
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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267 Chs


Meanwhile at Yuuto Hashirama who got thrown into the holy Kingdom Of Feris

" Ugh... That God couldn't even Throw me a little bit gentle! " Said Yuuto who just got out of his pit hole made by him crashing into the border of Kingdom

" But man I'm really immortal! Because I doubt I'm gonna survive that fall! And these clothes too! Even though it's plain it didn't even get scratch and Dirt into it! This is definitely a Divine Item at this point! " Said Yuuto as he Admires the Clothes he's wearing and after checking his body for a while he's finally ready to start his adventure which can also lead to his real death if he didn't complete his impossible mission on time

" Ugh... i don't even know where to start... but man the way i died is really pathetic... imagine dying while taking a shit ugh... " Said Yuuto while he walks towards the kingdom entrance... as yuuto walks while talking to himself a carriage suddenly stopped beside him

" Hey you!! Brother! Can I ask you a question? " Said the horsemen shocking Yuuto who's peacefully talking to himself

" Woah! Don't scare me like that man!... Anyway ask what you want " Said Yuuto

" Sorry about that... But did you fall from the sky? I saw you crashing and I'm just curious how did you end up that way! " Said the Horsemen

" Well I didn't fall from the sky it just someone threw me away from that Direction " Said Yuuto while Pointing towards the Forest Tec Currently living

" You mean the forest of beast??! I'm actually surprised you even came out alive from that forest! And besides a huge spike of Divine energy suddenly appeared in that place and that's the reason why I'm here in the first place! Since divine energy suddenly pops up it must be a divine item that the goddess Feris created! And also that place is the source of the sudden Murderous aura that the whole world felt " Said the Horsemen

" Oh! Is that's so? But I doubt that! I didn't see anything while I'm inside that forest " Said Yuuto hiding the fact he saw Tec and his Family and also a talking rabbit that seems to be a God of some sort

" Well anyway hop on since we're going in the same direction and think of it as a payment for asking you and the name is Noah! Just Noah! " Said The Horsemen

" Ohh! That's a huge help Noah-San! And by the way, the name is Hashirama Yuuto! Yuuto is the first name and Hashirama is the last name! But you can just call me Yuuto " Said Yuuto as he Hops on the carriage

" Oh! Did you get a family name? You must be a noble I presume? " Said, Noah

" ah no I'm not some sort of noble but Noah-San why are you using a carriage? I know it's a weird thing to say but his world is Super advance in their technology so I kinda Except people using flying cars or something " Said The curious Yuuto

" Well I do own a flying carriage but it's kinda hobby of mine riding my horse like this and besides not a lot of people own a horse this day so it's considered a luxury even riding one," Said Noah with a sense of pride in his face

" Oh!! Well I kinda understand why riding like this is kinda enjoyable!... Oh, right Noah-San can you introduce me to some job? I'm kinda dirt poor right now! " Said Yuuto while Smiling awkwardly

" A Job? Well, what skills do you have? I have to know what kind of skills you have so I can recommend something " Said, Noah

" Skills huh... Well, I can do something like fighting a monster and use a little bit of magic I guess... " Said Yuuto who's totally lying about fighting a monster and using magic as he has nothing except his System and His Immortality

" Oh! Magic huh! That's quite rare! But since you can fight monsters and even use magic why not try to become an adventurer? They usually earn a lot of money fighting and selling monster materials! So it's definitely the way to go to be rich but of course, you can die easily with that job but since you have magic you'll probably do great! With that job! " said Noah

" Ohh!! Then that's the perfect job for me! " Said Yuuto with a smile on his face as he imagines all the things he could do while being an adventurer... And after chatting for a while Yuuto and Noah finally arrived at the Enormous Futuristic gate of Feris... As Yuuto and Noah turns comes in Noah shows a Card while the guard scans it confirms his entry from the Kingdom while Yuuto who didn't even own an Identification Explained to the guard why he didn't have an id

" um... I kinda lost my memories and only remember my name so that's probably why I don't have an identity card... " explained Yuuto while the Guard simply told him to put his hands into a Magic ball that's capable of knowing if he has any criminal record which luckily he didn't have so the guard Gave him a temporary I'd which he have to bring back in a week! After that Noah Leads Yuuto to the adventurer Guild which is Noah's destination too!

As Yuuto Saw the Guild Building which is a beautiful white building with a high Tech vibe and also the Greenery that The Building blended in which improve the Guild Building Design is enough for Yuuto to drop his jaw!

Yuuto and Noah Go in Yuuto immediately saw different kinds of people from Beast men to Elves and some humans too with different Occupations! As Yuuto is wondering around A Guild receptionist approach him

" Ah welcome! How can I help you? " Asked The Reception Girl

" Ah Yes! I'd like to Become an Adventurer, please! " Said Yuuto nervously which doesn't really match his Body which is Ban

" Is that so? Then, please follow me... " Said The Reception Girl as they went into a room filled with people also hoping to be an adventurer

" Please Fill up this form and after that, you can give it to me ill be waiting from that side over there," Said The Girl as she handed Tec a transparent Tablet that has words He couldn't understand

" Ugh... How can I even fill this up in the first place? I can't even read what's on this! " said Yuuto in his mind when a Transparent Screen appeared in front of him which he can only see


Side Quest: Ask for a cup of water (0/1)

Reward: Language Comprehension (SSS)

Failure: Not being an adventurer

Time Limit: 5 minutes


" Ahh! Nice timing! " Thought Yuuto as he walks towards the Reception Girl to ask from a cup of water while using his newly acquired looks which immediately take effect as the reception Girl Willing get Yuuto a Cup of Water which also Completed his Quest! After learning his new skill he immediately understood the words he couldn't even understand a second ago!... after a while Yuuto is finally done with filling up is form as she give it to the receptionist girl who's blushing super hard as Yuuto just wink on her... aftwe awhile the receptionist girl then confirmed Yuuto Identity and told Him to place is hand on a crystal ball similar to that he just touch upon entering the Kingdom... while the Crystal Ball shows Yuuto Status a long with his skills which have been modified by the system to eliminate suspicion from him

" Mr.Yuuto your registration is done you're officially part of the adventurer guild!" Sais Receptionist girl as she handed Yuuto his futuristic Adventurer Card

" Ah Thank you! And by the way, can you explain how those your ranking system works? " Said Yuuto

" Certainly! Mr.Yuuto there's Ten Ranks which also have 3 sectors For Explain You Mr.Yuuto you're currently at Rank F- the lowest but if you complete several quests your rank will also increase from Rank F to Rank F+ which means you have to Rank Up several times to move into a higher Rank! It's fairly easy ranking up from F- and I'm sure you can definitely rank up faster!... Anyway As for the Highest rank Is Ex Rank! There's only 5 Ex Rank Adventurer in the whole world! they're are the Pinnacle of strength as they can even fight dragons alone! And after that Rank, you'll Get SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, E, and F all of them have 3 stages except for Ex Rank " Said The receptionist girl

" Ohh! so there's a dragon here! Well anyway, thanks for answering my question! And can you also give a Quest appropriate to my Rank? " Said Yuuto while The Receptionist Girl immediately found Yuuto a Quest for him

" Herb Gathering huh... And as for rewards 100 Cm? " said Yuuto as he didn't know what Cm stands for

" That stands for Cyber Money Adventurer Guild pays with that currency but it seems to you don't have anything on you so even if you completed the quest you'll not gonna get the rewards! " Said Receptionist Girl

" Well I kinda Lost everything I have along with my memories I can only remember my Name and some random things... " Said Yuuto trying to Lie his way out

" oh... Well, I can apply for you into our guild money lending business! Well give you as much as you want but the interest rate is 10%! And you also need to pay it on time or you'll get turned into a slave! " Said The Receptionist girl with an innocent smile

" Ugh... So even with all this Advance Technology Slavery is still legal huh... " Thought Tec

" Ah Then please apply me to one! And can I ask how do the slaves work from here? " Said Yuuto

" Well they usually work collecting monster drops and some household works and some Naughty Jobs," Said, Receptionist girl

" Oh? Do they get beat up or get killed because their owner likes it? " Asked Yuuto

" Eh? That's a weird thing to say! Even though they are slaves you're not allowed to do any harm to them as they're protected by the law so they only work for you for free but you have to give them their necessaries and they can also buy themself out of slavery! So don't even think about killing them because killing is punishable by Death too! " Said Reception Girl

" Ohh!! Well, that's good to know!... Well anyway, I've taken a lot of your time now so please you can go back to your work! " Said Yuuto

" Ah Yes! Then please wait a moment while I give you your money and equipment and by the way, I'm deducting this to your rewards! " Said The reception Girl as she runs towards a Room leaving Yuuto alone while waiting for his Items

" Sigh... All these futuristic Things are too much for my brain... I can't even imagine how they manage to build something like this but then again this is another world so anything could happen... Oh well! Let's just hope I can finish my main quest or ill die again... Probably... " Thought Yuuto as he Let his mind runs free from all the thought he's currently having