

Boss_Lady_4now · Fantasy
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19 Chs


Story continues.....

Three days after both Zolly and Ina had been buried , Anna visited Frankelle's grave. She bent down and undone the weeds around it. She then placed her bouquet of flowers on top of it after lighting the fragrance candles on it. She sat down and stared at her smiling photos pasted on her tomb. So beautiful and innocent.

" Zoe... You have a blind date tonight, make sure you don't spoil the fun ... Do this for me... Okay... my lovely silly sister... "

Anna smiled remembering the first day her sister dressed her up for a blind date with Andres. She bowed her head and shed tears over the lovely but hurting memories. 

She hugged her bent knee and slept her head on it. 

" Sister who killed you... Frankelle... tell me I want to know ... who killed you?... What is the meaning of the last message you sent before your plane got crushed...?.. why did you mention Andres in your text message... Is he the murdurer. ..? ... Tell me Frankelle... Or is it Benita?? ... 😭 Sis I'm confused... "

She wailed as she felt her head throbbing. 

She grabbed her hair and winced at the severe headache.

" Ah--...."

She continued to cry. Her sister was a dear of her heart. It's almost a year she died but the pain she left in her heart looks fresh all the time. It's so painful 😫 and now she had also lost a friend and a daughter. It wasn't easy trying to suppress the pain she was being through. She had on one now to lend his shoulder and cry on. She felt lonely, depressed 😢.., abandoned.., and useless...

Her facial mascara got ruined by her raining tears 😭. She lied down and sobbed facing her sister's grave. Besides it is the husband's grave.

The cemetery was quiet except the sobs of Anna could be heard.

" Frankelle... your Ina is dead... I couldn't protect her... I'm useless.., please forgive me... I'm useless.. I'm useless... 😭😭.."

She cried herself to sleep.

Andres who had been staring from afar got his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the tears threatening to fall. Anna has been depressed since the they she lost her daughter so Andres made his mind up to follow her everywhere she goes.

He walked to her and carried her in a bridal style and drove her home.


( Australia..)

Ray patrolled the school with his hands in his pocket. He doesn't talk or play with anyone since the day he heard the news about his little sister.

He sat on a bench under a big tree and removed the family picture from his pocket. 

He has truly miss his mum but anytime he tries calling... his grandma will call and scold him . He guess she had done something to his phone.

He sob lightly and removed his phone again.. exhaled deeply and dialed his mum's number.

Anna pick up immediately. Ray was shocked not receiving any scolding message from his grandma. When Anna said hello, he spoke really fast .

" Mum I miss you. I'm lonely here 😔.... I love you... "

He hanged up.

Anna called several times but to avail.

Benita called and Ray answered with shaky hands.

" G... Grandma.."

" Didn't I tell you not to call that woman?.. Do you want to die like your sister..?.. "

" Grandma... I don't think it's mum's fault... "

" Shut up!... Is it my fault then?? Huh... Do you want to leave there forever and never come home ...??.. If you call your mum again... You will be in that boarding school forever.... don't test my patience.., did you hear me...? "

   " Yes Grandma.... I won't call mum again... I want to come home 😭.. "

" Good..., Now do you miss your mum?.. "

" No... "

Ray say between sobs. He cried loudly the moment the call went dead.

" Mama .... "

He wailed loudly looking at the screen . His mum is calling , he misses her soothing voice but he can't answer the call.

He declined it and blocked the number in tears 😭.


Anna felt strange. How can Benita send her son abroad without telling her. She went downstairs to face her.

" Benita!... Benita...!.."

She came shouting like a mad woman.

" Anna... Wait..." 

Sasha said feeling annoyed.

 " Now you have the gut to call me by my name...? You prostitute sleeping around... "

Anna said angrily. She got crazier thinking if the fact that a mere made is shouting her name ' Anna ' how dare she.

" Where's Benita! Where the hell has she sent my son to ?... "

She roared out at the maid.

" Anna , I said be quiet!.. "

Sasha roared back fearlessly earning and Sharp slap from Anna.

" Ouch.. ah .." 

She moaned out.

" Shout my name again and I will drag you to your grave.. stupid cunt ... cheap bitch.. sleeping with people's husbands... say one more word and face my other side... "

Anna warned. Her eyes turning chilled and piercing.

Sasha got angry. She will marry Andres the moment she help Benita send Anna out of the house. It is their deal.

" You also dare call me cheap..? Have you forgotten??? Have you forgotten you got messed up by countless men..? Have you forgotten almost all the friends of yours ex husband had had a taste of you... you call me cheap.. "

She blustered out 

Anna was shocked of her boldness. There's something motivating this girl to act strong in front of her. She walked close to her and grabbed her hair backwards.

No one dares recall her her tormenting past. This bitch has crossed her line. She balled her hand into a fist getting ready to teach her a lesson and Andres came to her rescue.

Sasha switched to get Andres' attention.

" Sir... Please save me..."

" Anna stop it..! It's enough.. "

Andres said holding Anna who was struggling to break free.

"Leave me Andres.. lemme teach her a lesson..."

" Anna stop it..!." 

Andres shouted causing Sasha to shake with fear. Anna calmed immediately as if his shout quenched some burning fire in her. Andres let her go.

" Oh... I understand... I understand people like you.. "

She said pointing both .

" You are defending her ... You are scolding me in front of her... Just because she gives herself to you... !! You son of a bitch...!... I'm leaving this house.. I don't even know why I'm still in my ex husband's house... I'm leaving with my goddamn daughter!... "

Benita and Hazal got down when the noise reached them.

" Mum ... what's happening..?"

Hazal said and went to her.

" We are leaving now.."

" But mum.. you can mend things again with Dad... I was speaking to him... He still wants this marriage... "

Hazal said shuddering.

" I don't want it... I'm leaving.. I'm not his wife. You are also not his daughter... so go and pack up..! "

" Hazal is not leaving... "

Andres muttered boldly hanging his shoulders to show his possessiveness.

" Hazal is mine ! Don't dare stop us..."

Anna said feeling her throat aching from shouting and yelling.

" Anna , it's enough..."

Benita said calmly.

 " Shut the fuck up Benita!.. " 

Anna said out of respect.

" Show some respect Anna .. "

Andres said. His voice cold as he was losing his temper.

" Respect?? .... Respect who? Your mum?? Over my dead body...!! ... Over my dead body Andres .... "

" Mum ..! "

Hazal broke into tears.

" What ?... Don't you want to follow me ? " She said looking at her crying daughter.

" Mum.. it's not like that but I want us to live happily like before.. please.. I want you happy once again... 😭.. "

   " I will be happy but not in this house... Hazal go and pack up.. go ! go.! "

  Hazal run upstairs in tears to do as her mum said. Her mum is going through a lot and dares not go against her wish.

Anna walked straight to Benita and asked of her son.

 Benita smiled and sat comfortably in the couch.

" Your son is learning abroad is there a problem with that???"

" You sent him there go to a boarding school...how can you do that to a little boy... he's only seven years...he needs his mum..."

Anna said.

" Ray doesn't need you..he doesn't care about you..he went there to escape you....your son see you as a burden..."

Benita said sipping on her coffee.

" C'mon...I know Ray .. where the fuck is he !.."

" Australia... ? Don't worry the little boy .. Anna . He has me .."

Anna was running wild. She took her phone and called Ray's phone.

She tried multiple times but it was unreachable .

" Are you calling my grandson..?? Why ? Is he not picking his lovely mother's call...?.."

Benita said slowly. Her slow voice penitrated into her body like molten metal.

Benita took out her phone , called Ray and he picked in a hurry.

" Hello grandma...."

" Hello dear.. you are on speaker.." 

She said looking at Anna.

Anna's face scrunched up. She felt unbelievable.

" Ray..!.." 

She shouted.

" Grandma... I don't want to talk to her please...."

Ray said shaking.

" Ray .. it's me... your mum..."

Anna said shedding tears.

" I don't want to talk to you... because of you I lost my sister... you are a wicked mother..I hate you..."

Anna knelt down in tears hearing what Ray said about her. 

" Hey don't say that about your mother..."

Benita faked.

" Grandma I will call later..."

The call went dead.

" Are you satisfied...? Huh.."

Benita said teasingly.

Anna couldn't stop crying. She felt the world turning darker and darker. Her body shook and she got to her feet . She wiped the tears and blew her nose.

 Hazal came back with her suitcase.

" Dad.. grandma...I love you all.."

She said still crying.

" Hunny you aren't going anywhere..."

Benita said with a beautiful smile.

" Don't..."

Anna said still trembling and sobbing slightly 

" Hazal isn't going anywhere... it's stated in the divorce papers that my kids will leave with me..." 

Andres said and walked to snatch the bag from Hazal.

" Hazal is not your daughter!... How many time do you want me to say this huh...!.." 

Anna yelled and coughed feeling her throat hurting.

" Hazal is my daughter..."

Andres stated coldly causing Anna to move back twice as a result of losing her balance.

" What..?"

She heard herself say helplessly.

" Yes... Sasha run a DNA test and it confirmed it that I'm her father..."

" What ..."

Hazal was also shocked.

" Yes Hazal,I'm your dad..."

Andres said and removed the test report.

Anna took it with trembling hands.

" Th..this is fake..."

She said.

" Okay..I knew you were going to say this so I called the doctor to do a new test here now...."

Andres said .

Anna blinked her tears away . She looked at both Hazal and Andres comparing their looks.

" But Zu Lee..-"

The sound of the door bell interrupted her.

" The doctor is in ... everyone should sit... today we will know the truth..."


After the test was conducted.

The doctor came to announce the results.

Anna got up immediately when the doctor showed up.

" The test....

Story continues....

"The test results is positive.. "

The doctor declared and left the house.

" No... No this can't be possible.. Hazal is Zu Lee's daughter... I can't believe it... "

Anna said and broke down in tears.

" I was also astonished when Sasha brought the test results. So I wanted to know whether it true or fake.... that's why I called ur personal doctor, to do this test right before your eyes.... "

Andres explained. He was also deeply astonished.

" Maybe you had an affair with her before she met Zu Lee..."

Sasha said from behind.

" Yes , Anna have you forgotten we had an affair countless times... before you left to Zu Lee?? Maybe that's when you got pregnant... "

Andres said lightening Sparks in her brain and stirring up her memories.

Anna recall some years back. She had gone to meet Zu Lee and back when Andres , wearing a mask caught her arm. He dragged her to the bedroom and pushed her onto the bed.

" Don't.. please don't do this..." The little Anna pleaded with the boy undoing his clothes.

" My brothers and friends are out , the whole night is ours..., Undress now.. "

The boy said impatiently. He wasn't that old , one can guess he was as young as 16.

" Help...!!!"

Anna cried out when the naked boy started climbing the bed.

" Little pussy... be submissive..."

He said and forced himself on her.

The pain, the screams.., the struggles.. the hard drugs and the hard sex... everything missed up in her head causing her to shout the pain out.

" Ahhh.....!"

She screamed holding her hair. She couldn't believe Hazal is Andres daughter but it can also be possible if she dates back.

" Anna ...?"

Andres looked scared seeing Anna shuddering and wincing... at the moment he mentioned of her past .

" Mama..."

Hazal got worried.

Anna turned back and run away from the house to breathe.

She could hear the knocking of her old wicked self in her head. Zoe iss upset. Zoe is awake. Zoe wants to take over.

" Anna is enough!... Anna lemme fight.. Anna lemme teach them a lesson.."

Zoe's voice kept ringing in her head.

" No..!!! It's not true!!!!! It can't be !! Hazal is my Zu Anlee....!!!..."

She screamed down the street far away from the house. 

It's started to rain. She continued to run through the rain.. crossing roads.

She didn't know where she was going.

The voices doubled and trippled..

" Mama...!!!"

The screams of Ina.

" Zoe !! Take your revenge!.."

The cries of Zolly.

" Zoe !!! I can't sleep! Take revenge for my death...!.. "

This was Frankelle.

Anna felt her head bursting as these voices continue to follow her.

" Beeep...!!!!"

A car ahead beeped... at the woman running towards it.

" Hey..!!!"

The guy inside yelled but it was too late and the worse happened before the car came to a stop.

Anna , in the pool of blood saw in her eyes , Frankelle carrying Ina..., Zolly and Zoe... standing and stretching their arms towards her .

" You are tired , but you need to fight. I'm with you..." Frankelle said and faded out with Ina.

" Don't let Benita go Scot free.."

Zolly said and faded out.

Zoe was left standing and staring at her.

" I'm back Anna. Let me take my place..."

Zoe said and moved back.

The guy who hit her got down and scoop her body into his arms and drove her to the hospital.

Story continues.....

  Alan looked at the beautiful lady under the machines and prayed she survives.

 He never expected that one day as a good driver as he was always praised of will have his car hitting an innocent person. He stare closely at her, her breathing was steady.. she looked perfectly fine like nothing had happened to her. She had her surgery last night and the nurses told him her body reacts negatively with anaesthesia so he was wondering how painful she will be. It seems the girl is super strong.

Anna felt her lids heavy as if someone was staring at her. She blinked twice and opened her eyes slowly. An unbearable pain hit her head and arms .

" Ah. .ouch..."

She cried.

" Haz..... Hazal..."

She moaned this name helplessly.

" Hey are you okay..?.. doctor!..... Doctor!... the girl is awake....! "

Alan screamed to alert the doctors. Anna recalled all that happened and understood why she was at the hospital and in so much pain.

" I ... I want to go home.."

She said and sat up. The pain in her arm , head and back was unbearable and she screamed.

" Ahhh... sh. uhh.."

" Hey..! Lied down on your back.. you just had your head, arm and back stitched.... please rest.. "

Alan said like he was her father caring for her . He helped her lied down and adjusted the pillow and tuckled the quilt for her.

 The doctors arrived and checked to confirm she was recovering very fast.

" Thank you Doc.."

Alan said and went back to Anna who seemed to be in a daze.

" Oh... don't be confused.. you hit my car intentionally and I drove you here...I'm Alan Cody... "

He said and bowed slightly with his right hand on his chest and left behind his back.

" I ... his your car ..?"

Anna looked surprised.

" Have you hea this story before?.. c'mon you need to even compensate me for attempting to kill me... "

Anna continued.

" What ...! Are you deaf?.. didn't you here the beeping sound ? I also stopped right before you and you threw yourself to hit my car.... Don't lemme report you for attempted suicide... "

Alan said.

" May I know your name ...?

He continued.

" No.. we don't need to know each other.." 

Anna said and went back to sleep.

Alan chuckled softly and went back home after making sure she was in a d

eep sleep.

He was going to prepare her some soup