
Target Beyond the Veil

After the war between the four races and demons ended 300 years ago, the races split into four domains. However, remnants of the conflict remained in the form of corrupted demonic beasts and dark forces that posed a continued threat to peace. To combat this, the four races invested in talented individuals to create new warriors. Among them is the main character, who becomes embroiled in dangerous situations and shadowy organizations, and discovers shocking truths about himself and the world around him.

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11 Chs

first day

Once upon a time, there existed five extraordinary beings known as sages. These remarkable individuals had achieved the pinnacle of magic and martial arts, garnering widespread admiration and respect for their unparalleled mastery of both disciplines. Revered for their vast wisdom, experience, and knowledge, they were seen as spiritual leaders who ruled the world with an unwavering sense of authority. Through their profound insight and deep understanding of the world and its enigmatic complexities, they established order and ushered in an era of peace and stability. They created realms, metropolises, and communities that spanned across the lands inhabited by the five races: elves, humans, dwarfs, orcs, and demons. Through their guidance, these societies flourished.

As the crimes between the races escalated, so did the tensions. The demons seemed to be at the center of these crimes, and the other races could no longer sit back and tolerate their actions. The crimes were heinous, and the other races were outraged. They believed that the demons were mischievous beings that only brought chaos and destruction.

The tension between the races finally reached a boiling point and , and war was declared against the demons. As the battles raged on, the sages sat in their chambers and discussed a solution. Four of the sages believed that the only solution was to annihilate the demons. They believed that this was the only way to bring peace back to their world.

However, one of the sages was opposed to this solution. He believed that the best course of action is to descend and rule over them again instead of resorting to such drastic measures. The debate between the sages was intense and heated, but in the end, the majority ruled in favor of annihilating the demons.

he dissenting sage was devastated by the decision, and in his rage, he betrayed his comrades and killed them. His actions sent shockwaves throughout the world, and his declarations after the betrayal were a bigger shock. 'I declare my self the ruler of the 5 races anyone who dares to challenge my authority will be met with death'.

of course such actions weren't met with a positive response from the 4 races. The elves, humans, dwarfs, and orcs were furious at the betrayal of the sage and the audacity of the newly self-proclaimed ruler of the five races. The demons, on the other hand, saw the opportunity to prove their worth and prove their loyalty to their new leader.

Thus the world was plunged into chaos with the announcement of the great demon war. And as the war grew larger , the rogue sage also grew more and more powerful, his magic and martial arts surpassing even that of the original sages. His influence spread like a plague, and many began to fear for the future of the world. Those who dared to challenge his authority were met with death, and the people were forced to live in a world ruled by fear.

The tides of the Great Demon War were shifting in favor of the Demon King's army, and the other races realized that the only way to stop their common enemy was to make an alliance and unite. The war had raged on for decades, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The battles were brutal, and the world was plunged into darkness.

But hope was not lost. In the darkest hour, mighty and powerful warriors emerged from the four races. They were heroes, blessed with incredible strength and courage, and they became the last hope of the world. These heroes were legends in their own right, and their stories were passed down from generation to generation.

And then came the final battle, the battle that would decide the fate of the world. It was a legendary battle between the Demon King and the hero that emerged from humanity, Valerius de Astaseul. The battle was fierce and epic, and the fate of the world hung in the balance.

As the dust settled after the final battle, the hero emerged victorious. With a final blow, the Fallen Sage was defeated, and the world was saved. And at the moment of the victory, a great surprise emerged. The mighty dragon Zephyrion, who had remained neutral throughout the war, appeared before the people with a roar that shook the land.

Zephyrion's presence was not only commanding but also deeply unsettling. His massive form towered above the battlefield, his scales glistening in the light. His eyes were like molten gold, burning with an otherworldly fire that seemed to penetrate the souls of all who beheld him. His scales were shimmering silver with accents of blue and purple that sparkled in the moonlight. The dragon's wingspan was enormous, and its wings were a translucent white, with delicate veins visible beneath the surface.

As he gazed upon Valerius, a deep rumble emanated from within him, causing the ground to shake even more violently. Channeling powerful magic, he erected a barrier between the demon realm and the rest of the world. No demon or any of the four races could cross the barrier. He then gave one final roar that echoed across the land, shaking the earth beneath everyone's feet. His wings stretched wide, and with one mighty flap, he soared up into the sky, disappearing into the clouds. As he flew, the sky darkened, and bolts of lightning crackled around him, illuminating the darkness like a fiery storm.

As the great dragon Zephyrion spread his mighty wings and took off into the sky, the witnesses were filled with a sense of awe and wonder. With his departure, the great war came to an end, the races elected their leaders. Valerius de Astaseul was chosen to be the emperor of humanity. After the time of horrors ended the leaders made several meetings between them and eventually the alliance dissolved. The four races saw no need for their union to remain and decided to split up into their respective domains.

The elven domain, Elvandor, was located deep within an ancient forest, where the trees stood tall and majestic with shimmering leaves. The air was crisp and clean, and the ground was covered in a soft blanket of moss. Elvandor was not only home to the elves but also many different types of magical creatures, including fairies, spirits, and other mystical beings. The elves themselves lived in treehouses high up in the branches of the tallest trees and were renowned for their mastery of magic. When the elves requested the location, there was no objection from any of the other races.

The domain of the orcs, Ashrak, lay in a barren desert. The harsh and unforgiving landscape was plagued by scorching temperatures during the day and freezing cold at night. The orcs were fierce and warlike, constantly battling each other for dominance. They possessed great skills in combat and survival, and their nomadic lifestyle allowed them to move quickly and adapt to changing conditions. Despite the harsh conditions, the orcs agreed to settle in the desert domain in exchange for a yearly supply of food from the other races.

The dwarven domain, Kharaz-Khazad, was located deep beneath the earth. It was an expansive network of tunnels and caverns, illuminated by the glowing crystals that grew naturally in the stone. The sound of hammers and anvils filled the air as the dwarves worked tirelessly to craft their legendary weapons and armor. Kharaz-Khazad was also home to vast underground lakes and rivers, filled with strange and dangerous creatures. In exchange for the location they requested, the dwarves agreed to share a portion of the valuable magic gemstones they harvested.

And finally, the humans' domain, the Aranthus Empire, stretched across the open plains where the sky seemed to go on forever. It was a land of rolling hills, fertile farmland, and bustling cities. The humans were a diverse people with a wide range of cultures and traditions. They were renowned for their skills in trade, diplomacy, and warfare, adding to the rich lands that allowed the humans to grow crops, making the Aranthus Empire one of the most prosperous domains in the world. As a condition of their new domain, the humans were required to share a portion of their resources with the other races.

Despite once facing a crisis together, the four races kept minimal contact between each other, with only occasional trade and diplomatic missions. However, as time passed and the appearance of the earthlings through the gates, the same species as humans but who originally resided on a different planet, became hot news throughout all the domains.

The dwarves, known for their love of artifacts and technology, couldn't contain their curiosity and excitement at the prospect of trading with this advanced race. They began establishing a friendly relationship with the humans so they could acquire their technologies in exchange for their precious artifacts.

The orcs, on the other hand, remained indifferent to the news of the earthlings.

As for the elves, their initial reaction was similar to that of the orcs, but in recent years, it seems that their curiosity grew. They began requesting more visits.

Even though the war has ended, the existence of warriors was still necessary since the existence of mana beasts still remained. Adding to that, the aftermath of the war caused many problems within the races. Demonic beasts, which were a more aggressive version of mana beasts that were corrupted by the demons, kept wandering and populating outside the demon realm even after Zephyrion cast the barrier.

Another threat was in the form of cults that worshipped the demon king and shadowy organizations that were known to engage in illegal acts and crimes that were a cause of concern for all the races.

So it was clear that the existence of capable fighters was still necessary, thus the four races still continued to raise young warriors in the way they saw fitting. As for humans, they established many institutions to nurture talented individuals, among them the most prestigious academy in the whole Aranthus Empire: Lumina.

Lumina Academy was founded by His Majesty the Emperor and my grandfather, Valerius Astaseul who ruled for many years before eventually passing the throne down to his son Marcus de Astaseul. Valerius was known for his blessed body, which allowed him to live for over 300 years. Despite his long life, he eventually decided to step down from the throne and pass the mantle of leadership to his heir.

My grandfather was regarded as a role model, and many took it as an example. Throughout the years, Lumina Academy had sent off many great warriors and mages, and only the best of the best talents made it there.

Suddenly, the maid's enthusiastic voice broke my thoughts. "Your Highness, Lady Katherine has arrived."

With a smile, I responded, "Yes, tell her I'm coming."

And today marks my first day at Lumina.