
Target Beyond the Veil

After the war between the four races and demons ended 300 years ago, the races split into four domains. However, remnants of the conflict remained in the form of corrupted demonic beasts and dark forces that posed a continued threat to peace. To combat this, the four races invested in talented individuals to create new warriors. Among them is the main character, who becomes embroiled in dangerous situations and shadowy organizations, and discovers shocking truths about himself and the world around him.

Ulirec · Action
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11 Chs


"Unfortunately, the invasion of demonic beasts resulted in the death of more than two thirds of the population. However, many survivors were able to cross over to our world. Initially, we anticipated problems as a significant population of humans arrived on our shores. Nonetheless, with their knowledge, they were able to adapt to the lands we had abandoned, and in turn, shared their wisdom with us. This resulted in the development of modern technologies and tools we now use every day such as.."

the professor's droning voice and the warmth of the classroom made me drowsy. my head drooping as I fought against the pull of exhaustion. I leaned my head on my hand, propped on the desk, it was like a calling from the heaven saying.

'Close your eyes, let the sweet embrace of slumber take hold. Forget the waking world, forget your troubles. Sleep, my dear, sleep and never wake up again' so I did as I was commanded closed my eyes for what it seemed just a moment.

Suddenly, the sound of the professor's footsteps stopped, and a loud clap echoed through the room. I jolted awake, my heart racing .


'do you want to fucking kill me'

' I was just having the time of my life'

"Ah, I see we have another addition to our class - a sleeping beauty. I'm glad you found my lesson so riveting that you couldn't stay awake miss Anastasia, care to continue where I left? "

flustered at the sudden call, I realized that I have been caught sleeping couldn't help but panic then I heard the whisper beside me, it was Katherine trying to remind me of the topic of the lecture.

"its about human advancement," she whispered.

Trying to recover, I blurted out, "Um, smartphones?"

I could hear the chuckles of the students seated far away from her.

The professor, however, wasn't amused. "Although I admire your ability to multitask - sleeping and pretending to listen at the same time - smartphones are merely a source of entertainment. Mana trains, mana cars, communication devices, dimensional gates are all inventions that have impacted human society and even left the dwarfs, who are known for their craftsmanship, stunned."

"Even the grading system we use here at Lumina Academy was suggested by Earthlings. As many of you know, we didn't use to rank students based on their abilities. Instead, we would call great warriors and fighters knights or swordmasters, and great mages wizards or archwizards. They earned those titles by achieving great things and receiving recognition from His Majesty the Emperor. However, we now rank students after evaluating their overall abilities with letters from G to SS. This change was suggested by Earthlings, but does anyone know why?" the professor asked the class.

A hand shot up, and the student replied, "It's so we can acknowledge the talents and potential of students better."

"That's half the answer," the professor said. "It's true that the system we use is more helpful when it comes to finding talented individuals, but it's also crucial when it comes to identifying areas where students may lack or need to improve."

" that leads us to the question to why we were able to achieve those feats only after the presence of the earthlings despite being the same race, the humans in our world relied on magic and didn't see the need to develop technology. On the other hand, the Earthlings were forced to adapt to survive in their world, and technology was a crucial aspect of their survival. They brought with them their knowledge of science and discoveries and were able to apply it to magic, a different way of thinking and problem-solving. They approached problems from a different perspective, resulting in significant advancements."

"That doesn't mean the human in this world are less intelligent than the earthlings, in fact we made a lot of discoveries during the war with the demons 300 years ago in the fields of magic and swordsmanship because that's what we really needed at the time. In conclusion, the greatest strength of humanity lies in their ability to adapt and evolve. humans have constantly sought to improve their way of life and explore new frontiers. This has led to numerous advancements in various fields, including technology, medicine, and science. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, humans have continued to persevere and thrive and that's what humanity truly remarkable and capable of achieving great things."

It's understandable why humans are so reliant on magic. why would you try to treat someone without using recovery magic, or try to light a fire when you can simply cast a fire spell?, we never needed their knowledge for survival but it definitely improved our lives drastically.

"Alright everyone, that's all for today's lecture. Please remember to review your notes and come prepared for our next class. Have a great rest of your day, and for some of you consider investing in some caffeine pills."

'she is gonna nag about me to the very end ha?'

The lecture came to a close, and I lifted my head to see all the students filing out of the classroom. I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder, and I turned to see Katherine , standing beside me. With her dark, silky hair, obsidian eyes, and smooth white skin.

"Ana, let's go" Katherine said, her voice soft and gentle.

I yawned and stretched, "Aw , yeah" then I got up and followed Katherine out of the classroom.


The professor in the earlier lecture was actually Katherine's aunt, an A-rank professor and the sister of the late duke. She didn't inherit the position of duchess since Katherine has a brother who has surpassed the age required to take that position, and it worked well for her since she liked teaching at the academy.

"its mainly your fault for sleeping in class" she responded to my sulking.

"hey I was exhausted okay, plus couldn't she cut me some slack because we are acquaintances"

she snorted " she doesn't even give us that special treatment when we are at our estate "

I nodded in agreement after realizing that fact , Katherine was more like strict older sister.

"why were you exhausted anyway?" Katherine asked.

"I trained for more hours yesterday with the sword, where are the others anyway?" I asked, rubbing my sore arms.

neither artorious, Leo or Aric weren't present earlier during the lectures.

"artorious and Aric are probably sparring together, and Leo doesn't need these classes so he's probably slacking off somewhere"*

"Augh" , Leo probably didn't see the need to attend the class since he aced the theory test along side Katherine during the entrance exams somehow .

for Aric he was just an idiot that all he cared about is competing with artorious.

and as for the latter..

Name : artorious Roland blackwood

Rank : E

Artorious was a shocking revelation that have shaken the entire academy. When the results of the tests taken prior to enrollment were released, there was a stunned silence that fell over the room. Even the most outstanding first years before him, Aric and Leo, were ranked F+ and two ranks behind him. Artorious' stats were unprecedented in the history of the academy, and they were abnormal even compared to second and third year students. It was clear that he was a generational talent, and his exceptional results earned him the top rank among all first years within Lumina without question.

I sighted as I scrolled down Artorious' profile on my smartwatch, his immense talent and enormous potential were Evident. But I was also aware his dedication and hard work, traits that made me truly admire him for. Yet, I couldn't help feeling a twinge of envy.

'I also need to work twice as hard if I ever want to catch up' at my thought I clenched my hand in determination

"Let's go train for a bit. We still have an hour before the next class," I said, calling out to Katherine.

"Okay, but wait, what's going on over there?" Katherine suddenly stopped in her tracks.

I followed her gaze and spotted a group of four male students huddled together, seemingly picking on another student. Disgust coursed through me - I loathed seeing someone being ganked in an unfair situation.

Katherine kept staring at me as I started moving towards them in order to chase them away, then I stopped as soon as I was able to identify their target.

Name: Damian (no last name registered)

Rank: G

'Nah, never mind.'

'Bullying is justified when it comes to that fucking bastard.'

I walked back towards Katherine and kept watching him from afar get beat up.

The question is, why do I have such a strong reaction towards such a bug-like person? Well, it all goes back one week ago, which means one week after we joined the academy.

wov wov transition************

the following chapter will contain more information dump.

Ulireccreators' thoughts