
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime et bandes dessinées
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267 Chs


"Hmm... So this new place is like earth again huh... Shelly really did pick a great place to live again and let some steam out... " said Tec as he pets shell while walking towards the nearest school while wearing Medieval clothes that made them look like their cosplaying and people starts taking pictures of them along the way...

"Hm? Why are these people taking pictures of us? I get that I'm handsome and Shelly is cute and my wife Liz is basically a Goddess but these face should be common in this world no? " said Tec

" Well just look at what we're wearing... These clothes don't belong to this period and these people think that we're cosplaying or something... " said Liz

" Oh... I forgot about that... Anyway, let's change clothes first... Let's go to that clothes shop " said Tec as he points towards a small clothes shop... And so Tec and Liz then bought a new pair of clothes to change on and after a while, they looked like your typical young couple... Tec is wearing a White Shirt with Black Jeans and white shoes while Liz has a White shirt and a skirt along with white shoes a matching Outfit for them...

" Hmm... Usually, my Dick will be ranging on when I see girls wearing like that but how come I don't feel anything?! " said Tec while Checking Liz on a different angle

" Must be your Race Tec... " said Liz who didn't even care as Tec checks him out

" Tsk... My Race again huh... Fuck so I can't even get a hard-on?? " said Tec

" You can if you control your Thing," said Liz

" That ain't the hard-on I want I want the natural thing! " said Tec

" Well too bad your not gonna get one as Copulation isn't a Thing for Origins being," said Liz as she goes out of the store while leaving Tec to play for the clothes and after paying for the Clothes Tec, Liz, and Shelly continues their adventures towards The Nearest school...

"Hm... So where like in the part of Korea? I mean isn't that a Korean letter? " said Tec pointing towards the Big letter that's in front of the School

" what do you think? Of course, were in some part of Korea but of course not your ordinary world " said Liz

" Then how did I spoke with that Shop owner? I mean I speaking some kind of language I don't even know the name last time" said Tec

" did you already forgot what kind of talent you have? You could literally learn everything with just one thought and now you just learned Korean and you didn't even know that you're speaking it " said Liz

" Well damn... I didn't even know I'm speaking Korean! I thought I was speaking Kazurian From that world... Anyway, I guess we're here! And I think I know what world we are I've read this before it's was some kind of body change Main character he's like your typical fat Dude that gets a new body that's super Fit and handsome or something and I think this is the school he's going so let's go meet him! " said Tec as they walk in but the school Guard stops them

" Hey what's are you guys doing here? " said The guard

" Ah ah Oppa? Is that right? Liz? Anyway, sir, we're here to enroll in this school! " said Tec

" Ha?! Enroll? The enrollment already passed couple days ago but you can go to the school office and talk things there it's not like I know shit but here wears this so people won't ask you question " said the Guard as he gives Tec and Liz an I'd pass

" Thank you~! And here some Gold coins " said Tec as he gives 50 pieces of gold to the guard but the guard thinks the gold is fake as he just put it away

" and one more thing! Don't tell anyone I gave you those gold coins or ill kill you myself! Anyway Bye again! " said Tec as they go inside of the school building The receptionist immediately question them and after a while and spending money they got into the school along with the uniforms that fit them perfectly now Tec and Liz are in high school again

" Tsk these people wasted my time with this Paper works they can't just say that they want money to let us be a student here and even make us wait for a couple hours then asked money for it like what the fuck? I could just buy this entire country if I want to! Fuck! " said Tec who's irritated on whats happens

" On stop bitching around Shelly got to sleep so is okay and didn't you have unlimited time? " said Liz

" Tsk they better be thankful that shelly got to sleep... Anyway it seems that it's lunchtime or something let's go to the cafeteria " said Tec as he wanders around asking people where's the cafeteria and after a while, they arrived at the cafeteria while everyone looks at them like they see an Action star while Tec finding the main character of the story he sees a muscular teen that even have tattoos in his body and have a jacket that says Burnknucles

" Oho... They even allowed students with tattoos huh... Anyway, this man seems to be that Vasco... And this part of the story where he... Uh... Ah, fuck I forgot about it... Anyway let's follow them, Liz... " said Tec as he approaches Vasco along with a handsome boy and a Seemingly a Water boy that everyone has if your a bully and a girl sitting beside him

While The Handsome Man seems to know Vasco as he stands up and called vasco

"hey that the transfer student... He seems to be looking for a fight... " said the Big-eared who's beside Vasco

" Hm? What? You know about me?? " said, Vasco

" eh? What is this? It feels different from yesterday? " said the Handsome Transfer student in his head

" Hey! You've always had it easy haven't you?" said Vasco

" Just because you're good looking and a little strong doesn't mean you can get cheeky with me!" said Vasco as he Presses the transfer students shoulder

" Ah! There it is! The Hercules Squeeze! " said by a random student! But the transfer student then Removed Vasco hands by a force which shocks everyone as no one have ever done that

" Ahaha... Sorry if I've upset you! I must mistaken you for someone else " said The transfer student

Vasco was about to punch the Transfer student when Tec Suddenly Arrive at the back of Vasco

" Hey you Move you muscle head," said Tec as he lightly pushes Vasco away which cause Vasco to be thrown far away and again this causes all people shocked

" Nani! Someone Can actually do that?!? " said the random Student

" Hi! My name is Tec And this is my wife Liz and my pet turtle Shelly what's your name? " said Tec to the transfer student who's looked as shocked as everybody else and Vasco already recovered from the throw and immediately rushes towards Tec but The Big-eared Guy stopped him

" Vasco Stop! If you lose any more of this! " said The big-Eared Guy and Vasco then Give up and just looked at Tec

" Hey Musclehead forget about Beating me and behave yourself but of course you can always fight me but I will not guarantee that you're gonna live another day," said Tec as he Made a gesture that seems to be letting Vasco go away

" anyway as I said before my name is Tec and this is my wife Liz and this is my Pet turtle Shelly was yours? " asked Tec again to the transfer student

" ah! I'm Park Hyung Suk! Nice to meet you too! " said Hyung suk

" Oho Nice too meet you too and isn't nice getting a new body no? " said Tec which immediately made Hyung suk Face turns grim

" ah don't worry ain't gonna tell anyone about it so you could still live life but if I don't like you I'm gonna take away that body from you~," Said Tec which made Hyung suk feel relief and at the same time fear as his biggest secret so far have been discovered

" anyway if you're asking how do I know I just know and don't bother asking anymore question as I'm not obligated to answer any of it," said Tec

" do live your life happy from now on and young lady how did you make your boobs that big? " said Tec as he touched the Zoe park Tits

"Kyahh!! " Response Zoe park as this the first time someone touched her massive Tits she tries to hide her huge knockers from Tec while slightly blushing

" Hmm it's surprisingly firm... Unlike Liz here Her tits aren't as big as yours but hers fits my hands perfectly so I prefer her it's over yours but yours is quite nice I suppose... " said Tec

" Tec... You just Touch a Minor body and you could get arrested for it what are you going to do?" said Liz

" Ah just kill them if they tried to arrest me," said Tec which heard by Zoe park and Hyung suk as well the little guy beside them which made them shiver again

" and Tec don't you ever compare me to anybody," said Liz

" Yes! Yes! I'm sorry but her tits are just huge even the Queen from Rex world tits isn't as big as her like she ate some of that breast enlargement pill I got from the shop " said Tec...

" anyway Daniel Park and Zoe- Chan was gonna be a classmate from now on and please do not tell anyone about this or you're life is going end and Daniel park don't worry about the secret these two aren't gonna remember about it so only you and me will know about it," said Tec as he snapped his fingers and made them forget about some memories about them... And after a while, the bell rang which means break time is over and everybody needs to go back to their rooms