
That Time I Got Reincarnated in a Fantasy Magic World!

When I died, I was given the chance of a lifetime! I get to reincarnate into any world I want with wishes. The only problem is, I don't know what world to go to! So many choices, so little time! "What's that? I can mix worlds!?" *Rubs hands together evilly* "Excellent!"

Golden_Slime · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs


Hey guys author here. I just wanted everyone to know that I've dropped this novel.

Everyone was so hard-core about the lemons and noone cared for the story so I lost all motivation. Sorry for all of you who wanted it to continue but I just dont have the energy anymore


























April Fools! I'm writing this on break at work, so I'll write the next chapter when I get home!

Did I get you? I got you didn't I!

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts