
That time I got reincarnated as an Oni

TheKhorne · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 8 Giant Feast

It's already evening and loud laughs can be heard from the ogre village. Currently, every ogre is sitting at one of many tables that were placed around a a few big campfires where other ogres roast boars, ducks and there even is one bear. Ogres are feasting, talking and laughing while celebrating princess's awakening.

Shiva was also celebrating. Hew as sitting on the biggest table, between chief and his son. He also hanged his clothes. He was wearing black kimono pants that he was previously given by princess. He was also bare footed as he couldn't find boots big enough for him and instead of normal kimono top, he had his wolf coat now remade into a short cape that reached his mid rift. It laid nicely on his shoulders while leaving his bare chest exposed as he didn't had anything else. He had his necklace and four bracelets on their place.

Shiva was enjoying the feast, he finally could drink some sake that was brought by chief. In his past life, Shiva never really drank any alcohol as just few days before his death he turned 20 as that is the legal age of drinking in Japan.

"Tell me..."

Shiva gulped down the remains of his food and looked at chief who as sipping his sake.

"Why did you hide those arms of yours?"

Shiva looked down at his two pairs of arms ,that he didn't bother to hide now, for few seconds before looking back at the chief.

"Well, I though that your people might fear me. As I am some kind of monster that came to eat your children."

Chief chuckled at what he said and shook his head.

"That was foolish. We were already scared of you when you came here. Lets see, you are the tallest kijin any of us saw. You are muscular and you eat meat to regenerate. That second pair of arms is just a bonus now really."

Shiva chuckled together with him and sipped on his own sake. He could't get drunk because of his poison resistance. Chief watched his people laugh and talk all around the campfires. he sighed and looked down into his cup of sake.

"It was long ago since mine people could laugh like that...Especially mine daughter..."

Shiva glances to left and sees princess talk with few other ogre girls, laughing.

"She can be happy again...So I want to thank you again. If not for you...."

Chief then felt Shiva's giant hand on his shoulder. Chief looked up at Shiva and saw his small smile.

"It was nothing."

Chief and Shiva talked for few more minutes while drinking. Chief reminded Shiva of his father, calm and kindhearted but wild looking and ready to do anything for his family. Then suddenly music began to play and ogres began to stand up and dance in one big group. Shiva watched with small smile and tapped his foot into the melody. Chief noticed it and smiled.

"You like our music?"

"Yeah...It has nice melody to it."

"Then why you won't go an dance with the others?"


Shiva scratched his chin as he looked towards the group. It was mainly young ogres who danced, they danced in pairs and solo. As Shiva looked through the group he stopped at one ogre.

She had long purple hair that were made into a messy ponytail. Her skin was purplish and thick, black horn was on her forehead. She was tall and was endowed with sexy body. Her eyes were closed as she danced in the middle of the group, her moves quick but graceful.

Her wild beauty caught Shiva in a trance, his gaze followed her every move. He was in this trace for few more seconds before he felt someone jabbing him in the side. Shiva frowned and looked down at chuckling chief.

"Are you ok? You were looking at her for about two minutes. Just go an dance with her!"

Shiva sighed before standing up and going towards the group. As he walked closer some stopped dancing and made way for him. Shiva gave them few side glances before stopping at the center of the group. Now everyone stopped dancing despite music being still played. Only the purple ogre continued to dance as in her own world.

Shiva smiled and cracked his neck, but before he could move.

Do you want to create a new dance?

'Huh? What do you mean?'

Due to your skill Dancing God, you can create dances that have various effects.

'Oh. That sounds interesting.'

Do you want to create a new dance?

'Why not. Yes!'

Shiva began to dance, his arms and legs bending into different directions all into the melody. Purple ogre finally noticed that everyone stopped dancing. She looked around confused until she noticed Shiva dancing. She shook slightly as she saw this giant dancing. But then she noticed smile on Shiva's lips as he danced. She felt sudden pull towards him inside her, as if something told her to follow him, to follow his dance. She smirked and joined him in his happy dance. Other ogres also joined in, following him, following Shiva's moves.

This day, Shiva meet someone who will follow him where others won't go. But he also created something...

Shiva's First Dance: Dance of Origin