

The next day, I saw off Souei, Benimaru, Shion, Shuna, Artoria, and Mordred as they moved to finalize my authority over Jura. I didn't want to have to meet Gabiru and have him killed by my followers, so I created a [Body Double] and used Parallel Operation to control him and send him to meet the lizardman while my main body went to the Dryad settlement.

I had tired of this cat-and-mouse game with the various Dryads spying on me constantly, so I was going to confront them directly. For this, I went alone, since I wasn't going there to grandstand or show off, and in the worst-case scenario, I would massacre them all so that they can't threaten the core of my soon-to-be burgeoning empire.

I used {Gate} and arrived directly in front of Treyni's tree, much to the shock of all the Dryads and Trenents there. I know for a fact that they want to attack me, but they are too afraid of hurting Treyni's tree, which serves as her main body, so they can do nothing more than glare hatefully at me.

"Ara ara. It seems I have an uninvited guest" Treyni said as she appeared before me with her spirit summon Sylphide.

"I'm here to talk"

"Ara. You seem to be more threatening than anything, Rimuru-sama." She said with a fake smile and dark eyes.

"Well you wouldn't take me seriously before and kept running away whenever I tried reaching out to you, so I thought I would put myself somewhere were you can't do anything but confront me," I say, putting my hand on the tree.

After a few moments of staring, Treyni finally relents. "Very well Rimuru-sama. We shall discuss your recent rise in the forest elsewhere."

"That's fine," I say, taking my hand off the tree and gesturing to her.

Treyni walks out of the settlement while I follow. I can sense Trya's gaze on me as we walk. After a few minutes, we reach a clearing with a large pillar of white Quartz in the center. Small tufts of moss sit up to its head, blowing in the wind. There is a fairy ring around the edge of the clearing with dozens of colorful flowers. My analysis tells me that each one is a super-rare magical ingredient, so I order [Hephestus] to create tens of thousands of copies and put them in my storage for later use.

"We have arrived, Rimuru-sama," Treyni says after we both stand next to the pillar. "This pillar of quartz is the resting place of our old master, the queen of the spirits. It is our most sacred place and a location in which no lies can be uttered. If you wish to start our negotiations, then we shall do so here."

"Very well then. I'm sure you know everything you need to know about me, but I'll recap just in case you missed anything. I am Rimuru Tempest. The Celestial. I am the leader of the newly forming nation of Tempest in the Jura Forest. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"I am Treyni the Dryad. Manager of the Great Forest of Jura and its protector in the absence of Veldora. The pleasure is all mine... is what I would say if we had met on more... favorable terms."

"So you would only interact with me when you had the advantage?" I say teasingly.

"Never. We Dryads simply did not wish to involve ourselves without having all of the information first."

"Well, then I am sorry for disturbing you, however, as you may know. I am finalizing my dominion over the forest in the next few days. I already have the majority of monsters on my side and soon I will force the Orcs to bend the knee as well."

"Yes. It seems only the Elves in the West are untouched by your influence. We Dyrads have been watching your progress with great interest and while we cannot pierce the defenses of Tempest city, we have witnessed its splendor from afar many times."

"It isn't Tempest City anymore. It's Altair now."

"Altair then. It is truly marvelous. Ingrassia is the only nation that seems to come close to the level of development your city has, and it is less than a month old."

"Yes, it is splendid. It would be my honor to give you a tour someday, but today we have a far more pressing issue."

"You wish for us to become your subjects." She said with no hesitation. It wasn't a question, it was a fact.

"If you were any other monsters then yes. However, your current loyalties are to your previous master and if I forced you to submit, I would never surpass your master in terms of your true loyalties. Am I incorrect?"

Treyni couldn't say anything. She couldn't lie in her people's most sacred ground, so she chose to remain silent.

"I see."

"Then will you exterminate us? I have seen it with my own eyes. The strength you possess isn't something any of us Dryads could ever hope to overcome." Treyni asked with a hint of fear in her eyes.

"No, I have something better in store for you. I shall return here with your master in exactly one week. She and I will be partners from that point forwards." Treyni's eyes open wide while I continue speaking. "As partners, you shall serve under her, and she will serve alongside me as the administrator of the Forest and as head of the Dungeon division of Tempest."

"Impossible! Our master is dead! Don't lie to me about such things!" Treyni yells while the other Dryads who have been listening in become hostile once more.

"My dear sweet Dryad, I cannot lie in this place, remember?" I say with a smug grin.

"I-impossible! f what your saying isn't a lie then..."

"Ramiris is alive and well. One of the problems with not interacting with the outside world is that you can't be kept up to date on current events."

"I-if you return to this place with our master, then I shall do anything you wish," Treyni said while she bowed down in front of me.

"Do not fret, beautiful Treyni. I only want three things."

Treyni looked up towards me while still on her knees. "Anything! I shall do anything!"

"First. I wish for a non-aggression pact with the Dryads and Trenets of this village."


"Second, I wish for a representative of the Dryads and Trenets to come to the peace treaty I shall hold with representatives of all the races in Jura after the defeat of the Orc Lord. Afterward, either you or someone you trust shall come to Tempest to oversee all future construction with one of my new subordinates. I don't want to cause any more unnecessary destruction of the forest if absolutely necessary."

"It will be done"

"Finally..." I pause. I didn't really think of a third thing to be honest, but I wanted a little wiggle room in case I thought of something on the fly.

"D-do you want my body?" she asked hesitantly with a massive blush on her face.


"I've seen you surround yourself with only the most beautiful of women and most capable of men. I also heard your subordinates speaking about your harem of every female monster."

"Well, as much as my libido is telling me to accept, I won't bed any woman who doesn't want me or is in love with another person. If I don't have some principles, then I'm no more than scum."

"Then, you would not take any of the Dryads of the village if you had one for yourself?" She while looking at me hopefully.

"Yeeessssss....?" I say with hesitation. I don't like where this is going.

Treyni shoots up to her feet with a relaxed smile on her face. "I know just the Dryad for you then, Rimuru-sama! She is a nameless Dryad who lives not far from here"

She says as she takes my hand and begins pulling me deeper towards the forest. 'Oh great. Now what?'


After roughly twenty minutes of walking, we arrive in another clearing. The clearing is the base of a hill with only a single tree sitting at the top.

"Now then. If you state your third fist. I shall leave you to your new lover!" Treyni said with enthusiasm.

'I'm not so sure about how I feel. On one hand, she is helping me get another harem member. On the other, she is only doing it so that she doesn't become one as well. Should I be offended?' I think before stating my final demand.

"When I bring back Ramiris, I want the Dryads to work as information gatherers and security for the non-urban places in Jura. The forest takes up over 10% of the continent. There is no way we can effectively watch all corners of it as you can."

"If Ramiris-sama permits it, then it shall be done! I hope to meet you in two days for the peace summit then!" she said as she disappeared into a swirl of leaves.

'Well, if nothing else, Albedo will be happy. She seems more excited about my harem than me. I thought swapping out a Yandere's obsessiveness with a Goudere's harem-seeking would be easier, but it's actually just as bad. Not that I am suffering or anything.' I think while I trudge up the tree to meet my newest lover.

"Well well well! Looks like I've got a cutie for my first time!" the dryad spoke. She had a Greek-like appearance with extremely bountiful proportions. She was the definition of a peerless beauty, whose only match was Albedo, Lilith, and Merlin. All of whom are Succubi.

"Oh? Your first time? What will you be doing for your first time?" I say smugly since I vaguely understand what's happening.

"Well, you see Mr. Majin. I am a Unique Dryad. My Unique Skill [Honey Trap] requires me to seduce others to gain new skills. Soon enough, you will be my first victim!" She said as she shot a cloud of Orange powder to me and engulfed me in the particle cloud.

"Now that you're under my control, I shall squeeze you dry and take all of your skills. Oh! don't forget to name me before you die!"

"You know, this pollen really smells nice. I bet we could sell it as an aphrodisiac candle or something in Tempest" I say as I analyze the orange dust.

"Impossible!" My skill can't fail!

"I guess it's a good thing I found you before the Orcs did. Their main force is going to be coming through this area soon and I wouldn't want them to fuck you to death with their endless libido and thousands of numbers."

'That Treyni. She knew this Dryad was going to try to seduce me. Who does she think I am? Some kind of sex beast? Well, I kind of am, but that's beside the point!'

"Eh? A-are you going to kill me?" the Dryad said as she backed away towards her tree.

"Nope. I'm taking you as mine Doriane." I say as I begin stripping.

"Doriane... You named me!?!" She said.

"Well, you said you were going to squeeze me dry and wanted a name. I gave the name. So let's get down to business... Doraine Duboué" I said approaching her.

Doriane looked down at my massive member and gulped. "M-maybe we should wait until after my evolution to-to go at it?" She said as she backed up.

"Nope! You. Are. Mine."



While my main body was devouring the lone Dryad, my Body Double was currently looking at Gabiru who has been knocked out by Gobuta, much like in canon.

'This guy just straight up attacked me for being a human. I don't know about him. It was pretty entertaining in the anime, but in real life, he's just sad.' I think to myself.

"Alright then, ladies and gentle-lizards. Now that you have seen the power of this place, take your leader back home. I have already sent one of my men there to make a deal with your chieftain. You should try to get there before he leaves." I say.

I want to get rid of the Gabiru's coup part of the arc since all it did was slow down the inevitable, though it would be nice if it did happen since I could leverage the weak position of the Chief to bring the lizardmen into the fold better.

"Y-you'll regret this!"One of the nameless lizardmen calls out as they all flee back towards their den.

"Rimuru-sama. Is it ok to let them go?" Gobuta asked.

"Yeah, let them go, its fine. Not like they are a threat if a hobgoblin like you can take them out in one shot, right?" I say giving him a light smack to the back.

Unfortunately, because I'm used to hanging around much stronger people, Gobuta is sent flying with my light tap.



It's the end of the day, and everyone has returned with favorable news. Although the women had to beat up every member of both tribes, the Mezu and Gozu were easily recruited and they will be meeting me after the peace ceremony to receive their names. The Tengu have requested to watch the battle with the Orc Lord to see if we are truly worthy to serve under. Souei has proposed an alliance with the Lizardmen to fight them further from their homes than in the original, so they are less likely to lose any of their people.

Tomorrow everything will come to a head. In the morning, we shall do battle. In the evening, the peace conference. The next day, I shall spend all day with my Body Doubles naming the last of Jura's monsters, then I will head out to rescue Yue and conquer the dungeons.

It shouldn't take more than two or three days tops to do so and then I'll go meet Ramiris. I'm sure that if I get her support to help the children, Shizu will give up on her quest and become the teacher of the elementary school in Tempest alongside Nyanta.

I can even request that Class S be transferred here and Yuuki won't be able to do anything about it without showing his hand. This was my plan since before I started creating NPCs in Yggdrassil. After all, why else would I have reset Aura and Mare's ages to 12 while also creating Touya, Minori, and Serara as children. It's so that Class S will have powerful friends and classmates who will also be loyal to me. Then, through subtle peer pressure and the awesome life they will have in Tempest, they will lowly become loyal to me as well. After all, they would rather live here with their awesome teachers and friends rather than live in Ingrassia where they are ostracized by the other teahers.

'Hehehehe' I begin chuckling to myself while rubbing my hands together like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons. 'Everything is falling into place.'

Hey everyone! Sorry if this chapter seemed rushed, that's because it's pretty late and I just got back from work and I have an early morning shift tomorrow so I wanted to get this done before I hit the hay.

I really want to finish the Jura Forest Emergence Arc next chapter and begin the Odyssey arc next. That's when I'll really start to stretch my fingers and let everyone explore the world I have planned out.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts
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