Hikaru, why not take a break in Welcia first, and then we can take 10 F rank quests from the guild and then maybe we can level up, it will help even if it's 1 or 2 levels, maybe we will level up even 3 levels if we take on more dangerous F rank quests"- Hana suggested while sipping out of a cup full of tea.

I am thinking of ways to level up faster but it seems that we are stuck.

!Once you get to a certain level monster exp will start to drop less, you can still level up but it will be tedious, you need to beat monsters that are a few levels ahead of you like you did those wolves back there, there are also other monsters that are high level that you can kill as well. Or you can try your luck in a dungeon where monsters give the same amount of exp regardless of your current level.!

"Hana, Sia gave me this fantastic idea, maybe we should go into a dungeon someday. Maybe we can earn a lot of exp there and then level up. In a dungeon monsters give the same amount of exp so why not go in one?"- I can't hide my excitement

"Well, maybe it's a bad idea, we might not know what lurks in there and for all we know traps are a must in a dungeon. Plus, what are we gonna do when we reach the evolution bottleneck? How much exp do we need to get to the next evolution stage I wonder"

!The next evolution bottleneck will be 20 times the exp needed to reach 40 and 30!

"Hana, it's about 20 times the exp needed to reach level 40 for me and 20 times the exp to reach level 30 for you"- I still need to tell Hana what Sia says, the skill isn't strong enough to let Sia communicate directly with Hana, I didn't expect this.

!I didn't expect this as well, I should have been better prepared. When this skill evolves into Telepathy maybe then it will allow me to talk to both Hana and you.!

"How can I evolve the skill into Telepathy Sia? How can I?"

!Well, you need a skill known as Bond, the Magi wolves that you fought were pack members, and you will need to predate 2 Alpha Magi Wolves in order to obtain that skill and have the common skill through communication evolve into the rare skill of Telepathy!

"Hana, you are right, maybe we should take on harder quests, let's go to Welcia and see what they have in store for us!"

Welcia city:

We went straight to the adventurer's guild.

"Ohhhhh, you 2 again. Want quests again I assumed right?"- The receptionist smiled at us, it was the same man behind the reception desk.

"Yes, we want to take F-rank quests if it's possible, 10 of them to complete if we are allowed to that is"- I spoke to the man.

"Well, sure. There are a few quests you can take 5 of them are for gathering herbs and other stuff, 5 for defeating monsters, all of them F rank."- The man gave us the papers in our hand, I looked at one of the missions but it was only wolves extermination, nothing new from what I am seeing.

"Well, thank you, we will get to them right away"- I gave 5 to Hana, I kept 2 gathering and 3 monster slaying for myself, and gave 3 gathering and 2 monster-slaying quests for Hana to take on

"Be careful, there had been reports of Alpha Magi wolves stalking the area, the 5 killing requests are for the pack, 1 Magi Wolf will rip a G rank to shreds, even an E rank has trouble dealing with 1 of them and a D rank can barely take on an Alpha Magi wolf. Be careful out their kids, just slay the normal wolves and come to the guild directly once you have slain enough of them, you sure will make a lot of money for that many quests"- Well, we already took down 2 Magi wolves with ease. But how strong is an Alpha?

!It's 3 times stronger than a normal Magi Wolf, but they are defeated with ease by using your strategy!

"Hana, come on, we don't want to miss out on the quests"

The moment we turned to the door we can someone familiar behind us, it was one of our classmates, it was a girl that I didn't see 2 days ago at the meeting, she looked at us in shock and weirdness.

"What are you 2 doing here"- She whispered to us

"We will tell you outside"- We went outside with her.

"Ok, explain to me, what are the 2 of you doing here in Welcia? And why do you wear clothes like these, they look weird on you 2"- Ok, so our clothes are more important to her than our wellbeing?

"Well, locals wear these so we decided to buy some clothes that a fitting for a local. We can't stand out too much. And why are you here?"- I asked her while I am ready to pull out a sword, I have a bad feeling about this.

*Use skill: Shadow Tendril*- I made sure to first immobilize her without noticing with my shadow tendrils, she can't run now.

"That's beside the point, the king and the people at the academy are coming here to register as adventurers so it will be best if the 2 of you will just get out before the king sees you again. Maybe this time he will kill you 2 of good"

"Thank you for the info. Are you going to come to the guild often, I want to know the hours so that we can come here safely"

"Well, we will come early in the morning to accept quests like today, if you come here in the afternoon we will be on quests and come back to Welcia for nighttime shopping"- We nodded and gone the opposite way ready to take on the quests.

We are now in a forest and we are walking looking around for the materials that we need to gather for the quests, let's see what we have here, I looked again at the requests and all of them are herbs used to make potions, maybe I will visit the potion shop and have someone teach me how to make these dam things, this grass that I gather that is used in potions is everywhere. Me and Hana knocked down the gathering quest in about 2 hours, we gather enough for the 2 of us to start making potions ourselves.

"Now, we only have the extermination quests remaining"- I looked at our statuses and we are close to leveling up by 1 level.

"Yes, now, let's see where the wolves hide"- Hana seems to be excited about this quest as well, is it me or does she seem happier since the last time we talked?

"So, what are we going to do with so much wolf meat? We can't sell it right?"- I don't know, we killed so many wolves that we stocked up with meat for days.

!Negative, you can sell it or sell a dish that has wolf meat in it. If you can produce it in large quantities and open a stall and let someone run it then maybe you can sell all the excess meat and keep what you need!

"What dish are you suggesting Sia?"

!Cabbage rolls and sausages of course, you can use your predator skill to make with the ingredients that you will have to buy, you only need to boil them afterwards and then you are done, Hana can take care of the cooking and you of the preparing, also you can use wolf gut for sausages as well, I kept them hidden and far away in your spatial storage!

"Ok, you have a great idea"

"Hana, I have a great idea of what we will do with all the excess meat, but first, let's get that excess meat!"

We walked until we stumbled upon a cave, in the quests it says that they live in a cave, it's almost night, maybe a surprise attack will work?

"Hana, this is their den, be prepared!"

*Use skill: Shadow Tendrils*- We attacked the wolves with the advantage of the darkness. I managed to kill most of the pack, but deep inside the cave, we can see 2 pair of deep glowing eyes.

!These 2 are the Alphas!

"Those 2 are the Alpha, be careful Hana, I will restrain them for you.

I went ahead first and restrained the 2 wolves, they can move but their struggle puts an immense toll on my body.

Hana rushed in and cut their heads off.

*Use skill: Predator*- I ate the 2 Alpha Wolves with the predator skill.

#Skill Gained: Bond#- I shared the duplicate skill with Hana

!Combining Skills: Bong and Thought Communication into the Rare Skill Telepathy!

Both I and Hana are now able to hear Sia talking to us.

*Use skill: Predator*- I used my predator skill on the other wolves and harvested everything that there is to them, kept their fang as proof, and the head of the Alphas.

I am now level 24 and Hana is level 18.

The adventure's guild:

We looked through the windows of the guild and there wasn't anyone there.

We entered the guild and showed our kills to the receptionist, he was surprised by us taking down 2 Alpha Magi wolves

We received 10 gold and 50 silver.