
Chapter 58 Proposal!

Authors pov

Florina hissed as her skin got scratched by the concrete ground.

Dante grabbed her by the hair and punched in her stomach while she screamed in agony.

"You will pay for everything, bitch... They won't even find your body to fucking cry over it."

Florina was screaming and crying hoping that they will hear her. Everything was going so perfect in her and she didn't wanted to die like this.

On other hand Vincenzo and Sebastian got Panicked as they couldn't find Florina anywhere.

"Just check her location... She still has tracker on..."

Vincenzo said and Sebastian quickly did it.

They followed the direction along with their guards. When they saw the scene in front of them their blood started boiling. Dante was holding Florina by her hair and she was screaming on top of her lungs.

He was with armed guards but that didn't stopped them from attacking.