
Tales of Emboria : Wolf System

Fenrir is the son of Edwin the hunter. One day Edwin while hunting find the wolf pub and decide to take him to respect their family long lost custom. Edwin give responsibility of the pub to his son. Fenrir and wolf able to form mysteriously strong bond which has something to do with his long lost family custom. Fenrir is also have strong interest in sword which he learn from his uncle who is knight of the kingdom. The story will follow Fenrir as he go through the journey to become strong knight and help weak and powerless along the way. This is the my first novel so please tell if you find any inconsistency in the story. THANKS

RUNE08 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

First Battle

Fenrir headed towards the bear. As Alvin had said, he was there to support the guards. It didn't matter that he was stronger than a simple guard; he lacked battle experience..

With calculated precision, Fenrir struck the bear from its blind spot and retreat before the beast could react. He repeated this tactic, exploiting every opportunity when the other guards distracted the bear. The creature grew increasingly frustrated with Fenrir's tactics but couldn't counter them effectively.

Bear got annoyed from this tactic and lunged at him with ferocious speed. However, Fenrir displayed remarkable agility, sidestepping the charge and narrowly evading the bear's deadly strike.

This daring move created an opening that the other guards seized upon. . They saw their opportunity and strike bear, launching a combined assault that inflicted a severe injury upon the creature. Slowly but surely, the guards began to overpower the bear.

With the aid of Fenrir's strategic support, one of the cursed snow bears was defeated, and the pressure on the remaining guards was significantly reduced. Alvin, having concluded his own battle, delivered the final blow to another cursed snow bear, sealing their victory.

As the last cursed bear fell, the village guards collectively breathed a sigh of relief. Turning to Fenrir with gratitude in their eyes, one of the guards spoke up, "Fenrir, we owe you our thanks. If you hadn't come to our aid, casualties would have been inevitable."

Fenrir modestly replied, "I had to do it. No need to thank me."

Alvin, with a mixture of pride and concern, called Fenrir aside for a private conversation. "I understand the importance of what you did, Fenrir, but you're only thirteen years old. A single strike from that bear could have cost you your life."

"I know, Uncle," Fenrir replied, "but I had no doubts about what I needed to do."

Alvin could see that Fenrir had not acted recklessly but had instead fought tactically and level-headedly. His smile conveyed both approval and admiration. "Fen, the way you fought that bear was commendable. You're a natural fighter."

Fenrir grinned with a sense of accomplishment. "Thanks, Uncle. But I have a question."

"Ask away."

"What was the skill you used in the fight?"

"ooh that, as you know knight can use 'skill' and mage can use 'spell', right"


"I used the skill called level 3 iron defence"

"what do you mean by level 3? "

Alvin, with a smile, replied, "That, my boy, is something you'll learn when the time is right."

As the situation appeared to be under control, a thunderous roar can be heard from the forest, All guards which were relaxing became alert

"It seems there's another bear in the forest," Alvin declared, his tone filled with concern. The guards snapped to attention.

"Listen, everyone," Alvin commanded, "we cannot leave that cursed snow bear unchecked. It poses a grave threat and must be dealt with. We will split into two groups and search the area."

"Yes, sir," the guards responded in unison.

Question arise in Fenrir's mind, "Uncle, why do we need to hunt down the bear in the forest?"

"These bears aren't ordinary snow bears," Alvin explained. "While regular snow bears can be dangerous, they typically avoid humans unless provoked. Cursed bears, on the other hand, are violent and unpredictable. They pose a severe danger to humans."

Fenrir nodded and the situation. "Uncle, I want to come with you."

Alvin, his voice filled with concern, responded firmly, "No, Fenrir. It's far too dangerous in the forest, and you're not equipped or experienced for the fight."

Though Fenrir reluctantly accepted his uncle's decision. With that, Alvin and the village guards departed for the forest, leaving the village.

The situation in the village gets better. People come out of their hiding.

About twenty minutes after Alvin and the guard left fur the forest, . The voice of rex, Marvin dog can be heard from the other side of the forest.

The voice was sharp, as if a dog were in great pain. Fenrir remembered that his father and Marvin had gone hunting. Storm, followed him closely by his side.

Fenrir ran towards the voice as fast as he could. In just 5 minutes, he reached the forest. Bear tracks could be seen around the area.

Storm followed Fenrir and started sniffing the bear tracks, then followed the trail. Fenrir followed Storm, saying, "Good boy, Storm."

They followed the trail for a while, which led them deeper into the forest. Soon, they closed the gap, and the sound of the bear could be heard.

"Father!" Fenrir shouted.

The bear, which had been struck by two arrows in its arm, was just 20 meters away from his father and Marvin. They appeared lightly injured and exhausted.

The bear was closing in on them. Fenrir panicked, picked up a stone, and threw it at the bear. The stone hit the back of the bear's head, causing it to growl and turn around. The bear locked its gaze on Fenrir and charged towards him.