
Chara would NEVER

While Papyrus was busy preparing an additional meal, he could hear the human speaking out the window. He raised a brow,

but sense this was none of his business. After placing the plate of spaghetti on the table, he escorted himself out of the kitchen. Maybe check up on Sans to see if he was sound asleep.

Flowey's eyes was lifted as the child silently extended their hand out to him. It was Chara?! He was filled with joy as he eased in closer, but came to a halt as he heard the words, 'Partially, Chara's not whole,'. He quickly leaned back listening to the child spill out their plans on what to do once they obtained the souls of the deceased children. Hoping to restore the flower back to their body. And perhaps, even the rest of Chara. He was confused. So the child wasn't Chara, but thought explaining their motive would win the flower over? He was angry. Foolishly believing that Chara was still alive. Yes, partially, but now whole.

"What are you talking about?! his voice seemed a little aggravated and confused. He shrieked back to his normal size and shook his head. "What do you mean partially!?" Flowey quickly summoned three bullet pellets and shot them towards the child. Missing the child only to launch two at the wall of the house and one through one of the glass squares of the window that hovered above Frisk. Chara on the other hand looked down,their auburn brown bangs covering their eyes as the child clinched their hands into a fist beside their body. "Partially or not, Chara would NEVER help to break the barrier!" the sheer thought of what happened to them, he lived that nightmare day after day. Humans killing both Chara and himself. Flowey's eyes dazed into a gaze at nothing as the flash backs of what truly happened.

He remember carrying Chara's body to the surface. Chara was walking along his sideas a soul following him like a lost puppy. "We should go back.." chara advised. But Asriel stayed kneeling in front of a patch of yellow buttercups where Chara's body rested in peace.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Chara? Doctor Gaster could probably help restore your soul back to your--"

"I'm sure Asriel. Now let's go back." Chara turned to face the opposite way to only find the humans from the village drawing near. "Asriel! Run!" Chara argued. Making a folly attempt to shove the seven feet goat away from their body. But they only kneeled there before quickly peeking over to hear the sounds of angry humans drawing closer. He lifted from his single knee to stand. Quickly lifting his hands up to show he was unarmed. But the magic came scattering at him.

"What are you doing! Fight back or run!" Chara argued. But Asriel panicked...he didnt want to leave Chara body behind. He didnt want to return back to the underground without explaining to the humans that not all monsters were bad. But it was useless....

The flash back ceased. Causing Flowey to bend his petal head down to only cry. Muttering under his breath "I'm so sorry- I'm sorry- I'm sorry- I'm sorry.." the words repeated over and over again. Whatever Chara was now, he was his fault. they'd still be together if he just had the strength to move on with their plans to merge as one. Their power as a god was suppose to surpass all, but it was all for nothing. He lost his best friend, his sibling, all for a desire to be on the surface. Flowey would never make that mistake again. The barrier would never be opened "Heh..Heheh.." the flower chuckled under their breath. Slowing coming back to reality as they looked up to Frisk. "Makes me wonder..Why are you even here? Did you accidentally fall? So now you're trying to get back home?" the flower taunted. "If you even think we'll be treated fairly on the surface, then you're wrong. You'll doom us all." Flowey used his leaf to wipe their white face from the tears. The piece of Asriel in Flowey was already starting to fade away. "Go ahead. Give me the souls and I promise you I will ruin you!" his threats were unpredictable. It could mean many things; either he wasn't thinking straight in his current state as an emotionless flower or was he still morning at the fact his sibling was gone because of him? Emotions spewed from the flower, that much could be seen, but these were only thoughts of remembering how it felt. He couldn't really feel anything at this point.

Chara could feel it. That hatred built up within Flowey as it consumed his very soul. Chara smirked a bit, "And I thought I was evil.." the fallen child spoke to Frisk. "Don't waste your time on him. He wont do it.." Chara knew from that little scene tht Asriel died with regret and sorrow. Still morning Chara's death even when Chara was one with him as a monster. Chara didn't understand why Asriel did it. Chara was angry with Asriel wasting their one chance at freedom and revenge against Humanity. Chara lost all respect for Asriel. Or maybe the child was just too consumed in their hatred to even try to give the flower another chance.

Frisk didn't flinch when the pellets went whizzing by them and cutting into the interior of the house. The human didn't even register that the flower had attacked them at all and kept their hand out reached toward them. The hate, the emotions which came off of it. The human didn't like it at all. The muttering made their eye twitch slightly, not in annoyance, but simply the fact that they were holding so much regret behind their blind hatred and anger. Never want to open the barrier? Wasn't that the goal the two of them had? Chara wanted to open the Barrier, but what the two of them did didn't help how the humans viewed them. Frisk also didn't say that they would open the barrier for the King either. That'd be a very dumb idea. The King had waged war on humanity and not only that, killed multiple children in order to obtain the souls to destroy the barrier permanently even though all he needed was one soul.

However, as soon as the Flower began to taunt the human, accusing them of accidentally falling down into the Underground and wanting to go home, Frisk's face darkened. Half tempted to kill the Flower, the human's mind went back towards what was going up on the surface. Explosions, collapsing buildings, machine gun fire, people screaming. The people fled, Frisk was left alone with their parents under the rubble of what was once their home. The sounds and images would even go as far as flood into Chara. Falling down that hole was no accident.

"The fall should have killed me, how unlucky," Instead of their determination dropping, it flared even more. They wanted to fix everything despite the words which had just left their mouth. "I guess you're right Chara," The human said aloud, "I guess, he's not worth the time... But now that he's like this he'll get in the way," Frisk pointed out and looked towards where Chara was now standing, "I really wanted ... To fix it all... Then this World's future prince had to mess everything up," the human clicked their teeth in frustration.

"Think we should try again, Partner?" They referenced Chara as they withdrew from the window and snapped their fingers to make the menu appear in front of them, the button to reset appearing closest to their right hand.

Both Chara and Flowey turned to Frisk with a look of disbelief in their eyes. The child mentioned that the fall should have killed them. Flowey instantly felt a tense moment where he shivered to the human's dark aura. Listening as the child spoke out loud towards Chara. Flowey eyes twinkled. So Chara was here? But listening on, the child mentioned something about trying again? What was the human talking about? Flowey growled under his breath towards the human speaking out to Chara. He was speechless, scared, and alone. But only his darkness showed before Frisk and Chara.

Chara looked to Frisk as they spoke their mind about this situation. It would be best to restart. However, Chara peaked over their shoulder towards the flower once more and gave a glare. "Actually. I have a better idea.." the fallen child stated before disappearing and reappearing right behind Frisk. The child revealed Frisk's soul right in front of the menu button. Each glow was a pump of determination flowing through their vein. "Why don't we just KILL him? I mean, What harm could it do to the timeline? And your love won't go any higher than what it is by killing this one monster. Come on Frisk, he's useless to us like this. That way, you can continue to enjoy the rest of this route without him getting in the way, and you won't have to go through a genocide route. If you want...I can do it for you! If you let me of course." Chara's voice was soft enough to peak the heaven's clouds, but the words they spoke were full of darkness. Chara had a point; they couldn't take control of Frisk without permission as long as they stayed at level one. And with Flowey's death, it would only give the child a few experience points, maybe even some gold. The flower wouldn't be missed. Asriel was already dead to everyone anyways. "What do you say, Partner? Want me to do the honors? That way, no dust will be on your hands." the child gave a wicked smile as it leaned over Frisk awaiting an answer.

The child simply stared at the reset for a few moments before their eyes focused in on Chara as they said they had another idea they could do. Frisk's expression didn't change when they had said that they should kill the Flower. Slowly their eyes closed and they let out a sigh. "Whether or not I let you do it, or I did it myself, the blood would still be on my hands. I already have everyone else's deaths on my mind," The child simply looked over towards Chara with their normal stoic expression. "I already killed your best friend once, I don't want that again. Plus, he can still play his part. He died after absorbing your soul... So you're still with him. Have you ever thought... That you could still connected to Asriel?"Their eyes narrowed on the fallen human, making the menu vanish. "If there is some of your soul left in him, he's they key to bringing you back... Without borrowing my body or taking my soul again."

"Flowey..." The human peered out at them again, "It'd be impossible for humans and monsters to coexist out there as the world is now, plus, your father killed human children to get their souls. Instead of opening the barrier, why not permanently seal it? Though if you don't agree... You probably know Chara's alternative," The human stated as they gave the flower a cold look again, though there was something warm which could be sensed. They were putting on a hardened front. Though they would obviously make it clear to the Flower that they'd go forth with the threat of murdering the Flower, or at least make the flower believe they would.

Chara's smile slowly turned upside down. The words Frisk spoke were exactly his thoughts exactly. "That's exactly what I fear the most, Frisk...." Chara was uncertain of wanting to rejoin with Asriel. Afterall, it was his fault that they were even killed in the first place. Chara had no control. Chara could only sit there and watch the horrific outcome of Asriel, his brother, getting slaughtered right before the fallen child's eyes. Hatred towards the human brew, leaving Chara's soul to wonder the darkness since it no longer had a host.

Chara backed away from Frisk, allowing the human to talk to Flowey once more in hopes to convince him to join their side on making things right. To fix everything with everyone. Flowey was inches away from the thought of just trying to escape the scene while the two were conversating, but he was paralyzed at the thought that the child looked towards him with black-filled pupils. The stare pierced his empty soul, causing him to tremble. He listened as the human made ultimatums; two options to be exact. And from this two options, Flowey's eyes widened. "A-..Alternative?" the flower stuttered the question. Thinking to himself, he knew very much what that option was, "Chara...Chara hates me that much, huh?" he asked. But Chara quickly turned their head away, crossing their arms as they ignored the question. As much as Chara was mad at Asriel, they didnt really 'hate' him. This world was under Frisk's control. With a push of a button, he could easily be revived into a new timeline. But, this timeline was going to be their final chapter...Chara didnt think of that.

Flowey on the other hand looked down to the ground. Obviously frustrated with wanting to team up with the human on this quest. "Fine...I'll help seal the barrier forever. But with one condition!" the flower spoke up. Looking to Frisk with tears stuck in the corner of his eyes as he refused to let them fall. "Promise me..Promise me you will bring Chara back! If you cant promise me that, then I won't help.." Chara quickly turned to Asriel with shock filled eyes. Why did the flower care about them? They advised to end his life, so why even bother to worry about their own well being?!