
Tainted Salvation

In the Kingdom of Galsbourg, Rainier Hansen ruled as an absolute Tyrant. Having known nothing but loneliness and power, he's used to getting what he wants. He felt that his days all blurred into one infinite hollow of duties and boredom until he randomly traveled worlds and stumbled upon a certain carefree female detective, Gwen Hamilton. Soon, she turned out to be his obsession. He had always got his wishes, and that year, he decided he'd present himself a queen. Warning: Mature content

LadyAzalea · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
46 Chs

Somewhere I Belong 3

Author's Note:

Chapter's Rating: PG-13


One second they were fighting with swords, the next second, he was dragging her to the room behind his throne.


The guards and courtiers avoided each other's eyes and left the throne room immediately.

Rainier brought her inside the room. It was the room the Kings usually used to have lunch during weekdays after they had meetings with their ministers.

Gwen knew what he wanted, and she was busy trying to hit and kick him with all her might. She pushed him and he gripped her hands again, she tried to kick him and he grabbed her by the waist and pushed her to the empty dining table.

"HAVE YOU GOT NO SHAME???" she screamed, doing her best to wrestle free with everything she got.

"I have none."


"I don't care."


"I just want to taste you again," he confessed, his eyes an abyss of lust and impatience, his hands were reaching for her. He threw her to the long table and ate her lips.

His lips were hungry and rough, mercilessly kissing her like she was some kind of rare delicacy.

Gwen pushed and kicked him, but he climbed the table and sat on her, pressing her down with his weight until he was completely lying above her.

Gwen gasped for air, and he used the chance to swipe his tongue inside.

Mad, she bit his tongue hard, making him yell in pain, and pushed away.

His eyes were gleaming, and she knew he was absolutely aroused by what she just did.

"Do you really want me to wait?" he asked in a raspy voice, like he was fighting to be coherent despite his lust. "Because playing rough is my favorite kind of game. You're burning me."

She was sure her disgust was written all over her face.

"I only wanted to hurt you!"

"No one has ever rejected me. I didn't know it could burn a man like this," he confessed, bending to run his tongue on her neck.

"I'm going to really enjoy taking you, Gwen Hamilton. And you're going to give me an heir."

"As if I'd stay long enough," she said sarcastically.

His expression turned to fury.

"If you dare leave, I'm going to kill your father."

She gaped, horrified. The tears that stung were of anger.

"And for each day you're away from me, I'm going to kill one person, until you return."

After seeing him shoot an innocent guard just to make her take some photos, she had no doubt he'd do what he threatened.

"Don't you even dare hurt an inch of my father!!!"

"I won't if you accept your fate and be a good queen and wife."


Instead of listening, Rainier bent down and caught her luscious lips again, kissing her until his thirst for her lessened. Gwen tried to fight him, but it was useless. Despite her years of training at the Police Academy, and her experience as a detective, the insane king was much stronger than her.

He kissed her endlessly, until she lay passively beneath him, because there was nothing else she could do.

When he had enough of kissing her, he sat up, and she drew a deep breath, shaking in her fury and humiliation.

She sat up and brushed her hands over her blue gown to feel a little tidy, to feel a little under her own control again, as he too, tidied his uniform and hair.

She got up from the table, then took the crown that fell to the floor as well.

The crown was heavy, Gwen thought. Were these gems real? Was this a real crown?

They then stood silently there, a meter apart from each other, as she tried, once more, to inhale as deep as she could.

"When are you going to let me go?"


"Are there no other girls you can play this kidnapping game with?"

"There are many. But I want you."

She could handle the conversation because of the distance she kept from him. Although her body hurt from being forced until merely a few minutes before, her mind was clear.

"I'm going to ask you again. Be decent and answer me honestly."


"Where am I?"

"The Kingdom of Galsbourg."

"And who are you?"

"Rainier Hansen. The King of this Kingdom."

She laughed again.

"This is the Republic of Kilare," she said, mentioning the country she came from. "Even if this was really Broadstower city, there's no such place as The Kingdom of Galsbourg."

"I'd love to explain it to you, but I have a meeting with the Prime Minister in ten minutes."

"Prime Minister. What are you thinking, that we're in a twisted fantasy novel?"

"You know what could open your eyes? Watch the news channel in my room. Just turn on the TV, then watch it."

Rainier opened the door.

"Shall we?"

Gwen wanted to slap his face until he reeled, but the thought of the solitude in his room helped her to walk past him, shoulders back and eyes straight to the front, not knowing that he was watching her with a smile on his face.

She was barefoot and found the expensive high heels right outside the doors of the throne's hidden dining room.

She walked past an antique mirror and saw her hair. Close to panicking again, she was grateful to at least have that little dignity left, the time to tidy her hair. Her hair was messy, giving an obvious tell-tale of what just happened. Although most of those present in the throne room earlier would be able to tell, she didn't want to give them more proof than necessary.

Rainier stood behind her as she took off her pins and let her long hair fall, smoothing it down, hoping to look presentable.

"So pretty."

Gwen's hands became motionless as if he just said something horribly insulting.

The sharp, hot anger in her eyes and her long black hair around her, combined with her fair skin and that navy blue gown was a deathly combination.

He's aroused again simply by looking at her, as they shared a look through the antique mirror.

If it wasn't for the damn Prime Minister, he'd kiss her again, right where she was standing.

She recognized that look and marched off to the throne room's entrance before he could do anything else.

Gwen was surprised and ashamed to find that the guards, Sally, and the team of stylists were still there, waiting for them when it was obvious what he just did.

She's mortified but managed to not show it on her face.

"Escort the Queen back to my room," Rainier said.

He turned to the front of his palace without a parting word. She too, walked back in the direction of his bedroom without turning to him, too eager for a shower to clean herself to remember escaping.

And so Gwen Hamilton's first day in the Kingdom of Galsbourg started.
