
Chapter 57 Blast from the past!

Authors pov

"Will you guys tell me where are we going?..."

She whined.

"Will you stop asking, I told you it's a surprise..."

Sebastian Scolded.

"Ohh, so you know how to give surprise... About romance?..."

She mocked.

Florina was sulking from the day when they told her father that they love her. She was mad that they didn't confessed to her first.

And as usual Sebastian and vincenzo had no idea that this moment should be special and now they were regretting doing that.

"We did apologized for that, piccolo... Didn't we..."

"But I haven't forgiven you both yet..."

She sulked.

"Yeah, and that's why you were moaning our names last night..."

Sebastian said and they both laughed while she turned crimson red.

"Looks like your anger doesn't come to the bed..."

"Shut up..."

She hide her face in embarrassment.