

Boss_Lady_4now · Fantaisie
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19 Chs


Story continues..,..

Anna woke up to the smell of the soup Alan had prepared.

" It surely woke you up like mum said.."

Alan muttered and scoop a spoonful towards her mouth .

" Have a taste..."

He said but Anna refused to open her mouth.

" If you doubt.."

He ate about three spoonful to show her it's poison free.

He now fed her all .

" Good girl..."

He said and patted her head.

Anna looked at him astonished and said with her voice partially filled with annoyance and anger .

" I'm not a kid.."

Alan withdrew his hands and scratch the back of his neck in an awkward manner.

" Umm...haha.. sorry..um.."

" Get out I want to rest..."

She said and lied down, closing her eyes to drive him away.

Alan felt strange. He stared at her face to see if it was her he hit with his car. It seems she has changed.

He took his keys and left .

Alan went to pay the bills where he saw a little girl crying and holding a picture. He knew who she was because he had had an investigation about Anna. He knew she was Hazal. He marched to her to ask why she was crying.

" I'm looking for my mum and I found out she's around this location. I've searched everywhere except for this hospital... I'm scared she might be here ... severely injured... "

She cried.

 " Can I spy the picture?.. "

Alan realized it was the lady he brought in.

" She's fine.. "

He said while still looking at the picture. 

" Do you know her.." 

She said wiping the tears off her face.

Alan nodded and led her to the ward.

To their surprise, the ward was empty.

Story continues

" Where did she go...?"

They searched every corner of the ward but didn't find her .

 They have the securities check the camera and saw that she left in a black limousine car.

Hazal burst into tears .

Anna, still in her hospital gown and sitting in the limousine said to the driver.

" What did you wanted to tell me..."

" I guess you will not believe me if I tell you so I have the CCTV footage.. on this drive.. " 

Jeff said and handed the drive to her.

" Tell me... "

Anna said.

" Andres killed.. your unborn baby which I claimed mine..."

Jeff said.

" No.. I just fell and it got terminated.. "

Anna defended even though she felt doubtful.

" He intentionally did it .. he first went to the washroom before you right... do you remember?.. " 

He said

Anna started to sweat. She didn't want to accept it but it was clear that it can be true.

" I will alight here ..."

She said ... Her voice filled with sorrow.

" Are you sure??.. lemme get a hotel for you.. "

Jeff said.

" No ... I will stop here.. "

" Are you up to something?.." 

Jeff said still driving.

Anna got angry and choked his neck with the fruit knife she stole from her ward .

Jeff was scared.

" Okay okay.. play cool ... I'm stopping


He stopped abruptly and the knife made a sharp mark at his throat.

Anna removed the knife and saw the blood on it. She smiled to herself and said.

" Welcome back .. Zoe.. my old self.."


Hazal called to report her mum's disappearance to Andres.

    Andres told Benita about it and they went in search for her.

Sasha was so happy hearing that news.

" Ma'am ... it's time you help me become ur daughter in law..." 

Sasha said.

" I know but I'm busy now...give me some time.."


Anna arrived at her late brothers house. 

On top of the building was boldly written


she looked at it and remembered her crazy brother. 

She also cursed him in her head for making her suffer like this.

The guards lead her in and she met the maidservant at the gate .

" You are welcome madam...I'm glad you came.." 

Anna passed by and entered. The servants kept whispering at each other.

" Don't dare say nonsense about me..."

She warned with her head bowed.

" Prepare my room...and cook dinner.."

She added.


Late in the evening.

Jeff felt relieved for giving Anna the prove about Andres guilty.

" Guys... get me some wine...whoa ..! I'm damn happy..." 

He said lying lazily in the couch.

" Now what I have here is my weapon against Benita and Andres..."

He laughed and took the drive .

The smile on his face faded slowly.

" Damn it..!.. boys..attack Anna and get the drive back !.

.. If she opens this drive..all my plans will be ruined...."

He said with reddened eyes.

" Fuck...!"

Story continues

Jeff use his company's satellite to track Anna's location and found where she was.

" Hello... Are you keeping a close eye on her ...?"

Jeff called one of the securities he had hired.

" Yes ... Sir!... "

" Has she opened any laptop or computer...?.."

" From the maidservant.., no . Since she came she had been sitting in the couch and staring at a drive in her hands.... She hasn't moved from the couch since she came home... "

The old man reported.

" Good.. I'm sending my boys to come for it... make sure she doesn't move from her spot... try and destruct her... "

Jeff said sweating.

" sir the boss lady is weak, attacking her will put her in danger..."

" Shut up !.. you don't know how important that drive is to me..!"

" I can get the drive only if I get the replaced one... Let the boys bring the original drive...I promise I will get the work done..."

" Can I trust you..?"

" Trust me boss...."


Anna was offered a glass of Juice. The moment she brought it to her mouth, the servant shook with fear. Anna realized something was wrong.

The servant was looking at the drive on the center table.

" Get me a laptop..."

She ordered and sipped on her Juice.

The lights went out after she gulped down the last drop of the juice.

She started feeling sleepy and dizzy.

" Maria !... Tell the security to do something about the lights...!.."

She said almost asleep. 

She took the drive and hide it in her underwear.

" Fuck they drugged me..they are up to something for sure..."

She said and lied in the couch. 

" Monica...!.."

" Yes ma'am.."

" Sprinkle water on my face..."

The lights came and the laptop also arrived.

Anna assembled all the 6 maidservants and made them knelt down.

She inserted the drive and saw a shocker.

Everything Jeff said was true. She got mad and called the old security man for his belt.

She whipped them mercilessly , pouring all her anger on them.

 With a loud scream..she kicked them on the floor like they are nothing.

" He killed my unborn baby!... He's a murderer!!!...""

" But madam why are you whipping them...? They don't know anything about your unborn child's dead..."

" I'm whipping them because I don't know why they drugged me.."

" We are sorry...ma'am...""

They cried.

" You are all fired by tomorrow.., get salary and move out ...!" 

She said and left.


Anna couldn't believe what Jeff told her. She remembered that day. It was true that Andres went there first and when she entered, the floor was slippery from the pill of soapy foam.

Story continues...

The next morning, the police arrested Andres. He was dumbfounded, who dare make a complaint against an influencial man like him. He fought had with the police but was sent away.

" Mum... Call the attorney to come.."

Andres said to his mum on phone.

He learned that Anna had done this and holds a mind boggling evidence against him. Andres felt under pressure, there's no way he can get through this unless persuasions are invited.

   " Hello Mr Boanavides..."

Mr Morson , the attorney greeted.

" Attorney.. I need to get out of here.. "

" And I'm not letting that happen..!!!.. "

Anna's voice sounded which held both of them stupefied.

" An.. Anna.. "

Andres managed to say. 

Anna worked to him and slapped him.

" Bastard!.. I can't believe I fell for ur lies.. 🥺, you killed my unborn child how could you..? "

She said hitting his chest.

" I will make sure you rot in jail.., never and over my dead body will I forgive you..! "

Andres was taken aback. He swallowed the lump in his throat and stared at her heated eyes.

" Anna .. lemme explain.."

" Explain when we meet in court .. "

She said and left.

The outside of the police station was flooded with the media. Anna didn't think twice to tell them everything and her plans to make Andres and Benita suffer.

" Do you think the ex president who loves his kids will dare hurt them..? "

A guy holding a microphone asked.

" Do you have any evidence...?"

" Yes... I have it.. please I can't any further questions... "

She said and made her way out of the people.

The news spread wild like fire , some cursing Andres and others also denying the fact that it could be true.


Benita felt headache. This bitch dare send her son to jail and paints him black to the world..?

" I will kill you like I did to your stupid sister..! Anna Zoe Wilson... your life lies in my palm like an egg so be careful.... I can drop it anytime.. "

She cursed and dialed her number.

" I have nothing to tell you old woman.. until we meet in court.."

Anna said and hanged up.

Benita threw her phone away in anger.

The sound of the phone crashing on the ground made Hazal who had been eavesdropping jumped in fear.

Benita turned and caught her shuddering at her spot.

" I.. I .. "

 She stammered.

" How long have you been here...??"

Benita said walking to her.

" I.. I .. "

" Oahh... So you have been eavesdropping... right.."

" Is. .it true that you killed my Aunt and her husband..? " 

Hazal mastered courage to ask.

" Oh.. no... You her death was an accident.. haha c'mon.. I think you heard me wrong... "

She convinced.

" Yeah.. it was an accident.., grandma.. don't be mad like this again you scared me.. "

Hazal said and hugged her.

Benita heave a sigh of relief.

" Talk to your mom to release your dad.. he's a good man.."

" Yes ... I will convince her.. "