
Chapter Eight: Juliette


He buried his face in the crook of her neck and started kissing and bitting it giving her fair neck a hickeys.

His hands went under her boobs and started playing with her boobs which had no bra on .

"Ahh..h " Maya subconsciously let out a moan.

" You love it right? I can do more than that " Damian said and within a blink of an eye he ripped off her shirt and took her red erected nipple into his mouth.

" Ouch! " Maya let out a really loud moan and gripped the bedspread tightly.

Damian smirked secretly as he liked the way Maya's body reacted to his touch.

He took his hand down there and he smiled when he felt her cum.

" Princess,  you're so wet " he mumbled seductively into her ear , rubbing her pussy with his hands.

" Ohh " Maya moaned and threw her head backwards.

" Should I put my finger in " Damian asked and bit her lower lip.

Mariana face was so red and her pussy was flowing with lot of her cum, she had never felt this way, it felt so good and she wanted more.

" Yes! Do it please " Maya pleaded.

" Use your words princess " Damian said and licked her neck , she felt a strange sensation.

" Please use your finger on me " Maya mumbled shyly.

Damian quickly pulled off her bum short and panties in a swift movement , now Maya was completely naked beneath him.

He took off his shirt and tossed it away.

" You look more gorgeous with your clothes off  " Damien whispered naughtily into her ear.

" Ah..h " Maya let out a little moan when Damien slide two of his fingers into her pussy.

He started fingering her making sure she enjoys everything he is doing to her.

He removed his fingers after Maya cummed on them.

Without wasting time he took off his pant and underwear.

Maya's eyes widened as she looked at Damian down there,She gulped down her saliva nervously.

' He is too huge! I don't think I can take it ' she thought inwardly as she looked at Damian huge member.

Damian lay back on her and was about to slide into her when Maya stopped him.

"I don't think I can take all of you , your stick is too long " Maya said with a blush on her face.

Damian smirked before cupping her red face with his hand.

"Princess, I promise to be gentle " he said and pecked her lips.

"Mm..m " Maya moaned in pain as Damian entered her slowly.

"A..h! " She screamed in pain when he entered her fully,  he began thrusting into her like pro.


"Juliette are you alright you look pale and sick "

Angel, Juliette friend mumbled, touching her ( Juliette ) forehead with her palm.

" I am fine " Juliette said and forced out a little smile.

She had been feeling weak , dizzy and unwell for a while.

" I think you should visit the hospital "

" There is no need for that I am fine " Juliette said.

" No you are not and you are going to the hospital with Angel " her boss madam CJ said and Juliette sighed.

" I am f... "

Juliette couldn't complete her sentence cause she fainted.

"Juliette!! "

When Juliette woke up, she was in the hospital. Angela was beside her as they waited for the result of the tests Juliette took.

" Sorry for keeping you waiting " the  doctor apologized as he came inside.

" No problem " Juliette said and he took his seat Infront of them.

" The result of tests are out , All the results are negative expect for one "

" Which one doctor ? " Juliette asked nervously.

" You are pregnant " the doctor dropped the bombshell and everything became quiet.

" I am what ? " Juliette asked, just to make sure she didn't misheard the doctor words.

" You are pregnant ma'am, you are two weeks gone , it the pregnancy that  is making you sick and it normal "

Juliette face was so pale , it was as plain as a sheet of paper.

She received the pregnancy test with trembling hands.

" Mm, Thank you doc " Juliette thanked the doctor then walked out of the doctor's office with Angela.

" What wrong with you ? You don't seem happy about being pregnant "

Angela couldn't help but ask , it was so obvious that Juliette was happy about being pregnant.

" Nothing " Juliette mumbled.

As much as Juliette hates to admit it she knew Jake her boyfriend wasn't the one responsible for her Pregnancy.

It was the stranger who she gave her body to two weeks ago for money.

" I should get going , thanks for accompanying me to the hospital " Juliette thanked Angela who smiled at her.

" What are friends for ? See you later and take care of yourself "

Angela said and pulled Juliette into a short hug before leaving.

     Juliette stood up and left the hospital. She went straight to her apartment. She wasn't thinking straight. If she was really pregnant, it isn't her boyfriend that impregnated her but the man she had a one night stand with.

Juliette pressed the pass code on the door and it made a beep sound before opening.

Juliette opened it and walked in , she stopped in her track when she saw the living room.

Female clothes was scattered everywhere on the floor.

" Is Jake cheating on me?" she said with trembling lips.

She walked to their room with a heavy heart , praying that it wasn't what she was thinking.

But who was she kidding, her heart broke into a thousand pieces as she saw what was going on , Jake was having sex her cousin Katarina .

" Jake " she called with trembling lips.

Jake hissed before pulling out of Katarina , he didn't even look remorse, he kissed Katarina deeply not minding the fact that Juliette was right infront of them.

" You are home early , what happened ? " Jake asked looking so unbothered he got down from the bed naked.

"Jake how could ?! Katarina you are my cousin for God sake how could you do this to me ? " Juliette asked and Katarina rolled her eyes.

" Look who's is talking , Aren't you pregnant ? " Jake asked and Juliette eyes widened

' How did he find out ? ' she thought inwardly.

" Surprised  right? I saw your pregnancy test result in your purse You fucking whore got pregnant for another man , you are so shameless " Jake said and Juliette started crying.

" I did it for you , you were going to die if I don't get the money for your surgery , everything I did was for your sake " Juliette said with tears rolling uncontrollable from her eyes.

" So ? You expect me to raise a bastard? You must be out of your mind , pack all your things and get lost " Jake said heartlessly .

"Jake I have nowhere to go , you can't do this to me "

" Are you deaf?! Get lost! " Jake shouted and pushed her.

"Ahh! " Juliette screamed in pain , She used her waist to hit the sharp edge of the wardrobe when Jake pushed her .

" Juliette stop creating a scene and leave quietly , me and my husband to be has a lot of things to do "  Katarina said.

" You know what? Fuck the both of you , I should have known this would happen , Katarina na there is something I think you need to know Jake is a fucking impotent , he can't have a child no matter how hard he cums in you " Juliette said and Jake shot her a dangerous glare.

" Why are you spouting out nonsense?! I am not an impotent! "

" Shut the fuckk up we have been together for four years , during that time I tried to get pregnant for you it just never worked , no matter how hard we did it , I had sex with a stranger man just once and look now I am pregnant , Jake you're impotent you can never be a FATHER " Juliette said stressing the word ' Father '.

" I will kill you! I will!! " Jake shouted like an insane man and grabbed Juliette's neck with both hands.

Juliette smiled despite the pain she was feeling from getting strangled by Jake.

"Impotent " she mumbled with a smirk .

" Die! Just die already! " Jake shouted and tightened his grip around her neck.

Tears started pouring out of her eyes as she felt death drawing near to her.

Just when she was about to give in to death , the door burst opened.

About Ten men came in with guns in their hands.

Jake immediately let go of Juliette who already fainted and walked back in fear , Katarina on the other hand tried to run away but got shot in the leg.

An elderly old man walked in .

" Snake carry her " the old man said while pointing at unconscious Juliette.

The man called snake obeyed and Carried Juliette out of the apartment.

" Boys , make him  bleed " the old man said and Jake eyes widened in shock.

" You can't do this to me! Who are ... " Jake words got cut off cause one of the man kicked him in his groin.

"Ahhh! "

"Somebody help me!!! "

"It hurts!!! " Jake was screaming in pain as she got beaten up badly.


Dylan was on his way to the training field when he bumped into the twins.

" You guys must be Damien's twins " Dylan said with a smile and ruffled both of them hair.

" I am Damien twin brother "

" Really ? So you are our uncle ? " Ciara asked and he nodded.

"Wow Uncle you are so handsome " Ciara said and Dylan smilled.

"You think so ? "

" Yes , you are so handsome " Ciara said and Dylan pat her hair.

" What your names ? " Dylan asked and Squat down to the twins level.

" Cameron Smith "

"Ciara smith " the twins answered.

" You both have cute names , you look just like your daddy " Dylan said and ruffled chase hair.

" I haven't seen your mom but I am guessing you look just like her " Dylan said and Ciara smiled.

" Alright we would see later , uncle is kind of busy "

"Bye uncle " Ciara pecked Dylan's cheek then ran away with chase beside her.

Dylan just kept looking at them most especially Cute Ciara.

" That Damien is so lucky , I wished I also had a little daughter " Dylan mumbled as he also walked away.


"AHH! " Hellcat screamed like a mad woman.

She just found out that the twins and Mariana are back and what made her more mad was that Damien and Mariana had sex.

" He belongs to only me! Only me!! " Hellcat shouted, she was breathing heavily.

The door to her room opened and sniper stepped in.

" It all set " sniper said and Hellcat smirked.

" Her doom is near " hellcat said and smirked evilly......




"Juliette are you alright you look pale and sick "

Angel, Juliette friend mumbled, touching her ( Juliette ) forehead with her palm.

" I am fine " Juliette said and forced out a little smile.

She had been feeling weak , dizzy and unwell for a while.

" I think you should visit the hospital "

" There is no need for that I am fine " Juliette said.

" No you are not and you are going to the hospital with Angel " her boss madam CJ said and Juliette sighed.

" I am f... "

Juliette couldn't complete her sentence cause she fainted.

"Juliette!! "


Juliette was already awake and Angel was beside her as they waited for the result of the test , Juliette took.

" Sorry for keeping you waiting " the male doctor apologized as he came inside.

" No problem " Juliette said and he took his seat Infront of them.

" The result of tests are out , All the results are negative expect for one "

" Which one doctor ? " Juliette asked nervously.

" You are pregnant " the doctor dropped the bombshell and everything became quiet.

" I am what ? " Juliette asked, just to make sure she didn't misheard the doctor words.

" You are pregnant Ma , you are two weeks gone , it the pregnancy that  is making you sick and it normal "

Juliette face was so pale , it was as plain as a sheet of paper.

She received the pregnancy test with trembling hands.

" Mm, Thank you doc " Juliette thanked the doctor then walked out of the doctor's office with Angel.

" What wrong with you ? You don't seem happy about being pregnant "

Angel couldn't help but ask , it was so obvious that Juliette was happy about being pregnant.

" Nothing " Juliette mumbled.

As much as Juliette hates to admit it she knew Jake her boyfriend wasn't the one responsible for her Pregnancy.

It was the stranger who she gave her body to two weeks ago for money.

" I should get going , thanks for accompanying me to the hospital " Juliette thanked Angel who smilled at her.

" What are friends for ? See you later and take care of yourself "

    Angel said and pulled Juliette into a short hug before leaving.