
Tensura: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Human

ito Hiromasa was young and had a bright life ahead of him. However, due to unfortunate circumstances, he got stabbed to death. Amidst the death, he heard a strange voice. Unique Skills? The hell is that? Next thing he knew, he was in a completely different world from the one he once called Earth, a world of swords and magic, a world where monsters lurked. What will he do in this foreign world? What are his goals?

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Rewrite Notice

Upon reading some comments about the protagonist's skills has made me come to realize that I may have given to him half-assedly. I will be honest and say that I have not completed the full rough sketch for the story and its future content,and have only been going with whatever came to mind, but I think I now have an idea on what I want to write.

I'm not expert in writing so I feel like I was bound to make this mistake, it was just a matter of time. I'm just glad I was able to notice it before I went too far into the current story, because I most likely would have dropped it the way it was going.

As the title states, I plan to rewrite the chapters that I've posted up until this point, and there will be many drastic changes made. It'll practically be a different story altogether.

For example, the protagonist will no longer have the skills he has right now, instead he'll only gain one skill, but an overpowered one at that. I felt like it was unoriginal giving him Great Sage and a broken skill like Fate Breaker without any probable cause. Horrible writing on my part, my bad.

This skill that I have in mind that I want the protagonist to posses in the rewrite is based on his characteristics and desires as a programmer. Though, rather than it being like the usual skills, it'd be an intrinsic skill specific to his race.

By the way, the protagonist will be similar in some traits that the current one has, but personality and goal wise, will be completely different. I'll be honest and just say that he'll be a scum and a villain, but not illogically evil. While he may be slightly evil,hes still humand and has principles.

I felt like I haven't had much experience writing an evil character so I want to practice on that with this new character. Of course, I'll do my best to not make him edgy to the point of being cringy. If that point ever comes, call me out on it.

Anyways, moving on.

This skill that I want him to have is called infon manipulation or information partical manipulation, which is an innate ability to digital life forms like Manas.

Instead of being human, i want the protagonist to be a Manas, or something similar before he evolves as one. In essence, he'd be akin to an Ego, like those that reside in skills, which is the premise of the new story I'm thinking about.

While some of you will think that this skill is too op, and will probably drop it because of that. I agree that it is op, which is why I'm still contemplating whether I should go further with the concept or think of another idea.

However, as mentioned earlier, this skill is something innate to digital life forms, meaning that he wont have a physical body. Without a physical body, it'd be difficult and would take some time for him to gain any notable power.

There are other reasons why I decided to rewrite this story. I feel like a reason why my writing has been subpar is because I have been pushing myself to write at least every other day, if not everyday, which is not very wise. I should've probably taken more time to revise and edit each chapter and maybe then I could've prevented this situation.

Also, this isn't really that big of a reason, but I'm not yet caught up with the light novel. I'm like two volumes behind I believe, but I'll probably start rereading from volume 11 or 12 which is where the anime is at right now just to refresh my memory on everything.

With that being said, it'll be a while before I start writing again, perhaps a week or 2 weeks? Who knows.

However, I'll most likely still start writing some rough drafts here and there to get some ideas while I'm reading the LN for a smooth transition when I return to writing.

I felt obligated writing this chapter because I don't want to make the same mistake I did with my other stories, and that is abandoning them. I want to have that constant motivation that people read my stories, which makes me keep going.

If you think that I should continue with the idea I proposed about the new story, leave a comment letting me know. If you think that I should go for a different idea, or if you have an idea that you don't mind me using, then feel free to leave a comment.

That's all I have for you guys, sorry if I had disappointed any of you. I'll make it up to you all with a new story that I believe will be many times better. If you have any questions regarding anything, comment them and I'll answer them to the best of my abilities.