
TBATE - Strongest Magic Swordsman

Rose Kazaku found himself in the body of a kid who died in a town extermination mission. Picking up the shackles the kids destiny held, he pulled himself up with extreme ease. For 6 years he trained in secret, amassing power to rival that of Gods. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WARNING!!!! OP MC! IF YOU DON'T LIKE INSTANTLY OP MC'S PLEASE DO NOT READ!

LookITSJamals9 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

- Rose Kazaku, The Transmigrator of Old

It was a clear sunny day on the continent of Dicathen. The suns rays beaming and sharing it's warmth with the animals, humans and beasts a like.

Walking through the Beast Glades with his head raised to the sky was a boy with crimson red hair and blood red eyes. His skin was pale, pristine and clear. Holding no blemishes. His face was well defined, a sharp jawline and sunken cheeks to accentuate his cheek bones boosted his otherworldly looks by ten fold.

You could easily say he's the most handsome male on the continent.

He stood at a relatively normal height for a fifteen year old. 1.55 meters tall and still growing. On his back was a sword sheathed in a pure-black leather garment that was tilted to right so the blade could fully rest on his back without scrapping the floor beneath it.

The great sword was as long or longer than the boy but yet he carried it as if it weighed nothing. Just from the width of the sheath you could tell that the blade itself was wide, which only makes one wonder how he could sling such a big piece of metal.

"Hah~" Sighing, the boy lowered his head in front of him. His black button up jacket laced with golden fur flapping behind him as he walked in the opposing direction of the wind. His pants flared and flapped too, but they weren't a huge eye catcher.

He wore no shirt underneath the jacket, leaving his extremely developed abdominal muscles and pecs out for the world to see. He held no shame in it and he felt as if the people who do have a problem with it rather have a problem within themselves.

The boy walked for a little before he finally reached an area within the beasts glades that resembled a mini forest. Leaning against a tree, he sat in it's shade as he thought about his next moves.

It's been six years since he's arrived in this world, in the body of a boy named Rose Kazaku. A victim to the Kingdom of Sapins secret extermination plan. How he knew it was the Kingdom who got rid of his town? It's rather simple...

There's no other place in Sapin that houses powerful mages beside the royal family. There are other powerful mages but none of them hold power quite like the dogs under the Royal Family.

Upon Rose's arrival into this world, he gained additional gifts. Things to help the inconvenience of suddenly being pulled out of one life, and thrown into another. The God of Power who watches over Rose was generous this time around as he granted him three gifts, one branching off into multiple abilities.

The list is as followed.

- Absolute Haki.

- Indominable Will.

- Infinite Potential.

Within the six years he's arrived here, he didn't waste time and immediately began to amass strength. Finding himself in a strange new world where a single person can obliterate towns with relative ease, he felt he needed to gain his own strength to do that.

And more.

Utilizing the power of Indominable Will and Infinite Potential, his growth in physical strength and even Haki reached points where I'm sure he'd be labeled a God of destruction if he fully utilized it. With Infinite Potential removing any and all potential limiters, be it spiritual or physical, his power can grow infinitely, making him essentially the only one that'd truly be able to reach godhood.

But, is that his inspiration?

No. Not at all.

Right now, Rose just wants to live his life in peace and explore the world before him before things really start to pick up. Although at first he was confused on where he was, Rose was actually a modern day human before he was abruptly killed, initiating his first rebirth.

Which in turn started his cycle of endless lives. So you can expect some type of indifference to this stuff. But even then, he knows that this world really won't pose much a threat to him unless he lets his guard down considerably.

Or there's people who he hasn't heard of in the stories.

Either way, he's not stressing too much.



Taking the time to think and plan out my next moves seemed like the next best step. I haven't really amassed any sort of reputation or hell, any recognition. For the past six years all I did was train my Haki, my physical abilities, my mana core and my only available element and it's deviant.

My mana core is already at the human peak. A pure white core while my fire magic has reached a level of mastery I can only label as Godlike. I wouldn't go so far as to say it IS Godlike... But- Eh whatever.

I can basically manipulate fire. Essentially making me a pro-pyrokinetic. My deviant form of fire, lightning is also mastered to basically the same state as everything else. I made sure I left no room for slacking when I was training as I wanted everything to go smoothly.

I'm not stupid enough to waste the precious time I have on trying to immediately find my way back to civilization. This world runs off power, be it physical/magical or political. Strength to take over Kingdoms with just a couple casual swing from my sword would be more than enough to cement my position in political parts. I could even use it to my advantage and go ahead and get rid of the King of Sapin.

This body loathes that man with all it's being. But it can only wait and abide by my own decisions. Even if it's an ingrained hatred.

The memories I gained from the boy was pretty normal, but tragic.

Him and his mother lived in a quiet, rather run down village town that had less than forty people living in it. He spent nine years with his mother, living a peaceful life. Staying out the way of the occasional Royal Guards that would make their routine check up on the towns.

But one day. Those Guards brought someone else with them. A woman with golden hair and purple eyes. She wore a white, gold laced button up military styled get up. She didn't seem harmful as she quite literally had no sort of weapon.

How naive this child was.

That same woman destroyed the entirety of the town within seconds. Using no more than two spells max to wipe everything, and everyone out. It seemed like she targeted the boy and his mother though...

That's where the most damage was.

My mothers body was blown to smithereens. Her head landing from the sky and landing in front of this boy just before his own death.

That's when I came in.

There's a lot I do know about this world, the world of The Beginning After The End; There's also stuff I don't know. Maybe there are secrets in this world that were brought forth with my very arrival, or maybe there was always a hidden group of monsters that were never brought up.

Kind of like the S-Class Mana beasts.

"Hah~" Sighing once more, I held my forehead with my hand. All this thinking and reminiscing is going to make me go bald.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out. I calmed myself. Letting all the thoughts I had previously amassed flow out my ears.

Instead, I had another idea.

It's better if I start making my mark on the world. Letting the major powerhouses of this world know that an anomaly they can't predict has arrived.



ABSOLUTE HAKI - This means that his Haki is basically always at it's peak and can only go up from there. The peak being ever rising. It also means that his Haki's power is absolute, meaning nothing can top it or come close to it.

You know how Garp destroyed a mountain with just a single Haki infused punch? Yeah well, Rose is a lot, and I mean A LOT stronger than that. Well, he will be by time the war begins.


Just wanted to clear that up before any confusion starts.

Chapter 1!

This was rather fun to write, and I hope it was just as fun to read even though nothing really happened...

Anyways, MC is 15 years old, meaning he is about... 6 years older than Arthur Leywin.

LookITSJamals9creators' thoughts