
Chapter Nine: Unleashing the Demon


"mmm " Juliette moaned in her sleep.

Her eyes opened slowly and when they were fully opened she gasped.

"Where am I ? " She said and sat upright.

"Ahh! " She screamed in pain when she felt a really sharp pain in her waist .

She lifted the edge of her blouse so she could inspect the wound Jake inflicted on her but to her surprise the wound had already been dressed.

" Gosh, it hurts so much " she mumbled, rubbing her sore waist.

She didn't even know where she was and how she got here , the only thing she remembered was that a man carried her and placed her in a van then knocked her out.

"God please help me and my baby " Juliette mumbled, her eyes had fear in them as she rubbed her flat tummy.

Her body jerked up when she started hearing footsteps.

She immediately jumped down from the bed ignoring the pain that was coming from her waist region.

She picked up the table knife that was on the table then went back to the bed , hiding the knife under her clothes.

Juliette heart beated faster and faster as footsteps got closer and closer.

Finally the door opened, Juliette's jaw dropped when she saw Dylan, she immediately recognized him as the man she had a nightstand with.

Dylan on the other hand was having  mixed feelings.

" You, how did you get pass the security system? What are you even doing here ? " Dylan asked, glaring at Juliette.

Juliette would have been dead if looks could kill .

" I .. d.o.n't kn..ow " Juliette replied stammering in the process.

" You don't know? Can you even hear yourself? Is this some kind of prank ? " Dylan asked.

" I swear I really don't know " Juliette said, tears were already gathered in eyes , threatening to fall any minute.

" Woman you are really testing my patience , I will ask you one more time how did you get in ? "

" Believe I don't know , I really don't know " Juliette was already crying as she spoke, she looked really scared.

" I fucking asked you a question! " Dylan yelled and brought out is gun.

He pulled trigger.

"AHH!! " Juliette screamed in fear .

Dylan didn't aim at her instead he aimed at the wall that was behind her , so the bullet didn't hit her.

" I am going to count to five and if you don't tell me how and why you are here I will put a bullet in your skull " Dylan said coldly and Juliette swallowed an invisible lump in her throat.

" One.... "

"Two.... "

"Three.... "

Juliette was sweating and crying hard as Dylan count down to three , she was really confused and she also didn't want to die , She couldn't let her innocent unborn child to die.

"Four.... "

" I'm pregnant!! " Juliette shouted and Dylan scoffed.

" What?, Don't make me laugh , so what if you are pregnant ? I don't give a fuck I will still pull the trigger "

" The baby is yours " Juliette said and Dylan expression softened a bit.

" What? " He asked just to make sure he heard her right.

" You are the father of the child I am carrying , I am pregnant with your child " Juliette said.

Dylan lowered the gun and walked towards her.

" You aren't fucking with me right ? I really am the father ? " Dylan asked and Juliette nodded positively.

" You are staying with me till you give birth to the child , after the child is born I will conduct a DNA test. He said and moved closer to her. " If I find out that you lied to me, I will end you , deal ?  " Dylan said coldly.

" Deal, but you have to let me go after I give birth to the baby "

" Sure you can leave after that , now tell me how you got here "

" Some men brought me here "

"Men ? " Dylan asked and frowned before bringing out his phone.

" Was this old man with them ? " Dylan asked , showing Juliette a picture of a old man.

"Yes "

"Grandpa never cease to amuse me " Dylan said.


Mr and Mrs Smith were sitted  in the living room watching the news from the television when Drunk Anna walked in.

Her hair was messy, her shoes were gone and she was really reeking of Alcohol and cigarette.

" Your one and only child is home! " Anna said drunkly , she was staggering.

Mr Smith placed his hand on his forehead , rubbing it , he looked really pissed off.

" Oh my ! Anna why did you drink so much?! " Mrs Smith shouted and got up.

She went towards drunk Anna and she supported her with her body.

" Mom am I not beautiful , everybody is dieing to make me theirs , no man can resist my beauty " Anna said and started laughing.

" Yes my dear you are " Mrs Smith said and Mr Smith shook his head.

"Brids of the same feather , your daughter is coming home at midnight , she is drunk and messy and instead of scolding her you are coating her , Maya  is much more  better than you " Mr Smith said irritated by the way Mrs Smith treated their daughter.

" Don't compare my daughter to that slut , have you forgotten what she did! She got pregnant at a young age I am sure she is dead already " Mrs Smith said.

She hissed before walking away with dead drunk Anna.


Maya stepped out of the bathroom with a towel secured around her slim beautiful figure and her hair that was dripping wet.

Her face flushed red instantly when she saw Damian sitting on the bed with a laptop on his lap.

He wasn't in the room when she went to take a shower.

" Aren't you going to put on some clothes ? You are seducing me and I might just lose control and eat you up again "

Damian said naughtily and her face flushed even more.

She quickly walked into the closet to get some clothes on, she stepped out after six minutes.

She was now putting on her brown pajamas.

She walked towards the couch.

" Come and sleep on the bed the couch isn't comfortable " Damian said.

"It's inappropriate " she mumbled.

Damian scoffed before raising his head to look at her.

"Princess we did inappropriate things this morning and you didn't seem to be against it , you even kept screaming and moaning my name " Damian said.

Maya became embarrassed and ashamed of herself.

She felt really cheap for having sex with Damian , she hated how her body responded to his touch.

"Mm, excuse me I need some fresh air " she mumbled and walked out of the room before Damien Could stop her.

Maya started walking around, without any place in mind , she wanted to walk things off.

After walking for a couple of minutes she stood still and look up at the sky that was filled with lots of stars , the moon was nowhere to be found.

A shooting star suddenly flashed through the sky and Maya smiled lightly.

She clapped her hands, closed her eyes and made a wish to the shooting star.

" I wish  for me and my kids safety " she opened her eyes after making a wish.

"Hmmm " she let out a sigh.

"It getting late , I should go inside " she mumbled and turned around to leave.

Someone sneaked up behind her and covered her nose with a white handkerchief.

Maya's eyes widened in shock , she started struggling to get free herself from the unknown person.

"Mmm " she made muffling sounds as she struggled but she was no match for the person.

Her eyes started feeling dizzy as she inhale the drug from the handkerchief.

Her struggle became weak and she fell unconscious.

The person carried her with ease and placed her on her shoulder then walked away with her.


"Look for her! " Damian shouted.

The clan had been in disperse since day break , everybody were looking for Maya.

Damian waited for Maya throughout last night but she didn't show up , he thought she went to sleep with the twins so he also slept.

But this morning when he got to the twins room Maya wasn't with them , he became angry and commanded everyone to look everywhere for her.

" She might have escaped from the clan , stop stressing the everyone  " Dylan who was beside Damian said.

" She couldn't have gotten pass the security system and the CCTV cameras didn't show her leaving the clan , it was like she just disappeared " Damian mumbled.

"Daddy! " Ciara screamed and ran to her father's arms.

Damian smiled and picked her up with ease.

" Daddy , where is mommy ? I am scared , what if something bad has happened to her ?  " Ciara asked with tears rolling down her small chubby cheeks.

" Nothing bad is going to happen to mommy cause daddy is going to protect her so stop crying " Damian said in a calm and gentle voice.

He cleaned Ciara tears with his hand, Ciara rested her head on his shoulder.

Damian eyes were now on Cameron who was the opposite of Ciara , he was looking so clam and composed.

" Brat  Aren't you worried about your mom ? " Damian asked.

" Don't call me a brat,old man and yes I'm not worried. I'm sure my mom is fine " Cameron aid.

Cameron might look calm and unbothered on the outside but he was really worried, he was freaking out on the inside.

' Mom where are you ? '. He thought  as he looked around hoping to catch a glimpse of her.


Maya is till yet to be found , Cameron who was acting all tough was now looking really worried , his face was pale.

' The brat was just acting tough ' Damian thought, his eyes were on both Ciara and Cameron.

" Lord Damian I found her! " A man who's hair was dyed green yelled as he ran to where Damian, Dylan and the twins were sitting.

" You did ? Where is she ? " Damian asked.

" Yes she is in the old shed house " the man said.

Damian wasted no time, he ran full speed to the old shed house , Dylan , the twins and other clan members followed him .

They were all breathing heavily when they arrived at the shed house.

Damian eyes turned red like that of a demon when he opened the door.

The shed house was smelling of sex , used condoms were on the floor.

Maya and a man clothes were on the floor and the two of them were laying naked on the floor, a bed spread was covering their nakedness and the man was even hugging Maya.

Damian's gripped on the door tightened as he looked at both Maya and the man.

The twins didn't know what was going on because Dylan covered their eyes.

The clan members mouth were wide opened , some were even mummurng.

Dylan knew Damien's demon side as been awaken and nothing good comes from waking the demon in Damien.