
Tale of a Little Ill-Fated Cattle [dropped]

[ABO, Psychological] Russien woke up in a hotel bed filled with enticing pheromones with the book definition of an Alpha. He has been marked by a forensic scientist working in a police department filled with corruption and incompetence. He left the scene and went into hiding until he worked on a presumed suspicious multiple killing case as an investigative journalist-- a case that his Alpha is also investigating. Seven Skeletons were displayed like installation art in the city hall, no fingerprints or any identifying trace of the culprit was recovered. Then, fourteen preserved omega glands were offered on the city's biggest church's altar. On top of a possible serial killing that might be related to the disappearance of Russien's friends when he was young, he became pregnant. And so, the tale of tracing the footsteps of a mysterious monster and family building was made.

Paracetamoore · LGBT+
Pas assez d’évaluations
21 Chs

Chapter Twenty-One [r18 content]

Warning: Mature content ahead. Viewer discretion is advised.

The sound of jazz solo piano reverberated over the stereo. Its smooth and rhythmic melody replaced the deafening silence inside the car. I leaned on Caesar's shoulder as we reclined in the backseat, leaving the steering wheel to his driver, Sir Troy. Caesar urged me to catch up on some sleep since we would be on the road for six hours, but I couldn't force myself to sleep.

We answered the crossword puzzle together in the newspaper, but it wasn't fun since it didn't take long before we could fill in all the answers. While pretending to sleep, I would catch him peering at the articles I wrote. He read them without fail. If not for his few criticisms, I would have fallen in love with him all over again.

"This word you used here, most wouldn't understand what that means. You should use commonly used words instead." He commented as he pointed to the word he was talking about.

"It doesn't have any word equivalent. The synonyms available do not have the exact meaning. Of course, I'd stick to that." I begged to differ and leaned on the window pane instead. We passed through pine forest drizzled in snow frost, and the cloudy gray horizon soon glowed, illuminating the sun's rays on every cloud's edges. Then the rows of trees gradually decreased, revealing the barren frozen lake and a city monument— we had arrived in St. Adriana.

Caesar pulled me back, "It's cold. Stop leaning on the glass window." He opened a chocolate cookie bag and naturally fed me. I want to complain about how he treats me like a kid, but maybe it's because he's old. He gives me too much advice, and there's no point in starting a fight since he concedes to me peacefully. Aside from our work issues before, we never really fought.

As soon as we arrived at the hotel, his driver disappeared from our sight. I didn't even get the chance to thank him. Caesar planned everything, and things went smoothly. Our lunch was all to my liking, our art museum tour was peaceful, and to my surprise, we were having dinner with the author of 'Royal Tryst,' Mr. Daniel, even though the play wasn't showing yet.

I endured the whole day faking a smile and inwardly containing my amazement at Caesar's planning. He is very attentive to details. Aside from autographs, a photographer even took pictures of us. Mr. Daniel chattered a lot and told me five different plots he was thinking about.

Caesar was in the shower while I was drying my hair, watching the vibrant cityscape beneath. I appreciated Caesar's meticulous consideration, but even though we did a lot of things, I don't think he enjoyed it at all. 

"Russien?" a soft endearing voice called out to me from behind and took the towels off my hand and rubbed my hair.

I looked up and saw beads of droplets hanging on his wet hair, almost covering his hazel eyes. He looked younger than his age, actually. His skin was pale white on the surface, but it simply just had no blemish. His thin red lips may not flash a smile, but those were the same lips that kept talking about intellectual topics and unsolicited corrections.

I couldn't help but giggle. "What?" He raised his brows, perhaps curious about my sudden reaction. So, I slowly pushed him on the single antique-ish sofa and dried his hair instead. Beneath me, he sat obediently and let me rub the moisture off each strand of his hair. He was quiet, but I loved this quietness between us, while I relished the fact that his ears were red because of me.

After a while, I poured wine over a glass and gave it to him while I had water for myself. We sat on the sofa beside each other and watched the city lights below and the stars above the night sky.

"Caesar, I'm actually not a fan of Mr. Daniel. I haven't even finished reading his book." I calmly confessed, knowing he wouldn't be angry with me despite his meticulous preparations for this trip.

"Really?" He looked at me and sipped the red wine. "No wonder you were all smiles to him." 

I looked at him, begging for an explanation of all the things he noticed, and he particularly noted my fake smile.

"Russien, would it be okay if I ask you about everything you like? I heard a lot of things that you dislike already but not those which you love." His Adam's apple bobbed after emptying his wine.

I looked at him and observed his chiseled features. I knew to myself the answer to his question was before me. I crouched and hugged my knees, then asked, "What about you? What are the things you like? What do you hate? What makes you happy? Can you please tell me first?"

He reached for the wine bottle and poured himself another. He looked at the skyscrapers and casually told me his answers to my questions. "I like my job. I liked studying. I hate…" He paused for a while. He must be pondering about it carefully.

"Do you hate it when things are not in order?" I curiously asked.

He nodded and chuckled for a while. "I hate it, especially when someone touches the crime scenes before arriving." 

It made me laugh. Of course, he would hate that.

"Can you tell me now about what you like and hate? I'm afraid I miscalculated about those aspects when I planned our vacation. I need to know so I can make a new schedule for tomorrow." Caesar earnestly asked and finally turned his eyes on me.

"I hate that I can't avoid stress and put pressure on you and our child," I uttered in my mind. But I didn't say that and instead said the other truths that could suffice that question. "I love the fact that the person I'm building a family with is you."

He looked down and covered his face. It was so adorable. I wanted to see it. I got off the sofa and crouched in front of him, then reached for those hands to see his expression. He exuded a gush of sharp pheromone, but the most alluring part was his shy and blushing cheeks.

"Are you drunk on two glasses of wine?"

He pinched my nose and denied that. "I'm completely sober, my dear." He smirked and made my heart flutter.

"Then, are you shy?" I teased him further.

He picked me up and locked me in his arms. "Do I look embarrassed to you, Russien?"

"You were blushing, don't deny it. Your physiological reactions clearly show your emotions. Don't try to cover it up!"

"By physiological reaction, do you mean this?" Caesar's slender fingers grabbed my peaches apart and touched a squirming part of me which is dripping with juices and fervent desires. I covered my face and buried it in his chest. 

"Are you shy, my dear?" He softly whispered.

"Why do you have to ask if you already know?!"

The next thing I knew, I was pushed to the glass wall, and his sensual kisses pervaded my guard. He nibbled my lower lip softly until I opened my mouth and conceded to his affections. I wrapped my hands over his shoulder as I struggled to keep my stance when his leg parted mine and kept on glazing my stiff member below.

"Ahh!" I couldn't help but moan. I could tease him a little with words, but his teases were way harsher. "Caesar, I can't stand, you bully!"

"Hold on to me tighter. It's okay." He carried me up, and his fingers slipped through my robes. He nipped my neck and spoiled my chest. I couldn't think things through, but my body heated up, knowing I was thirsting for more. I felt his fingers permeating my inner walls by sliding through the tight entrance. He stretched it carefully, following his nature.

"Hnng!" I strived to keep my voice to myself. I knew I was getting wetter down there, and I needed more than what I was getting. "Caesar, I– Ah! I can't wait anymore! Stop teasing me, please."

He looked at my complexion, and his eyes glistened, "Can I tell you more about what I like?" He playfully asked and told me, "I like it when you need me." 

"Are you telling me I'm nee—" I couldn't finish my complaint when he pierced into my entrance and began to appease my gaping hole. He unhurriedly thrust his way inside. Gradually, he allowed gravity to expedite his pace, stimulating every nook he hit. We had slept together a few times before, and he knew the parts that made me feel ecstatic. But today, he was rougher, and I came quickly as a result.

I tensely clung to his shoulders, and his dominant pheromone significantly got more intense. He kept his tempo, and his warm pulsating shaft thrust inside me. I could hear him panting with gusto. I guess he's still starting.

"Can we move to the bed?" I pleaded after planting a short kiss.

Caesar nodded and relished my lips after. Each sultry kiss made sounds that tickled my ears. His tongue brushed mine, and so did I. His blushing shy expression before was replaced by domineering vigor. This is my Alpha, and I am his omega. I looked at him above me and watched him undo his robe. I've seen his body before, but I still can't believe that it was a human physique at all. 

He held my legs apart and pulled me towards him. He glanced at me from that position, watching my expression every time his lips smooched my inner thighs. I had a feeling about what he was about to do, but my heart couldn't contain this much pleasure. He gazed at me and held my minor part, teasing, he squeezed it and licked it despite my protests. 

"Ah! Haah- Aah! Sh*t!" I cried out! His mouth was warm, wet, and soft. Every time it brushes his tongue and the upper surface of his mouth, I feel so much sparks from there. Just when I thought I was feeling good, his hand hit that place in my bottoms with his busy fingers.

"I'm coming!" I cried.

I came twice already, and I haven't made him feel good yet. He wiped my c*m off his face and laughed. "Are you feeling embarrassed, Russien?" He asked. 

"Ah. I hate you!" I angrily lied after moaning so much, and my arms openly begged to be embraced. He hugged me and kissed me vigorously. My slick flows out and lubricates my inner linings. He yanked my hips and pulled them toward him. He stopped being gentle and ravished me as he wished. He plunged into me forcefully until my hole was filled with his entire girth. Sweat moistened his hair again, and beads of it fell in every undulating motion he made. He glides back and forth, stimulating every crevice of my body. 

I kept moaning and called out his name. His rhythm sped up, and we reached the climax of our love-making, as a heated fluid flowed inside me, and he rested on my chest 

I was panting myself, and I could feel how fast our heartbeats were. "Caesar, can I tell you about one thing I love the most?" I rhetorically asked. 

He looked at me, and I knew he already knew what I was about to say. "I love you," I professed. 

He nodded and kissed me softly on my lips. "Thank you," he responded.

I felt his member inside me harden again. We'll do it for another round and perhaps until dawn. I held him tighter and received every pleasure he gave me that night. But of all the things I have said and I couldn't. I regrettably kept within me that though I love him, I hate it when he's too passive-aggressive with my feelings for him.

author: my little cub, are you shy?

Russien: well, I'm sorry, I'm not shameless like you!!!!

author: are you mad?

Russien: I told you not to write what we do behind closed doors!

author: sorry, the glass wall was transparent... It's not closed, is it?

Russien: you're too shameless!!!

Paracetamoorecreators' thoughts