
That time I got reincarnated as an Oni

TheKhorne · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 9 New Problems

With a loud thud, Shiva fell flat on his ass panting loudly. Currently, he was training on Ryujin Dojo's courtyard. Training was made out of heavy lifting, endurance tests and other similar exercises. While Shiva was training, Ryujin was observing him from under the shade of roof while having a cup of tea.

Shiva sighed and sat up before glaring slightly at Ryujin. Old man did nothing but drank that tea while Shiva was busting his ass off.

"Oi! Old man!"


Ryujin ignored how Shiva called him an 'old man' and raised eyebrow.

"Yes, Shiva-san?"

Shiva stood up and took few steps forward before stopping and crossing his arms over his chest. It was worth to note that he was wearing only his kimono pants while his wolf half-cape and jewelry were left inside the dojo. Shiva then spread his top pair of arms.

"When will you teach me some moves finally? Your brother is showing me new moves all the time while you didn't show me even one! All I do are those stupid exercises!"

Shiva growled slightly while Ryujin scratched his chin. That was true, Ryujin's brother who is teaching Shiva swordsmanship on Shiva's own wish, is showing new techniques and style to Shiva because he wants him to choose one style. But Ryujin's style of teaching is different.

"You see..."

After few seconds of thought Ryujin finally answers Shiva.

"It's not that easy. I prefer when mine students create their own style then copy mine."

He chuckled after saying that and kept looking at Shiva who needed few seconds to process that. When he did, his eyes widen and his vines appered on his forehead, ready to pop out of anger.

"So...You want to train me...without training me?"

"Hmmm...Something like that but not really."

Shiva closed his eyes and clenched his fists before taking huge breaths in and out. When he calmed down he looked back up at Ryujin and sighed.

"Then how am I supposed to create that style of mine?"

"You need to go inside your soul and look for it. Go train on the mannequins, maybe there something will come to you..."

Shiva sighed again and nodded before going to the wooden mannequins that had moving in circles parts, Shiva used them to practice punches and kicks.

He raised his fist ready to punch but instead he hung his head and sat down, leaning his head on one of his hands.

"How am I supposed to do that? I don't even know how a proper techniques looks like. I watched music and dancing programs not Bruce Lee movies."

He closed his eyes thinking about how to create his own style. He thought about the moves that he saw Ryujin do and some karate moves that he saw on some festivals back at school. But every time he did that, his mind wandered off and instead of fighting moves, he was dancing. Small smile made it to his face and he began to hum a tune.

His hand tapped his knee in a rhythmic pace while he danced in his mind. He saw his arms move to the sides in fluid motion before stopping quickly, his muscles flexed and relaxed with every movement while his feet were kicking from left to right. All looked like a dance that he did few nights ago, together with that purple ogre girl. And then it came to him....

Shiva's eyes open wide as he realized it, he stood up slowly and looked towards the mannequins. He took a deep breath and took a stance. His knees bend slightly, bottom arms wrapped around his torso while top ones set into something similar to Ryujin's stance.

Old Kijin raised eyebrow at this and hummed in thought. Shiva slowly began to move but instead forward he began to move from side to side. Ryujin stopped drinking his tea and looked at him weirdly.

"What is he...?"

Shiva was smiling while he danced, memories of the party few nights ago coming back to him. Then he opened his eyes slightly and took step forward...

Dance of Origin!


Shiva's first step shook the whole dojo, and few steps more he was between the mannequins. Ryujin's eyes widen at that as Shiva couldn't get there without destroying at least one of those wooden dolls. Shiva stopped in one position with his eyes closed, still trying to focus on the correct moves Great Sage is showing him. And then, as his eyes slightly open and red aura flew out of them, his muscle tensed with power ready to be released. But...


One of the younger ogres run in the courtyard putting stop to Shiva's dance. Ryujin sighed and looked at the ogre who was now panting from running up all of those stairs.


"Chief-sama and Guard Captain send me to find you!"

"What is happening?"

Shiva jumped above the mannequins and walked up to the messenger. Young ogre's eyes widen and smile made it to his face.

"Ah! Shiva-san! You are here too! I was send to find you too. You both are needed at the gate."

Shiva raised eyebrow and glanced at Ryujin who stood up and walked up to them.

"Well, if Chief send for us we must go."

Shiva nodded before going quickly to the dojo and getting rest of his clothes and two rusted swords that he now keeps strapped to his lower back. When he was ready all three began to run towards the gate.

When they were close Shiva noticed big group of ogres at the gate. All had weapons in their hands, ready for combat. Both Shiva and Ryujin grew confused at it, not knowing what is happening. When other ogres noticed them they made way for them to the front, Shiva also noticed the purple ogre girl that now was holding a huge iron mace in her hand. When they made it to the front they saw an interesting situation.

In the gate stood chief, wearing his crimson armor and odachi that he held next to him. Chief was wearing long, black shirt that went down to his knees and crimson chest piece over it with woolen collar. Next to him was standing Guard Captain that held in his right hand black and blue hammer and in left a shield, while on his left stood his son who was wearing almost the same armor and katana was strapped to his side.

Shiva stood next to the young master (chief's son) while Ryujin stopped next to the Guard Captain. Chief was glaring forward together with other ogres.

"What is happening?"

Asked Shiva before looking forward, his eyes widening and young master being the one to answer him.

"Tch. Some pests came here..."

A group of 300 human soldiers stood in front of the gate, all wearing steel armor and halberd in hand. In front of them man was sitting on a horse, he was wearing blue robes and steel chest plate over it. Robes were beautifully decorated and looked expensive just like the chestplate that shimmered under the sun.

Man looked young, about 20-30 years old, he had short blond air and ocean blue eyes. He also had a sword strapped to his side and he was glaring back towards the Chief. On man's right was standing a man in his forties, he had short black hair and he was wearing long, purple robes.

After few seconds of stare down young man growled.

"I won't repeat myself, Ogre Chief!"

"And so won't I! Piss of!"

Shiva looked between the Chief and man and hummed. Young master glanced at Shiva and noticed his confused look.

"This man..."

Shiva looked at chief's son and raised eyebrow waiting for further explanation.

"This man is the one who we helped some time ago, he is the one who promised to help mine sister. When we saw him we thought that if we explain that we don't need help anymore will go away. But..."

Human soldiers began to move, lowering their halberds and awaiting orders from their leader. Blond man growled again and unsheathed his sword before pointing his sword at the chief.

"I came all the way here with mine's kingdoms best mage to help your daughter. But all I get is cheep explanation that someone else cured her!? There is no way just 'someone' could do that!"

Young man took a deep breath before calming down and smirking.

"Well, it doesn't matter now. I was planing to conquer this village after you let us in but it seems that we have to do it the other way..."

"Sir Harold..."

Other man finally spoke as he looked at the Prince in concern.

"I don't think this is a good idea. We have only 300 soldiers and ogres are known to destroy even bigger forces."

Harold glared at the mage.

"You really think that those monsters can defeat the best soldiers of Siltrosso Kingdom?!"

'Who is he? Because to me he looks like an idiot...'

Shiva was unimpressed with Harold and how was he behaving. It seems that after he was rescued by ogres he wanted to use princesses diesese a way to take control over the village, either by debt or by military force. But now? All he is doing is pushing himself into an early grave.

"Soldiers, Attack!"

First division of 100 Siltrosso soldiers began to charge forward towards the open gates of Ogre Village. Chief's eyes widen as they did.

"This kid-! Warriors!"

Chief unsheathed his odachi while other ogres prepared to fight. But before any other orders could be given, Shiva placed hand in front of the chief and began to move forward. Everyone's eyes widen as they saw Shiva slowly walk towards the charging mass of humans.

"Shiva-san! What are you doing?!"

Young master shouted after Shiva trying to get his attention. Shiva simple glanced back at him and showed his smile, shocking Young Master with how wild it looked.

"I want to try something out and....Well, I got hungry."

As he said last sentence his eyes glowed red with killer instinct making every ogre shiver. Only one to not shiver was Ryujin who watched him calmly.

"Is he going to do it?"

After going few more steps, Shiva stepped and unbuckle the belt around his waist, letting his swords fall to the ground. He closed his eyes and began to hum, his hands began to move slowly around his body and his legs moved from side to side. As he worked on his moves, soldiers got closer and closer.

Harold began to laugh when he saw Shiva.

"Hahahaha! You think that this one abomination will be able to defeat mine guards!? Hahaha!"

As soldiers got closer, Shiva lift his feet...

Dance of Origin

And he made the first step. All could feel how ground shook under their own feet. Before soldiers could know what happened, Shiva was already among them. His lower arms wrapped around his torso while the upper ones in wide stance.

"HE IS-!"

That is all that one soldier could say before he saw Shiva's eyes and red aura coming out of them. After he did saw them, his head was sliced off his neck and then it fell to the ground. That is how Shiva began his gruesome dance of blood and guts among the humans. His moves looked like a normal dance but in reality they were made to cut and crush all that stood in way of Shiva. Meanwhile his dance, red mist created a dome around humans that he fought. Imprisoning them inside while inflicting terror upon every breath.

That, is the Dance of Origin. A dance of death and terror, the origin that Shiva was brought into this world. This dance's most important ability was to create a dome around the dancer and his parquet. Dome was created out of a red mist that upon breathing in inflicted terror that immobilize it's victim allowing dancer to slice it apart.

Everyone watching could see only a dome made out of red mist and Shiva's giant shadow dancing inside it while human shadows were sliced apart. They could hear only screams and Shiva's humming.

After a minute or so, red dome fell apart revealing Shiva an his parquet filled with ripped and sliced apart bodies of Siltrosso soldiers. Harold and his soldiers couldn't move from shock and the amount of terror and disgust they felt when they saw him.

Shiva was covered in blood from bottom to top, it slowly dripped from his cheek while he ripped a chunk of meat from a human hand. He was sitting on a pile of humans while eating one, he had wide grin on his face. He swallowed remaining parts of soldiers hand and chuckled loudly before patting his stomach.

"Ahh~ Nothing better then an afternoon snack. Don't you agree?"

Sweat appered on Harold's forehead as he saw what one ogre can do, but what he didn't knew was that Shiva is a Kijin. Harold tch'ed and looked at the mage next to him.

"Kerl! Do something!"

"As you wish!"

Man named Kerl lift his arms up and lighting began to gather around them. Shiva's widen slightly as he sees elemental magic for the first time.

Notice. Human in front you has a special skill 'Lightning Manipulation'. It's a rare skill worthy of getting.

'So he is a mage! Amazing...I wonder how he tastes~!'

Shiva grined devilishly and chuckled quietly while looking at Kerl who saw it. Shiva's look frightened him but didn't break his concentration on spell. Lighting gathered on his pals while a magic circle appered on it.

Storm Lance!

Kerl shoot out two lances made purely out of lighting towards Shiva who didn't even move. He allowed himself to be hit by them. Ogres gasped in shock when they noticed Shiva grunting in pain while his skin and organs were burned. Harold calmed down as he saw Shiva in pain and began to laugh.

"See!? Monster like him is nothing compared to human's might!"

He continued to laugh while Ogre Chief growled in anger. Lighting finally died out and Shiva was seen standing with smoke coming off from him. He slowly began to chuckle making ogres breath in relief while humans tensed up.

Shiva cracked his neck before picking up another corpse and striping it off from armor and biting it. Even tho humans could attack him, no one could as they witnessed him devouring another one of their dead comrades. In between bites Shiva chuckled while looking at Kerl.

"That hurt you know?! Only creature who could make me feel pain was Ryuijn's punch but that because of his technique...And your power is purely in your magic and spells. So from now on...you are mine prey!"

After taking last bite Shiva jumped forward and began to run towards the mage. Seeing this 20 closest soldiers stood in front of Kerl and Harold and placed their halberds in front of them.

"Lord Harold! Sir Kerl! Please retreat to the camp! We will keep him here!"

Harold gave Shiva last glance before riding away together with Kerl and few soldiers while rest of 200 stayed. As Shiva run forward Chief raised his odachi and ordered his warriors to follow Shiva and kill those humans.

When Shiva was coming closer he lowered his lower hands and produced Blood Sticky Thread out of them. They shoot out back and wrapped around the handles of his rusted sword. When he was sure they hold on tight he pulled them towards him, but not into his hands. He swung both swords on threads to the sides and hit with them human soldiers.

He managed to kill five soldiers out of formation of 20, those swords weren't sharp but sheer force of Shiva's swing was enough to change both swords and human steel armor into scrap. When he was close enough he jumped up and covered his legs in Crimson Armor, before dropping down and crushing another two soldiers. He then also covered his arms in it to prevent any wounds and then began to rip and slash soldiers apart.

Meanwhile ogres prevented other soldiers from surrounding Shiva, that task was given specially to young master and his friend, purple ogre girl that Shiva meet before. After few minutes of fighting Ogres were victorious with no casualties on their side, it was like walk in park for them.

After the fight, chief walked up to Shiva who was sitting on the ground and was watching the forest. Chief sighed and sat next to him.

"Thank you for helping...But I think that it could've been did in a different way. In one that won't result in whole kingdom attacking us."

Shiva chuckled slowly before glancing at Chief.

"Don't worry...From what I see humans have nothing on you. And besides...you have still me."

Chief chuckled together with him already accepting that this fight couldn't be avoided. As they both sit, Guard Captain appered behind them.

"Chief-sama. Mine son came back from scouting."

Chief nodded and stood up, Shiva following him to a blue haired ogre that had one long, white horn and blue eyes. He was also wearing something that resembled Shiva an armor that shinobi would wear. To his lower back was strapped katana. Chief stood in front of him and crossed his arms.


Guard Captain's son nodded and looked towards the forest.

"West of our village, just outside the forest is a human camp with flags of Siltrosso Kingdom. I also saw how that blonde human and mage came back to the camp."

"How big are their forces?"

"About another 1.000 but they didn't fortify their positions and would be easy to attack."

Chief placed hand on his chin and thought for few seconds. He growled before looking at Guard Captain.

"We need to finish this. We can't let them go back to their kingdom, while there is chance that this will even more anger humans it can also be dismissed as this man and his army dying to powerful monsters that appear in this forest from time to time."

Guard Captain nodded.

"So what now?"

"...Shiva-san! I-!"

Chief looked to his side but all he could see were moving bushes and sounds of running in the distance. Chief's eyes widen slightly before he chuckled slowly.


Young Master appered quickly by his father side.


"Get your most trusted warriors and follow Shiva. You are tasked with killing remaining human forces."


Young Master looked towards Guard Captain's son who nodded back and began to head into the forest. Young master also looked back at rest of warriors and whistled loudly when he saw another warrior. From the crowd of warriors run out purple ogre girl that without a word began to follow her two friends.

Guard Captain saw them go and turned to Chief.

"Are you sure that will be enough? I know that Shiva-san went with them but..."

Chief simply chuckled while heading back to the village.

"Don't worry. Those tree are future of this village and are strong. They will surpass our power without a problem. But in order for them to do that we need to give them chances to grow, right?"