
That Time I Reincarnated with Multiverse Chat Group

This is story about Zero Vermilion a rich second-generation young master who is a big delusion boy or also known as chunnibyo and one of the hero who save his world and get reincarnated to another world as phoenix with a chat system when he was about die (I only update when I want and to tell you guys this is my first time writing story after my first novel have problem before I can update it.English is not my main language and you can comment about my mistake but please don't toxic and use abusive word here)

ZERO_Liner · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

(Kaguya pov)

[Side quest have issued to all participants]

[Side quest:make 3 friend at school tomorrow,(0/3)]

How many times I see this is like it said that I don't have any friend and it irritates me to no end about it.

But to compare my with other my quest is a easy one no matter how you see it.But to me it a harder.From my childhood I always be educated to not trust someone and always befriended someone with a benefit.

To search for a true friend for me is like to fight my belief.I wonder how everyone solve their quest.

I suddenly remember that Zero asked to search something in internet and now was the right time to do because I have free time now.

I search what he type in chat group and shocked when I see cartoonist version of Marco,Rito and the shockers one is Shinobu.She look very similar like a cartoonist me with a bit adjustment.

I send a story that Zero asked about to chat and wait for their reaction.I also shocked that I have anime version of me there.

"Look like what Zero said before is true.Otherworld exist in outer space and multiverse beyond it.Don't tell me there also have anime story about him."

This is very interesting.Look like I can cure my boredom here and he said'Life is tough girl and don't give up hope'.It easy said than do.

"If he know what I'm feeling right now he wouldn't dare to say that and how can I fall in love with wissy boy like this character in the future.Oii future me please answer me."muttered Kaguya alone while reading manga story about herself.

If someone see her like this they will very shocked because Kaguya is Shinomiya family doll and have said to have no emotion.She laugh like normal girl is impossible but right now she is.

Suddenly Kaguya phone vibrated to show it got a mail.

(What is this?look like not all member is incompetent like they show and why he look they acting like some clown)think Kaguya after reading chat group.


(3rd pov)

"Firstly I must search for dragon because once wise man sad where is a dragon there a slime there."said Zero with a wise tone to himself.

Zero traveller the cave until he met dead end but suddenly he hit something hard and fall in pit.

"Who the hell make a hidden trap here.Don't they have a dead brain."said Zero angrily.

"Look like we have another guest here.Fire bird no flame chicken?"???

"A flame chicken what a unique monster there hahaha"another one said while laughing wryly.

"Who are you calling flame chicken I am a phoenix and who are guys"said Zero angrily at two being who makes fun of him.

"I am a storm dragon Veldora one of four true dragon in this world"said Veldora with smugness fully show in his face.

"I formerly a human who reincarnated as slime by some incident,but I don't know why I don't remember my name and who are you?"said a blue slime and ask some questions.

"As you wish to know this one name is Zero Vermilion.I am a human who reincarnated as phoenix because I possessed a soul as strong and holy equal to phoenix."said Zero with reverent tone like a certain fake priest.

"Look like you and I are the same.We reincarnated as monster is this happen regularly?"ask blue slime to Veldora.

"Although this case is rare.It do not mean it never happened before and in the future"answered Veldora thinking deeply.

We continue chatting around and talk about our experience.Futhermore,I and Mr.blue slime also talking about how we died.I also tell them abouty chat group,my skill,race and my eyes power.They looked shocked about it.Satoru also told us about his unique skill great sage and predator.Veldora also showed us his.

I also discussed about my hobby with them and joking around each other.We also have deducted how we reincarnated here.

"It look like we reincarnated as monster because our body is broken or cannot be transported alive and almost every otherworldly have unique skill"said Zero

"So only our soul can be transported to another world with our last momento skill.We also cannot stay here forever and we must explore this world.Hey Veldora want to come inside me"said a blue slime

"😧😧😧"I and Veldora are shocked at what this guys said.

"Why are you want to kill our friend, don't tell me that you have been consumed by human greed.I misjudged you!."shouted Zeros making a face that looked betrayed.

"It's not like that idiot.Veldora,you said you body will died in a few year and why not be alive inside my body than rot here. Zero and I will find a way to save you from outside meanwhile you trying to figure it out from inside.How about it"asked him to Veldora.

"From my analysis it the best course of action we could do now and I will find some way from my chat group.The final decision is you to make "said Zero to support Satoru word.

"Hahahaha,Just do as you want and it better than rot here to die."replied Veldora with laughter.

"Veldora before you go,you want to be friends with us?"asked Satoru

"Who want to be friends with a slime and flaming bird"said Veldora

"So you don't want to be friends with us?"asked Zero

"Who said I don't to and see you guys this desperate to become my friends I accept it"replied Veldora with tsundere act.

(what a tsundere dragon) thought Zero and Satoru in their own mind.

"As your guys friend,how about we give a name to each other."suggested by Veldora.

"You guys can take my Vermilion surname it is named base on our family braveness and undying will.Please don't make my given name too much different."said Zero by giving s suggestion.

"That's okay and I have decided you two name.firstly you named is Rimuru"said Veldora while he pointed his fingers at Satoru no Rimuru.

"And you name is Zeros and I don't make too different from you former name as you asked me to."said Veldora

"Rimuru huh.It's a good name and storm dragon what related to it is Tempest.I will give you named Tempest it mean storm in my place."said Rimuru

"Tempest Hahaha a good name from now my name is Veldora Vermilion Tempest."announce Veldora.

"And my name is Rimuru Vermilion Tempest now"said Rimuru as to continue what Veldora about to say.

"And this one is name Zeros Vermilion Tempest a phoenix who will make a storm in this new world hahahaha😆😆"said Zero while he spread a fire near him to show dominance.

"Now don't lose in there and I will free you.I promise you that"said Rimuru to Veldora.

"Just you wait a while there and after you get out.I already be famous across continents for making a big storm here."said Zero as if to announce something.

"Hahahahahaha,I cannot wait until that.See ya later my friends."said Veldora.

Rimuru then swallowed Veldora into his body.He also have a dimension or something similar to me that allow here to store anything in there.

Rimuru and I get ready to get out from this cave.Rimuru also swallowed every prey his kill and get their skill using his unique skill predator.

I also use this guys as my practice partner.I forget to say the day Veldora named us I got a human form and it enable me to transform into human.Rimuru is jealous with my human form.I look exactly like my past self with crimson hair and slim yet muscled body.

In my chat group now.Look like 2 out of 5 of us have already completed the quest and surprisingly the hardest one complete it first.


[Side quest task completion






Percent of task(40/100)]

[For every participant that have completed the task early system already gave a bonus reward with task reward.]

[Congratulations you got a 88 shop point, bonus reward you got magical glasses.As admin and the first one to complete mission you got samsara phoenix inheritance]

Zero:I got a good reward here and how can you guys don't complete your own quest yet.

Shinobu:Easy for you to said you only need to go yourself to find them and bet 50/50 that you alive or dead while doing.Meanwhile,I have to train someone till she can make it.Not myself.You should know how frustrated I got waiting for it.

Marco:I now only need to get to Thatch ship to save him from being killed.I estimated in 3 day the faster or in a week.I now only hope he don't die yet.

Rito:So you is race against time.Good luck👍.Meanwhile,I need to save princess from her own bodyguard and I be beaten black blue because of that misunderstanding. Furthermore,you called it succeed.How in your eyes that success?😠

Shinobu:At least he show mercy to you and not killed you.You should thank them for it.And on another note they don't kill you for obstruct their mission.

Kaguya:Can you guys chill yourself and think rationally.I know everyone here have some difficulty in their quest but please be understanding and complete their work.

Zero: y'know you said like you have completed your quest yourself but in reality you tried to comfort yourself right?😏

Kaguya:Whaaat aree yooouuuuu talking about?I don't feel nervous at all😗

Rito:Is my eyes deceiving me.Who are you? What have you done to Kaguya that scary person never stutter word and make mistake while typing.

Kaguya:Hey pervert look like you want to die early today.

Zero:I have some good news for you guys

Shinobu:what it is?

Zero:I have human form now.😎

[Zero send a picture]

Shinobu:So you want us to do what?

Rito:I think he just want some attention.You guys should know he a attention seeker type after all.

Marco:If you don't have any important things to say now I go offline.

Kaguya:He right,how about you tell me how to make friends.After all, you make friends with a dragon and slime in another world.

Rito:Are you sure?I think dragon and human have a different mindset y'know.The important things you forget this guy have this powerful protagonist aura around him.

Zero:I feel really stupid asking you guys?🙄


Like that Zero noted in his mind to never questioned chat group member about a casual things.

Zero also noted in his mind to used this guys as a test subject to his new power.