
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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267 Chs


Somewhere in the vast Multiverse,


" Shelly... Where do you want to go? Just point somewhere and well go there! " Said Tec who's Currently Floating around the Vast Space along with Liz and Shelly

" Hmm? You want to go there? I know that you can't understand me and I can definitely make you understand me but If I did that then your not going to be a normal turtle! But don't worry when your time up like Cookie and Russell ill send you to their place and let you three be together again but then again you can't probably understand me but I still love you shelly~ you've been really obedient for the last couple years... Well, that's what turtle do anyways... You know Liz you can Speak right? You're seriously just going to watch my speak to shelly who don't even understand me... " said Tec

" What's the point of talking? Like there's something I want to talk about! And decide already Shelly already "Pointed " to someplace," said Liz who's watching Shelly and Tec Interact with each other

" Tsk! Why can't you be like shelly?! She's sweet and pretty! " said Tec

" Oh shut up! I'm The Most Beautiful girl you can find base on what you want on a girl!" said Liz

" Fine! Fine! You're the most beautiful girl for me and for others to so let's stop this talk of ours and Let's go " said Tec as he Opens a New Portal towards what's shelly "Pointed" On...


" Cain Defeat that Bastard for me! " said the Pretty girl

" Relax Julie This midget can't do shit in front of me," said the Blond hair Cain while pointing towards a small built boy compare to Cain whose body is built for fighting

" Tsk... You talk too much just hurry up and Fight and Jin it's okay if you lose just fight him again " said Jin Trainer...

And so the two fight against each other... It's a one-sided fight Cain is just using Jin as a punching bag while Jin just defend like a little bitch he is

" Hahaha! You midget! You're just gonna defend?? You're gonna die if you don't fight back! " said Cain as he Punches Jin much faster and Stronger than before while Jin who barely has consciousness still trying to defend his self when he suddenly dropdown not breathing

" Ha! You're finally fucking down! You made me do too much work just to beat the shit out of you! " said Cain while Kicking Jin seemingly dead body

" Hey! Stop acting dead you fucker! " said Cain who suddenly thought that Jin is already dead... Jin trainer then rushes towards Jin's body to check on it...

" YOU! FUCKER! He's dead! Jin's not breathing! Fuck! You actually killed him! Fuck you I don't have anything to do with this. This is all you're fault I'm out! " said so-called Trainer who's running for his life as he sees that jin is dead and he didn't want to be blamed on it

" Fuck! This Midget actually died from that beating! Shit! Julie helps me get rid of the body or else both you and I will get into jail! " said Cain who's panicking and starts dragging Jin's corpse when suddenly...

" Oh? Well isn't this quite nice? Immediately after arriving at this world, I get to see a murder... " Said Tec who suddenly appears in Infront of Julie and Cain...

" Fuck! Who the fuck are you! Get lost or ill kill you too like I did with this Midget! " said Cain who tried to threaten Tec by killing him...

" Oho?! Come on then! Try killing me You fucker!!!! " said Tec as he Releases his killing intent which only targeted Cain who's suddenly starts peeing his pants after he sees an image of him dying

" Pwe! Fucking Bitch tried to threaten me?? Who the fuck you are? Huh? Just because you have a decent body for a human and you killed an innocent boy that you can act tough? Huh? It's a Good thing that Shelly picked this world... I'm gonna fucking kill all of you bullies one by one! " said Tec as he Punches Cain Head That immediately turns into blood mist killing Cain on the spot while his girlfriend Julie who's still in shocked as he witnessed his boyfriend killing and getting killed made her weak in her knees but Tec Slapped her head and again turning Her head into a blood mist...

" HAHAHAHAHAH! THIS FEELING IS AMAZING! I always hated bullies not because they bully me or something it's because it's the lowest form of trash and even back in earth these bullies do not stop until they get what they wanted and I actually wanted to kill them but if I do that back then ill get j to jail but now... KILLING THEM IS AS EASY AS EATING PLANETS! " Said Tec as he Burst his Killing intent again but now the whole world Felt it and they see an image that the world is ending and their own deaths even children aren't spare with the outburst of Tec killing intent and some even died because of it... Liz then stopped Tec Killing intent by separating the space around Tec

" Tch... Remove this space Liz I already controlled my Intent " said Tec to Liz while Liz then Removed this sealing

" you now that doing that you just killed a lot of people who are innocent people and have nothing to do with these bullies you wanted to kill... " said, Liz

" Tch... I know I'll just turn everything back okay? I didn't even get to release of this intent " said Tec as they start walking into a nearby school...