
Tenno's Chat Group

Ryuuto Azusagawa was just your every day otaku but one day while he was going home from the grocery shop he suddenly died. After his death he found himself in front of a ROB that granted him three wishes. And this is his story. ______________________________________________ Noob author here, I'll be grateful for every advice and constructive critic you readers give me and I hope you'll enjoy this story and if you're wondering whether or not I'll write sex scenes then no, I won't at very least not for a while. P.S. The title is only temporary if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me

ILMATTEO · Anime et bandes dessinées
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69 Chs

52-Jojo References.

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Just like that two days passed and during the afternoon of the third day the League of Villains attacked.

While classes 1-A and 1-B were doing a test of courage, with Aizawa taking Mina, Rikido, Eijiro, Hanta, and Denki away because they had review lessons with him, they saw a blue fire starting to spread from the forest.

As the various students that were scattered around the forest met with the villains from the League of Villains, with the four Wild Wild Pussy Cats communicating with them thanks to Mandalay's quirk, Ryuuto was wondering what to exactly do until he got an idea.

'This is gonna be fun... but I'll have to wait for some time...'

As Ryuuto was waiting for the League of Villains attack to end, he messaged Rias.

<The Last Tenno (Admin): Hey Rias, no matter what the staff from UA says, remember that I'm totally fine, ok?>

<Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess: What's going on Ryuuto?>

<The Last Tenno (Admin): Nothing much, just the League of Idiots attacking us once more.>

<Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess: I see, have fun and don't kill too many of them.>

After chatting with Rias, Ryuuto headed to the Wild Wild Pussy Cats location and secretly knocked out some of the villains around there to avoid having Ragdoll kidnapped.

While the various events happens, like Fumikage Tokoyami losing control of his quirk or Izuku fighting Muscular, Ryuuto was just sitting on a tree while whistling waiting for his moment.

Seeing that Mr Compress was about to escape with a compressed Bakugou, Ryuuto switched places with him and got 'kidnapped' by the League of Villains while Bakugou suddenly found himself on a tree.

As Ryuuto waited for Mr Compress to decompress him, he decided to stream using the Chart Group.

<The Last Tenno (Admin) has started a stream, click here to watch.>

<The Last Tenno (Admin): If you guys want to see me defeating the 'last boss' of my world feel free to do so.>

Since it seemed that it would take some time before they would decompress him, Ryuuto answered some of the Chat members questions.

<Worthless Neet: What the hell happened? Weren't you just going on a training trip?>

<The Last Tenno (Admin): Yeah but then the Collaboration of Idiots attacked and I got kidnapped.>

<Tiny Dancer: You mean you let yourself get kidnapped.>

<The Last Tenno (Admin): Yep.>

<Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess: We'll have to talk about this kind of things when you're back Darling, little Somnium is going to worry about this whole 'getting kidnapped' thing.>

<The Last Tenno (Admin): It was nice meeting you all, but it seems I'm a dead man walking.>

<True Demon Lord: Rest in peace my friend.>

<Worthless Neet: +1>

<Alchemist Beauty:+1>

<Ginger-Loving Witch: +1>

<Tiny Dancer:+1>

Soon after that last message, Ryuuto found himself tied to a chair surrounded by the entirety of the League of Villains.

"Welcome Katsuki Bak... This isn't Bakugou."

Shigaraki, who was expecting Katsuki to get decompressed, stopped talking seeing how the one to get decompressed was actually Ryuuto.

"Hahaha! You were expecting Katsuki but KONO RYUUTO DA!!!"

<Worthless Neet: That was a Jojo reference!>

As soon as Ryuuto said that, everyone in the room heard a scream from the distance.


"What the fuck happened the-?"


As Tomura was asking what that scream was, he was interrupted by a screaming Ryuuto.

"Stop screaming!"


<Worthless Neet: Another one!>

While Shigaraki was being brought to insanity by Ryuuto, the latter gazed around the room looking at the various villains present there.


Saying that, Ryuuto pointed his head, the only part of his body he could move without breaking any of his 'restraints', to Himiko Toga.


"Yes! You're cute! Wanna join my team?"

<Alchemist Beauty: I'd like to remind you that your wife is watching.>

Before Toga could respond, Tomura interrupted her.

"Oi! It's US that are trying to recruit YOU not the other way around."

"Shut up HandyMan, I'm talking to the blonde cutie! You're next line will be: 'Who are you calling HandyMan?!'."

"Who are you calling-?! How the fuck did you know?!"

<Worthless Neet: And another one.>

After two more hours of Ryuuto trolling the League of Villains with them almost falling into insanity, for those who already weren't insane, their hideout was raided by heroes but before they could rescue Ryuuto, he and the League of Villains got teleported to another place by All for One.

"Finally, Potato Head is here."

Almost puking blood at what Ryuuto called him, All for One turned to Tomura.

"Why is he here, shouldn't Katsuki be in his place?"

"I'm sorry Sensei but I don't know."

While the two were talking among each other, Ryuuto looked towards All for One and spoke loud enough for everyone there to hear him.

"I can troll you."

Before he could answer, All for One saw various heroes approach and as he was about to attack them he saw Ryuuto had freed himself from the restraints holding him down and All for One got punched in the face by Ryuuto.

"This is gonna be fun."

Saying that, Ryuuto equipped Limbo and put All for One in the Rift before activating Stasis and saying with a certain voice a certain sentence.


Laughing at his own joke, Ryuuto switched to Gauss and started running around a still stopped AFO.

"I'm fast as fuck Boiii!"

After he stopped running at the speed of light around All for One while punching him, Ryuuto switched to Vauban Prime and activated Photon Strike.

"Ever received an attack from space?"

Saying that, Ryuuto and All for One looked up and saw a blue laser-like strike head to All for One hitting him dead on.

"My friend, how many kicks in the dick would you like?..." After that, Ryuuto modified his voice using dream energy to imitate All for One. "... I'll take your entire stock..." and then went back to his normal one. "... If you say so mate."

As Ryuuto was about to switch to Rhino to use his stomp on All for One, he had to dodge a sudden attack that came from his back. Turning around, Ryuuto saw the Shadow Stalker was back and was already about to attack him again.

After dodging once more while also kicking the Stalker on the back, Ryuuto got serious for the first time since he got kidnapped.

"You finally show yourself once again. This time no small old man will save you!"

As Ryuuto equipped Excalibur Prime and started fighting against the Stalker, Rias chatted with the other members.

<Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess: Oh oh, this is bad.>

<Ginger-Loving Witch: Why?>

<Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess: Darling told me to always run if I ever saw that guy since Darling actually needs to get serious against him.>

<Tiny Dancer: That's really bad...>

Unfortunately for the Stalker, Ryuuto had gotten much stronger than their last fight and this time the Stalker had problems avoiding his head getting cut off clean from his body.

As Ryuuto was about to actually defeat once and for all the Stalker, he felt like his enemy was... smirking? from inside his helmet.

Just as the exalted blade was about to hit the stalker, Ryuuto was shot through the heart from his back and immediately after five figures stabbed him in various parts of his body.

Looking at them Ryuuto saw that the six figures who suddenly attacked him where the Stalker's Acolytes, Angst, Misery, Torment, Malice, Mania, Violence.

(A/N Image here.)

Ryuuto's arrogance during the fight had brought his own defeat and just as he was about to die once more, he heard something that unleashed an infinite rage inside of him.

"This target is down, onto the next ones, the white haired girl, the orange haired girl and the red haired girl."

Hearing the Stalker say that, Ryuuto imagined his wives and daughter getting killed by the Stalker and his Acolytes and that transformed the rage he was feeling into hate, thanks to which Ryuuto unlocked something he didn't think he would ever unlock.

"I, who am about to awaken,

Am the Heavenly Emperor who has obtained the principles of Dream from the Universe

I am the Dreamer and I control the dream

I stole the Red and the White and became the Void

I shall become the Blue Emperor of Dreams

And I shall make your worst nightmares come true and show you your best dream!"

As soon as Ryuuto finished saying that, a giant pillar of blue energy erupted from him and, looking carefully where Ryuuto was, it could be seen how all his wounds were healing at an incredibly fast rate.

While the light around Ryuuto caused by the energy pillar started dimming a new armor started forming around Ryuuto.

This armor had stars and galaxies moving around it almost as if it was literally made of the fabric of space itself with various red gems on it, mainly on its chest, shoulders, knees and elbows while the helmet had two horn like protrusions with a red linear visor on the front of the helmet.

Overall this armor looked much more 'evil' that any other armors Ryuuto had but with the moving stars and galaxies on it, the armor also looked 'good', creating a duality in it, just like nightmares and dreams.

(A/N Image here.)

Fifty-Second Chapter.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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