
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime et bandes dessinées
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" Tssk I knew that this would be annoying but I never knew unsealing all my power will be this troublesome " Said Tec

" Want me to seal it back again Tec? " Asked Liz

" maybe next time this is the first time since the day I sealed my power that I felt complete so I'm kinda liking myself right now but it's kinda annoying as my emotions are running wild " Said Tec

" Well just tell me if you want to seal it again... " Said Liz as she returns from watching Tec while Robert the Rabbit Reality God just stood there waiting Tec Orders

"... Anyway since summoning kinda failed testing my power i guess I'm done with this... " Said Tec when an idea suddenly struck him

" Ah! I got an idea! With how I'm gonna test my power! " Said Tec loudly as Robert and Liz got startled

" So whats your idea? " Asked Liz

" I'm gonna create a new Race!... well i can't claim thats its gonna new because of infinite universe and Creations gods but it will probably the best Race that this omniverse will witness! " explained Tec

" oh! So what kind of Race is this your talking about? " Asked Liz

" Well Kinda same as humans but they're much stornger and have limitless potential so strong that they can become Reality Gods if they work for it but! They will have no desire for power nor anything! They will only exist! For the sole purpose of Existing! " Said Tec which Immediately got rejected by Liz

" Nope! Thats not gonna happen unless you have your own Omniverse these race your talking about can destroy Universes and multiverses or maybe even an Omniverse if they really tried base on what your saying! Such threat isn't allowed! " Said Liz which Immediately backed by Robert who keeps nodding his head

" Tssk! Fine ill create my own place then! " Said Tec as he opens a portal Leading to His Father who's Currently on meeting with several New entities that Even stronger than Tec while Robert and Liz followed through

As Tec Entered the new place He immediately saw his Father Light who's sitting on a huge round table while the New beings Sat beside him...

" Old man! I need permission to create my Omniverse! " Said Tec as he Ignored Everyone expected his father who's staring at him

" Oh, Tec! Oh, you can do that later but first, sit down " Said Light as the round table got bigger again giving Tec a space to sit beside these new Beings

" what's up these people Old man? Aren't they much stronger than reality Gods? " Asked Tec as he observes the beings beside him

" Well because they are these people are called the Originals they managed some of my new places," Said Light

" The Originals huh... I guess that's a fitting name for them... " Said Tec while He Looked the Human Original sitting beside him which is surprisingly even beautiful than Liz which Is supposed to be the most beautiful being in the whole Omniverse

" Right? Anyway since you're here give us your opinion about naming my new realm it has the same concept as then Omniverse but it a much higher realm than the Omniverse... A new verse I guess " Said Light

" A new Realm huh... Well I'm not really good at naming things but how about calling then Unknowns? Since its a new realm " Said Tec while still looking at the Original Human Beside him

" The Unknown huh... Well fine well go with that but aren't you making This kid Uncomfortable? " Asked Light as he saw Tec looking at the original human so intensely

" Say, Old man What's up with this guy? " Asked Tec as he points towards the Original Human

" what's with him? " Asked Light

" This guy is the definition of beauty in my human perspective but this guy is weird " Said Tec

" Weird huh... Well he's only been born not a long ago but Adamis definitely weird I guess his potential to grow stronger is much stronger than all the other Originals here but he got no desire nor motivation to do things so in overall power he's the weakest here " Explained Light

" Adam huh... So this guy is based on the first-ever human if that's the case then give me this guy! " Said, Tec

"... You want him? Well sure but you have to manage his Place " said Light which Tec immediately answered

" No! Make another original make eve or something ill be busy making my place so I don't think I'll have time to even manage that place and beside you're strong enough to do it " Said Tec but The original Dragon who's sitting beside Light suddenly stood up

" Impudent! How dare you talk like this in front of the creator! " said the original Dragon which in his Humanoid form while rising his power to suppress Tec to make him kneel which have no effect

"... You're not called original for anything I guess! But you need to know your place! " Said Tec as His Bloodline Suppression came in action to suppress The Original Dragon making him Kneel Immediately

" Old man These Original have a hint of Origin bloodline why is that? " asked Tec

" Why not? They're basically my children which means your siblings well not fully as they only have not even a percent of origin bloodline while you have a 100 percent pure bloodline of mine... oh and didn't you felt that you suddenly got stronger? That's the effect of our bloodline we will always come on top even if a stronger being came out! While for them the originals they basically just the pinnacle of their races!... But who I am speaking to? You probably don't even understand what I'm saying so it's pointless explaining to you but in summary, they will always come second in front of us unless I make or you make something stronger than them " Said Light

" siblings huh... Well fine by me ill take this Dragon boy and human boy with me I'll train them to be more respectful with their big brother! " Said Tec as he Grabs the Original Dragon on his neck while the Original Human stood beside then

" Hmm... That's gonna be a problem but if you want to take them make someone who's capable of handling an Omniverse! I can't just let you take them away without a price no? " said Light while smiling innocently

"... old man just make some high Tiered Reality Gods do the job " Said Tec which confused Light

" Oh? Care to explain how exactly? " Asked light

" Well create a higher being than a Reality God like these originals and let them handle the Omniverse... Or maybe do the same thing for Reality Gods that they have to have your permission to ascend into a higher power that's capable of handling Omniverse so in that case you don't have to bother creating a new race and beside An Omniverse can probably create it's own avatar if you left it long enough," Said Tec

" Hmm so your saying is that I should create a higher ranking than a Reality God so that Some High Tiered reality God can ascend into a higher being capable of managing an Omniverse? " said Light

" Pretty much oh and you should name them Omni Gods since they're handling An Omniverse! And it will have similar jobs to reality god's their just basically stronger! " Said Tec which somehow Light Approved

" Well fine let's just do that! And Since that's done I'm gonna remove the restrictions of ascending to Reality God and putting a restriction on ascending to An Omni God only High Tiered Reality God can Ascend into an Omni God with sufficient Merits points! And as for you Tec I'm gonna give you permission to create your own place and also giving you the original Dragon and Human! " said Light

" Okay! Since that's done give Robert permission to ascend into an Omni God he's done quite a bit so he should deserve a reward right? " Said Tec while Winking to Robert who's sweating Bullets as this is his first time meeting The Creator

" Well that's fine and I'll also give you permission to ascend whoever you like but if they did something I didn't like ill punish you for it so your gonna be responsible for their wrong doings! " Said Light while Tec just Smile at him

" that's fine! And since we're done here... I'm going to create my place now! " said Tec as he disappeared from his place along with the Original dragon and Human as well Liz and Robert who just ascended into an Omni God!