
Volume 5.194 Abandoned Mansion (1)

Instead of exiting at the main gate of the cemetery, Maven and the rest of his companions stealthily made their way at the further back walls surrounding the cemetery. During his time as a prince, Maven always went incognito to many places to observe in his own eyes the happenings and the condition of the kingdom. 

And the cemetery was one of the places he had been through many times. Since there were a lot of grave robbers back then. In actuality, it was him in the first place, with the approval of his father the king, to build walls surrounding the cemetery and have guards stationed around it. 

However, the cemetery was huge enough that the guards would not even be able to cover it most of the time. That was why, some guards roamed around the 

"We're going to climb from here." Maven said which earned him a nod from the rest of the men.