
Tales of Emboria : Wolf System

Fenrir is the son of Edwin the hunter. One day Edwin while hunting find the wolf pub and decide to take him to respect their family long lost custom. Edwin give responsibility of the pub to his son. Fenrir and wolf able to form mysteriously strong bond which has something to do with his long lost family custom. Fenrir is also have strong interest in sword which he learn from his uncle who is knight of the kingdom. The story will follow Fenrir as he go through the journey to become strong knight and help weak and powerless along the way. This is the my first novel so please tell if you find any inconsistency in the story. THANKS

RUNE08 · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Village Attacked


Three years had passed since Fenrir had begun his training under the tutelage of his uncle Alvin. In those three years, Fenrir's swordplay had greatly improved. He had transformed from a novice to a dedicated and skilled apprentice.


At the beginning of his training, Fenrir could barely last two hours of his uncle's rigorous sessions. Now, his stamina had significantly increased, and he could endure up to five hours of relentless training. Although he might not have been the most naturally talented, Fenrir compensated with sheer determination and relentless effort.


Storm, too, had grown considerably during this time. The wolf had reached its full size, becoming a majestic and imposing presence in the village. While villagers questioned Fenrir's parents about a fully grown wolf roaming among them, Edward and Alvin reassured them that Storm posed no harm. However, despite their reassurances, some villagers kept their distance from Fenrir and his loyal companion. Yet, Fenrir's close friends understood and believed in their bond, recognizing that Storm was genuinely friendly.


Frostwich Village lay in the northern part of the kingdom, where snow covered the land for ten months of the year. One winter day, after finishing his training, Fenrir strolled through the village with Storm by his side. Suddenly, the village's watchtower began ringing its bells, alerting the villagers to an emergency.


Fenrir's curiosity got the better of him, and he followed his uncle Alvin, who was rushing toward the outskirts of the village with other village guards. Alvin was the security in charge of the village, and he bore the responsibility of protecting it.


Just beyond the village's borders, a group of four or five massive snow bears was heading toward them. The guards atop the watchtower shouted to warn the village, urging everyone to evacuate and move to the southern part of the village where they would be safer.


As people rushed to heed the warning, the guards faced the approaching snow bears. Alvin, with his experience and authority, reassured the guards, saying, "There are only five bears; there's no need to panic. We can handle them easily."


However, as the distance between the bears and the guards closed, Alvin noticed something unsettling about the creatures. Their eyes were an eerie shade of blue, a sign that they were cursed. Alvin's voice quivered as he called out, "Be careful, everyone! These bears are cursed, and their power has doubled. I will take one; you three take the rest. Together, you can defeat them. Is that clear?"


"Yes, sir!" the guards responded, preparing for the impending battle.


The battle commenced, with Alvin engaging a cursed snow bear all by himself while the others faced off against the remaining bears. Alvin used his 'skill' which only knight can use which bolster his defenses, making his body more resilient.


The guards fought valiantly, but the cursed snow bears proved to be formidable opponents. In one intense skirmish, a bear managed to injure one of the guards, throwing the balance of the fight in favor of the bears.


Fenrir watched the battle unfold from a distance, his heart pounding with a sense of urgency. He knew that if no one reinforced the group of guards, the bears would overpower them, leading to dire consequences for the village.


His eyes darted between his uncle, who was locked in combat, and the injured guard's sword. Without a second thought, Fenrir made a swift decision. He sprinted toward the injured guard's sword, lifted it, and charged toward the bear that was overwhelming the guards, accompanied by two other guards.


Storm, ever attentive to Fenrir's gestures, had initially followed his master but was now ordered to stay back. The villagers were often astonished by Storm's uncanny ability to understand Fenrir's intentions.


Alvin, amidst his fierce battle, observed Fenrir's audacious move and shouted, "Fenrir, what are you doing? Stay away!"


But Fenrir paid no heed to his uncle's warnings. With determination in his eyes, he responded, "Uncle, I have to support the guards; otherwise, their defenses will collapse."


"You're not wearing any armor, and you could possibly die," Alvin replied, concern evident in his voice.


"Uncle, you've been training me for three years. Believe in me; I can handle this," Fenrir asserted.


Alvin knew of Fenrir's potential—the boy possessed the strength, agility, and technique to surpass the guards. However, he also knew that Fenrir was his beloved nephew, and the thought of anything happening to him weighed heavily on his heart.


"Uncle, there's no time to waste; you have to trust me," Fenrir implored.


In the midst of the intense battle, Alvin reluctantly yielded. "All right, you can fight, but only support the guards. Don't engage the bears directly—attack only from their blind spots."


With the confirmation from his uncle, Fenrir rushed into his first real battle.